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SHP+’s Favorite China Ads from 2014
SHP+ 2014年度最喜爱的影视广告



Although we’re already into the New Year, we’re still excited to bring you the Chinese ads from 2014 which we think are the essence of Chinese advertising these days. As our job entails sitting on our butts all day watching TV ads, we’ve seen A LOT of advertising from around the world, and feel the level of creativity and production in Chinese advertising is getting better and better – the storyboards are getting more creative, there are more and more talented young Chinese directors, and more foreign post houses are opening in China hoping to raise the bar here to a whole new level. We have even heard that clients are giving greater creative space to agencies.  So, although there is still some catching up for Chinese advertising to do (you can see OUR PICKS OF THE BEST FOREIGN ADS IN 2014), many Chinese films this year are interesting and really getting there! We’re especially excited to see that PSA films have taken on some very diverse styles and over the past year have produced some astonishingly creative spots.

Here’s a list of SHP+’s favorite Chinese ads in 2014.

CCT央视 – 筷子篇 Chopstick

平心而论,央视每年都花费了巨大的心思和预算在春节公益广告系列,无奈年年以“回家”和“团圆”为创作命题,片子很容易流于套路。 而2014的春节公益片《感谢不平凡的自己》和《筷子篇》却带来了几分惊喜。大团队在数月内跨省的追踪式制作,令片子虽然说不上有史诗般的磅礴,但是足以打动中国大江南北的群众。《筷子篇》更是聪明地以筷子一物寄喻了中国文化和礼数的传承,避开了过多刻意的煽情。


Of course, CCTV puts a huge effort and lots of money behind their CNY PSAs every year, although the creative ideas for these films are generally set within the theme of “Going Home” or “Family Union” which results in similar films with kitschy tones and formats. But this year, “Thanks to an Unordinary Self” and “Chopstick” outdid all of CCTVs previous CNY spots. The production was massive as usual, and the two spots took 3 months with different teams shooting in eight different provinces.

“Chopstick” creatively uses a pair of chopsticks to interpret deep cultural heritage and ethics by telling a story of self-value and traditions. McCann won the project after a large-scale pitch. They collaborated with Gwantsi to deliver both epic spots.

广告公司: 麦肯光明
制作公司: 观池

央视 感谢不平凡的自己



别克 – 事关人命 Buick – Human Traffic Signs


After Buick’s Human Traffic Signs launched in June, it swept all the major Chinese advertising awards, as well as the high honor of winning the Bronze in the TV/Cinema Film category in the 2014 Cannes International Film Festival.

The concept is very straightforward: Victims of car accidents hold traffic signs at accident spots to remind drivers to pay more attention to road safety. The scenes are incredibly startling, and the message definitely reached the public – it is one of the most successful PSA films and sets a good example for other automakers to carry out this kind of community service.

品牌: 别克
广告公司: Lowe 上海
创意总监: 曾强
文案: 王倩/杨柳/JEREMY CHIA
美术指导: 张佳晶/韓聪/陈振江
摄影:    Yang Tan
客户经理: 陆苏婧
制片:    Johnson Tan Ken Xie


别克昂科拉 – 冼掉、再准备出发 Buick: Car Wash

“冼掉上一次的疲惫,再一次出发”, 这是别克在 “年轻!就去SUV” 市场活动下组织的一次破吉尼斯的行动: 在广州,上海和北京三个城市号召共十万的车主,到所在城市的指定同一个停车里冼车。这个本身就是一次疯狂的活动。在现场,飞扬的泡沫、车主兴奋的表情都被记录成为一部清新、真实而富有感染力的片子,传达了满满的正能量。也是成为我们最爱此片的原因。

Buick invited its Encore car owners to gather for a ‘car wash party’ in a huge parking lot – and the ticket was a dirty Encore. It was a fun and record-breaking campaign that ran in Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing. All in all, a total of 100,000 Encore owners turned up to have their cars washed – setting a Guinness World Record!

广告公司: Lowe (中国 上海)


4G (台湾) – 时间 Chunghwa Telecom : Time


任何广可能都希望拥有这样一支梦幻的制作团队:一个被誉为“台湾最有文学创意”的导演、一个出版过名为《尸体美感》摄影集的典型日本病态美学类摄影师 、一个有20年经验且获奖无数的美术指导,和一枚演技纯青的中日混血“男神”担任男主角,那你可以期待一部什么样子的作品?一部如玉石般精雕细磨、如细雨般润物无声的文艺佳作 – 《时间》。片中的每一个画面就是一个意境、每一件静物就是灵魂的呼吸,男神的每一次举手投足都是一种赏心悦目的优雅。 这种复古情怀与浓烈的文艺气息,是台湾制作的长项,也恰恰是几位重量级主创人员的阅历与经验的累加。


This is the kind of team every client would dream of having – a director known as “the most artistic director in Taiwan,” a Japanese cinematographer with an otherworldly aesthetic (he recently published a photography book called “A Landscape with Corpse”), an award-winning art director and a superstar actor.

