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SHP+ Top 10 Global Ads of 2014


Top10 Western_2Every year brings an entertaining display of ads from happy to sad, to borderline offensive. Some go viral and others never see the light of day. Recently, ads are becoming less associated with the product that is being marketed and more focused on the story of the ad. Therefore, it all comes down to creativity and brand expression.

As usual, boundaries were pushed this year in advertising, which always leads to some classics and some great sharing…

Below is our selection of the Top 10 2014 Adverts from around the world


>> 最奇葩:Old Spice | Mom Song

Brand: Old Spice
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Portland, USA
Creative Directors: Craig Allen, Jason Bagley
Production Company: MJZ
Date: January 3, 2014

Old Spice started their year out with a hilarious motherly musical. The funny, light-hearted ad was a quick pick for our list. Wieden & Kennedy’s Creative Director Jason Bagley said the agency wanted to find a “funny, exaggerated way” of depicting the fact that watching their little boys turn into men can be deeply sad for moms.

Old Spice证明了它不仅仅只有Terry Crews。舍去了代言人的Terry 滑稽表演,Old Spice年初的“妈妈之歌”虽然走音乐剧路线,但同样让人笑抽。 创作此片的是美国的W+K,创意总监Jason Bagley说:对于一些母亲来说,看着儿子长大成人、看着他到了泡妞的年纪,会是一件伤心的事,在这种“悲伤的创意”上再继承Old Spice一贯的夸张和搞笑风格,就成就了今年最奇葩的广告片。

>>  最巧妙:The Sunday Times Icons

Making of:

Agency: Grey, London
Brand: The Sunday Times
Directors: Us (Chris Barrett, Luke Taylor)
Production Company: Academy Films
Post-production: Electric Theatre Collective
Date: March, 2014

Transition, culture and classics; the result is an incredible 50 seconds of real-time film called “Icons,” (see SHP+ previous report about the spot HERE), which was produced without any CGI, in which one sees one actor move fluidly through six scenes from classical art to pop culture, with references to Forrest Gump, Reservoir Dogs, Daft Punk and more. The film was awarded British Arrows Craft, 2014 (Gold) for Best New Director. The APA Show / APA 50, 2014 (2014 APA Collection) for Young Director Award, 2014 (1st Prize Award) for Broadcast Europe Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, and the 2014 (Bronze Lion) for Publications & Media.

美国《星期天时报》的“偶像”以精心设计的场景和服装变换巧妙地重现了六个时代性的代表人物。一镜到底所展现出的魅力在短短的50秒内完胜任何动用到CG的大片。广告屡获大奖,包手了2014年英国箭奖和APA奖的 “最佳新晋导演”、嘎纳广告节欧洲广播奖的一等奖以及公共媒体大奖的铜奖。

>> 最心酸:Save the Children “Most Shocking Second a Day Video”

Agency: Don’t Panic, London
Director: Martin Stirling, Unit9
Post-production: Smoke & Mirrors
Date: March, 2014

In its first day online, this video was viewed more than 1.5 million times. About one week later, it had gathered more than 24.6 million views. Not only did the charity succeed in raising awareness with their campaigns, but they also brought in donations to help children in Syria.


>>  最夸张:Lurpak Cook’s Range: Adventure awaits

Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, London, UK
Production Company: Blink Productions
Director: Dougal Wilson
Director of Photography: Stephen King Roach
Editorial Company: Final Cut
VFX Company: The Moving Picture Company
Music+Sound Company: Wave Studios
Year: April, 2014

Lurpak films continue to use explosions of sensations to show the flavor it adds to your food, but this year they took the sensations to space. Lurpak’s latest films discovers a culinary universe where the ingredients become planets, cosmos and stars in a mind blowing tabletop adventure.

Lurpak黄油与伦敦的W+K 早在2011上就合作过一支让人拍案叫绝的《厨房大冒险》,这此冒险主题延续到了太空。在气势磅礴的理查德•施特劳斯交响乐的配乐下,片中使用了大量的特写和慢镜,营造了夸张又震撼的视觉效果,把tabletop的类型拍到如此史诗般的级别,也真是神了。

>> 最梦幻:Ikea – Beds

Brand: Ikea
Advertising Agency – Mother
Agency Producer – Mother
Creative Team – Mother
Production Company – MJZ
Director – Juan Cabral
Date: August, 2014

From director Juan Cabral, the director behind Cadbury’s “Gorilla” (see it here), Juan has delivered a beautiful dream where the dialogue is from Shakespeare’s The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, 148–158. Everyone has had those dreams where you just keep falling and falling – and there’s an urban legend that if you ever land in your dream you’re dead, although some say it means your life may be headed in the wrong direction.
Many of the beds in the ad were hung from cranes and suspended over buildings during the 3-day shoot in Johannesburg. The VFX team at MPC (Moving Picture Company) created detailed matte paintings, adding CG beds and embellishments and compositing elements including the NASA rocket and plume.

