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IKEA, New Pants and Godzilla baby|宜家X新裤子的激萌“小怪兽”


IKEA’s recent ad scored high, generating an astonishing 23.4M views and thousands of praising comments on the brand’s Weibo. Big promotional budgets and strategic partnering with a famous music band, significantly expanded IKEA’s nearly 2M audience in Weibo by adding over a million new fan base, was not the only reasons for this video’s popularity. A child growing too fast is a common issue felt by most parent, and this IKEA commercial addresses it in a whimsical, music video style film that arguably resonates well with its audience. It’s the first time IKEA China collaborates with a local music band for a promotion, and “New Pants”, who hasn’t lost relevance in over 24 years of its existence has proven to be a great fit for this commercial.

宜家的最新广告近日蹿红,创造了令人惊叹的2340万的点击率,以及官微评论区大几千的点赞热评。虽然得益于预算大方,明星乐队加盟,但帮助宜家官微从原本200万的粉丝量,激增到300多万的成功的秘诀却不仅仅是这些。孩子长得太快虽然是个老生常谈的话题,宜家的这条广告以俏皮的风格,音乐MV的形式,让这一届父母在会心一笑的同时,产生了强烈的共鸣。这是宜家中国首次与本土乐队的广告合作,而事实证明,宜家选择 “新裤子” 这个长红了24年的乐队,真是慧眼独具。

Envisioned by W&K Shanghai, and brought to life by PRO Films, the 1,5 minutes spot shows a young couple awaken in the middle of the night because their cute baby girl starts to quickly outgrow everything in the apartment.

由 W&K 上海构思,PRO Films 执行,这条1分半钟的广告展示了一对年轻夫妇,半夜醒来发现可爱的女儿正在飞速生长,并逐渐成为顶天立地的 “小怪兽” 。

To the remake of a hit song “Don’t ask me what’s Disco” by “New Pants”, the little monster marches around the apartment causing a bit of destruction, while parent rearrange and adjust the furniture for the needs of their growing child. “Every time I get a little taller, mom and dad love me more day by day. Where there is love, there is a home”— the lyrics of the song conclude. And IKEA adjustable furniture is there to effortlessly soothe the worries of the young family.

“新裤子” 乐队重新填词的热门歌曲《别告诉我什么是迪斯科》旋律响起,“小怪兽” 女儿横扫公寓里的桌椅板凳,激情 “拆家”,而爹妈则跟在她身后将家具拆解升级,配合宝贝的成长。“每当我又长高一点点,爸爸妈妈爱我多一天天。有爱就有一个家。” 歌词与画面完美匹配。而宜家家居可变形产品的优势则一览无余,帮助年轻的家庭轻松渡过生活的考验。

This spot required a director with a strong storytelling and unique, distinctive style. The agency selected Adam Liu, after seeing his engaging visual treatment in which Adam invested himself fully being a long-time big fan of “New Pants”. He’s also brought a lot to the table creatively: actors nodding to the music all the time was his idea, and he was right in his element shooting difficult scenes with a little baby.

因此这条广告片,需要一位擅长叙事,风格独到的导演。在观看了Adam Liu导演的作品,发现他本人就是 “新裤子” 长期的铁粉后,广告方选择了他。Adam Liu 在广告创意方面,也贡献了很多出彩的创意,例如演员需要全程不停的点头,同时他指出拍摄的难点应当是给宝宝演员的镜头,事实也的确如此。

The shooting of a film, which is heavy on special effects from beginning to end,  and includes celebrities, was not an easy feat. With artists’ schedule, creative agency and client’s involvement on set at play, the tightly packed three days of shooting from morning until late night turned into four days. On the set, the soundtrack to the work was not only “New Pants” energetic music, but constant shouting to the actors “Nod! Nod! Nod!” , shares with SHP+ Jack Tsai, the owner/EP of PRO Films. Turns out, nodding the heads while acting and moving furniture rhythmically was another unexpectedly difficult element.  After a challenging shooting, the post-production part, actually didn’t bring any surprises. According to Jack, MPC provided effective and relevant suggestions helping the director to understand post-production, and spared no effort to help achieve the eye-catching final product.

摄制一部从头到尾都有大量特效,全程明星参与的短片从来都不是什么轻松的工作。Jack Tsai是SHP+ 的一员,也是PRO Films的创始人和监制,据他透露:明星,广告商,客户的日程,需要配合,好不容易凑齐三天拍摄时间,紧紧张张,每天从早到晚地拍摄,最后还是花了四天才结束。在现场,演员表演的配音不单单是“新裤子” 的动感音乐,也是导演对演员不停“点头!点头!点头!”的喊叫。事实证明,一边点头,一边摆弄家具,一边演戏,还都得在节奏上,绝对是出乎意料的另一大难点。在经历了挑战重重的拍摄后,后期反而都是按部就班,顺利地完成了。Jack说MPC为导演提供了很多有效的相关建议,帮助导演理解了后期的重点,因此最后的合作天衣无缝,成品赏心悦目。

EP Jack Tsai and Producer Xiao Dong

With this new campaign targeting post-80s young parents, IKEA aims to build emotional bond with their customers, who discovered a newfound love for their home during the uncertain times of pandemic. The music video format is a strategic decision: from room setting, scene design to lighting and editing— the spot is designed to look less “commercial”, leveraging the power of music to create broader brand awareness.


The band’s frontman Peng Lei shared in a post-shooting interview: “It’s a fantastic story, but it’s also incredibly true, because that’s the problem we’ve experience in recent years too. But by tweaking a few parts of your home, you can begin to find joy in your home, and for me, beautiful, neat spaces are very creative.”


The band’s been heavily on the ad radars recently—you may have seen and heard them in Levi’s and Sprite commercial films released this year. The lead singer’s personal experience as a father, recognizable song melody that fans all over China loved, heart-warming and playful lyrics— combined together, those are the ingredients for a commercial film that can resonate beyond the targeted audience with little kids.



Client 客户:IKEA 宜家

Agency 代理商: W&K

Production 制作公司: PRO Films

EP 监制:Jack Tsai

Producer 制片:Xiao Dong 小东

Director 导演: Adam Liu

DOP 摄影指导:Zhao Xuhui 赵旭辉

Post 后期制作:MPC SH

Final Mix: Kersound

1st AD : Bei Yao 北瑶

Art Director 艺术指导:Tang Zheng 唐峥



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