And the film is exactly the stunning masterpiece you would expect. Each frame is beautiful and well structured, each prop – from the gramophone to the wind chimes to the brush pen – brings its own thoughts to the story, and every move from actor Takeshi Kaneshire is elegant. The experience and effort of the heavyweight talents breathe soul into the film.

What is intriguing about this ad is the contrast shown in the creative idea; the polished retro “slow life” vs the speedy, modern 4G. From the visuals to the performance and creativity, “Time” is certainly a masterpiece of 2014.

美术指导:奚仲文, 吴理路
演员: 金城武
发布时间: 20147月


QQ彩贝 – 阿发 QQ Caibei: Afa

中国的网络视频泛滥的是低俗恶趣味,真正缺乏的是幽默。 在各种广告类型当中,能同时拥有喜剧创意和喜剧表演的喜剧类作品历年来都是凤毛麟角。去年由上海Leagas Delaney创作的《阿发》却是一支从年中让我们笑到了年末的好片子。它描写了一位宅男与他的万能宠鹅“阿发”之间各种神奇的互动,在短短不到两分钟的片子里,阿发被设计用来搓澡、浇花、当瓶起子、做千斤顶等,笑点连连,绝无冷场 。虽然阿发被认为与某保险品牌的阿发鸭很相似,但凭心而论, 阿发鹅的每个笑梗都很有创意的啦。


但是这是不是就代表“阿发”成了国内喜剧广告的代表呢?是,但也不尽是。据Leagas Delaney透露,整个制作是Made-In-Thailand,包括了泰国取景,导演与长得喜感十足的男主角都是泰国人,后期也是在泰国做。 Leagas Delaney承认是因为泰国喜剧广告是亚洲最强的。所以很可惜,《阿发》还算不上百分百的本地制作。

Chinese comedy films, especially internet comedies, are generally drenched with vulgar ideas and exaggerated performances. But the latest Afa ad, created by Leagas Delaney Shanghai, is a true comedy. It tells of a ‘friendship’ between a quirky young man and his best buddy and pet good “Afa.” The 2 minute film delivers a hilarious montage of funny snippets from Afa’s daily life – and usages : Afa as a back scrubber, a bottle opener, a car jack, an alarm, etc etc. Although Afa was instantly recognized as quite a direct copy of the American Insurance company Aflac’s duck… the film is still incredibly unique.

But does Afa mark a milestone of China’s comedic ads? Yes and no – according to Leagas Delaney, the whole production was actually done in Thailand, including a Thai director and actor. Leagas Delaney even mentions that the reasoning behind doing the production in Thailand was the reputation of Thai comedy… So unfortunately, Afa is not 100% Chinese…


标题: Afa
广告公司: Leagas Delaney上海
创意总监: Kevin Lee, 耀威
文案: Adams Fan, Ryan Falch
美术指导: Ken Wong, Zhanglei, Kevin Lee
制作公司: A New Life Films, Naked Films
导演: Dome Sittisiri Mongkolsiri
发布时间: 20148月


陌陌 – 总有新奇在身边 Momo: Interesting Awaits

从去年年初开始,中国的影视广告流行起一种“年青告白”的纪录式风格,这种模式通常是:三五个打扮时髦出位的正太型妹,在镜头前独白对世界和生活态度的宣言。用手提摄像造成的晃动画面,营造纪录片式的真实感。当然代言人最好是年青设计师、选秀歌手和广告人等的创意人物。在这股“风潮”当中, 陌陌APP的《总有新奇在身边》和阿迪达斯的《这就是我》就是两部引人瞩目的同类作品。前者的创意来自上海的W+K、后者则是TWBA。但我们选择陌陌是因为它在原创、选角(大胆起用了真实的用户)和导演即兴的拍摄风格上都略胜一筹。据闻陌陌虽然未能在连串的冼底活动中取得理想效果,在年末离开了W+K后,它还是朝着成为“社交兴趣APP”的方向匍匐前进着。

Throughout 2014, we have seen a documentary style of filming grow very popular for a wide range of brands, especially those which target a younger audience.

These “Young Attitude films”, have a formula: cool youngsters in fashionable clothes walking along with cameras and showing the way they live their lives. Usually shot handheld, the visuals feel real and relatable. The spokespersons come from creative or design backgrounds or are young entertainers. In this wave of films, “This is Me” from Adidas and “Interesting Awaits” from Momo (a Chinese dating/social app) impressed us as the most creative in their casting of real users with an interesting directing style and copywriting. We like “Interesting Awaits” a bit more is it’s slightly more interesting and natural.