导演Juan Cabral (作品有吉百利的 “Gorilla”)的有才之处就是可以宜“天空之城”拍得如同一个美丽而真实的梦。片中引经据典,用了莎翁《暴风雨》对话,无疑又增加了几分诗般的意境。据说,在三天的拍摄过程中,许多床被钢丝一直吊在约翰内斯堡大厦的上空。当然,后期VFX里还加入了大量的细节,如加上更多悬空的床、升空的NASA火箭还有从天空掉下来的飞天狗等等。

>> 最童话:Dior – Ors & Merveilles

Brand: Dior
Agency: Malherbe Retail Design
Direction: Zeppelin Pictures
Production company: Zeppelin Pictures
Date: October, 2014

This gorgeous Dior ad uses incredible VFX effects to take us into a mysterious world behind the elegant extravaganza of materials, craft, quality and chicness that is Dior. The entire spot is almost like an enchanted fairy tale told by a magician who unfolds a magic carousel of cosmetics.


>> The Boy Who Beeps

Agency: BBDO, New York
Brand: GE
Production Company: Park Pictures
Director: Lance Acord
Date: September, 2014

Remember “Darth Vader, “ the Super bowl 2011 spot VW from famous director Lance Accord? He scores sagain this year with another set of heartwarming stories. P&G’s “Pick them back up” and “The Boy who Beeps.” We picked “The Boy Who Beeps,” because the story is so surreal…. Good job GE, good job again, Lance!

还记得“Darth Vader, “ the Super bowl 2011”这两个经典的广告吗?都是来自Lance Accord这位国际大牌广告导演之手。2014是Lance硕果累累的一年,从年终P&G的“Pick them Back Up”到年终的“The Boy who Beeps”,光这两部广告赚到的眼泪和赞誉就足以让Lance登入荣誉殿堂好几遍。两部作品同样感人,但SHP+挑选了“The Boy who Beeps”的原因是广告更富幻想力的故事,而叙事手法几近完美 。

>>  最精致:Welcome to Airbnb

Making of:

Brand: Airbnb
Agency: TBWA\Singapore
Director: Christian Greet, Norman Yeend
Production company: Six Toes TV Singapore
Date: November 24, 2014

Singapore took on the challenge of helping Airbnb to turn the world into a miniature train ride. Christian Greet and Norman Yeend with their incredible team created this epic miniature 60-second train ride showing how Airbnb works. The whole miniature world was made from scratch. It took five weeks and a team of 30 to complete the 85 square meters railway trail.

新加坡的Airbnb广告大胆地把世界微缩成了一个可爱的小人国,导演Christian Greet 和Norman Yeend带领观众在其中乘火車穿越壮丽的城堡和茂密的热帶雨林等,体现当地人居的住所,既有别致的树屋、也大都市的精致公寓。整个微观世界参考了很多的AIRBNB真实用户,服装造型也力图保留原型。小人国里的一草一物也是手工制造,细致入微。由新加坡TBWA打造,制作公司SIX TOES TV组成了30人的大团队、耗時5周时间完成了85平方米的全人手制作火车路线,实在是了不起。

>> 最萌趣:John Lewis “Monty the Penguin”

Agency: adam&eveDDB, London
Director: Dougal Wilson
Production company: Blink Productions
Date: November 6, 2014

This ad has become a world-wide viral favorite. John Lewis always has the pressure of one-upping itself. Within 24 hours of this video’s release, “Monty the Penguin” had 7 million views and more than 200,000 shares. It tells the story of a friendship between a little boy, Sam, and his penguin friend, Monty.

John Lewis的圣诞广告向来是水准之作。今年的题材有关小男孩与宠物企鹅友情, 这种窝心小棉袄式的故事,再加上萌翻人的企鹅,难怪一下子就可以成为圣诞档期里的大热作品。它在上线的24小时内获得了7百万的点击率以及20万次的转发。

>>> 最诡异:Stuck by a Rainbow – A Skittles Documentary

Brand: Skittles
Agency: BBDO Toronto
Director: Conor Byrne
Production Company: The Corner Store Films Inc.
Date: December 7, 2014

“Struck by a Rainbow” is a very different type of documentary, an inventive, fictional story perhaps inspired by the success of the multi-award winning “Mr. Wind.” The spot explores the world of a man whose life is transformed forever after his encounter with a rainbow.


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