品牌: Momo陌陌
广告公司: Wieden+Kennedy 上海
执行创意总监: Achilles Li, Michael Simons
创意总监: Raymond Chin, Jonathan Mo
文案: Cook Xu, Nick Finney
制作公司: Radical Media Shanghai
导演: Ralf Schmerberg


大众 – 眼睛请看路!
Volkswagen: Eyes on the Road



This well-designed PSA film was definitely the best case study of mobile interactive marketing last year. Using LBS phone technology, Ogilvy & Mather Beijing tested the campaign in Hong Kong MBL theatres. The interaction is simple and straightforward, but the experiences are so real and so scary, audiences almost feel like they are responsible for what happens in the film.

Ogilvy did not end of promoting this video in China, but there were over 400 million views of the video on the Internet, and the media value is close to 25million RMB. The film also won the 2014 Grand Prix of the Effie Award in China.

品牌: 大众

央视 – 文明出游之熊猫篇 CCTV: Civilized Travelling – Panda Chapter


以央视的正统背景,《回家》或《筷子篇》 等的国民煽情和国之精粹的片子才是正路。但是在去年十月黄金周前播放的公益广告《文明出游之熊猫篇》,把萌哒哒的熊猫变化成为国人,在悉尼街头上演国人在出国游时的种种不明文行为。但是央视这次豁出去的大胆尝试,却招来了坊间不少的骂,特别是熊猫兄掏出宝物,当街小解一镜,更被国人狠评为是“把国宝熊猫当流氓办”。逼得代理公司BBD大呼委屈:“那个(有小解的)版本其实是导演版,不是我们放上网的啊。”但是SHP+的小编认为那群吱吱呀呀的熊猫旅行团虽然看着诡异,但却还是很萌哒哒的,国人大可以抱着“有错改之、无错一笑了之”的态度,为什么非逼得央视最终把片子撤播了?央视,我们这回挺你。

We never would have expected the CCTV to make a PSA film like this one – last October before the Golden Week travelling began CCTV aired a film featuring clumsy and cute pandas misbehaving on the streets of Sydney.

This unprecedented film actually irritated quite a lot of Chinese people, as they found that it defaced the adorable national treasure, especially the scene when the panda peed on the street (private part of course was pixelated!) The creative agency BBD China clarified “The edition with that scene was the Director’s cut, and released only by the director himself.” But SHP+ thinks that while the group of panda tourists might be a little creepy, there is still something super cute about them.

Unfortunately, the ad has disappeared from CCTV and rumor has it that it was a forced removal. All the same, good work CCTV!

创意群总监:Nic Bremen
导演: Ken Lambert
制作公司制片人:Min Ma & James schulz


玛莎拉蒂:让世界听见你的呐喊 Maserati – What’s Your Roar


Maserati had not released a single film in China up until the launch of its first internet film to celebrate the brand’s centennial. What surprised us about this film is that it’s not your usual Italian luxury polished style. Instead, it is great story with a similar feel to the “Young Attitude Films” mentioned above – aside from the rumbling engine of the Maserati. Though the creative is not especially remarkable, the sound effects make the film.

导演:Antony Hoffman


开米洗衣液 – 皮肤篇 Kami – Skin

开米有机冼衣液的“皮肤篇”绝对是去年的“遗珠之作”。原因很简单,因为它从来没有正式发布和被投放过。但是只要看过片子的人都会被肌肤在镜头前呈现出的细腻质感而神迷。影片独特之处是黑白的风格和多元化的选角,其中包括了各种肤色的演员。创意公司 25小时的创意总监陶磊说:“我们想通过肌肤对最细微的变化来说明好的冼衣液对敏感的肌肤是有多么重要。”法国导演Muriel Lacalmontie对演员的出色引导、对画面美感的执着,以及清新的配曲都是我们对本片爱不释手的原因。

The new ad “Skin” for Kami, a Chinese organic liquid washing brand, is definitely a ‘hidden gem’ from last year. It has never officially been released due to issues with the product, but everyone who has watched it is drawn to the beautiful visuals, the delicate textures of skins and the very catchy music. The black and white tones is unusual in Chinese advertising, and give a ‘premium tone to the film’ as Lei Tao, creative director from the films agency 25 Hours remarks. The diverse casting is also not conventional – talents include a black man, a pregnant woman and a Chinese baby. “We wanted to depict the sensitivities of all skin types,” Lei said. French director Muriel Lacalmontie’s eye to detail and pursuit of perfection added to the exceptionally fresh piece of work for China.


广告代理: 25 Hours Ad
创意总监: 陶磊
导演: Muriel Lacalmontie
制作公司: WE Production
执行监制:Tanya Wu
监制 Xiao Lei 肖磊
摄影师: Nicolas PETRIS
美术指导: 张天恩
灯光: 陈永禄
后期: Redwhiskers

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