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Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity – Day Two


Day Two kicked off with some celebrity dazzle with actress Christina Hendricks stopping by for a conversation with mcgarrybowen founder and CCO Gordon Bowen, looking back across her career and experiences working on Mad Men.


Mad Men Star Christina Hendricks with mcgarrybowen founder and CCO Gordon Bowen

The retrospective feel continued through into the big China event of the day, where three patriarchs of the domestic industry, Tomaz Mok (McCann), Norman Tan (JWT) and Jimmy Lam (DDB) introduced seven of the most iconic ads from Chinese advertising history.  It was an entertaining overview and, with five of the seven ads coming from Hong Kong or Taiwan, and three non-mainland industry leaders on the panel, it illustrated where the heritage of the mainland industry lies.  Apart from JWT’s 2008 Nokia Bruce Lee Ping Pong campaign, it was a gentle trip down TVC memory lane for the panelists that told us little of the current state of Chinese advertising, other than reinforcing the enduring value of storytelling in today’s fast changing landscape.  As Lam stressed ‘Big Data is not equal to big ideas’.


Tomaz Mok (McCann), Norman Tan (JWT) and Jimmy Lam (DDB)

During the coffee break we caught up with Cannes Lions Chairman and Spikes founder Terry Savage, to learn more about programming Spikes and his plans for China, before running to catch Dentsu Inc.’s Yasuharu Sasaki talking about AI and the rise of the robots, including the freaky Matsuko-Roid.

The most compelling presentation of the day came from Google Senior Marketing Manager, Mike Glaser, who introduced us to the ‘Art Copy and Code’ projects and the Creative Partnerships team, essentially an in-house agency that works with brands to realise highly flexible and interactive campaigns based on Google’s vast database.  He then went through three success stories so far, with our favourite the Madden GIFERATOR for EA Sports.


本日最激动人心的环节来自于谷歌资深市场经理迈克·格拉瑟,为我们介绍了“Art Copy&Code”项目和“Creative Partnerships”团队,本质上来说,当品牌商和广告商达成战略共享时,基于谷歌的海量数据能让交互式广告更具有弹性。他的核心理念是,现代人对于选择消费内容比之前更加果断,如果广告内容对于消费者的独特消费倾向定位更精准,那么他们就会选择花更多时间去了解产品。而研发有效的广告战役分为三步:1.研究消费者的行为模式;2.抓住最佳时机去展示贴合需求的广告内容;3.创意要简洁,但要让目标受众有身临其境的感受。接下来他展示了到目前为止最为成功的三个案例,包括与EA体育合作推出的大受欢迎的“Madden GIFernator”项目。

Google Senior Marketing Manager, Mike Glaser

The Madden GIFERATOR – A Google Art, Copy & Code Project

China was again well represented in the second set of award shortlists.  The craft of Stink’s ‘Surf – We Are Greater Than I’ film has been recognised with nominations for script, cinematography and editing, and is in the running for best internet Film also.  Fred & Farid will be hopeful of taking home a film award, with nominations for the cinematography of their CCTV campaigns #MY NAME campaign and Kids Drawing.  Elsewhere there are two nominations for W+K in the Branded Live Experience category, another for JWT Shanghai’s ‘Share a Shower’ campaign for Sakura and two China contenders in the Mobile category with Publicis’ The Voice Donor 2.0 for WeChat and Fred & Farid’s Air France ‘The Upgrade Challenge’.  The winner swill be announced in the award ceremony at the close of Day Three.

次日的获奖候选名单中中国方面依然表现上佳,STINK团队所作的“WE ARE GREATER THAN I——冲浪篇”短片在剧本、摄影和剪辑三项均获认可,并参与了最佳网络短片的竞逐。佛海佛瑞依然在获奖方面冲劲十足,他们为CCTV打造的公益广告《我的名字》广告战役和《儿童画篇》希望很大;另外维传凯普在品牌推广体验分类下两次获得提名;智威汤逊上海工作室为Sakura创作的“Share a Shower”广告战役和另外两名竞争者,阳狮集团的《为盲胞读书2.0》和佛海佛瑞为法国航空公司制作的《Upgrade Challenge》并驾齐驱。获奖者将会在最后一天的闭幕式上宣布。

Stink’s ‘Surf – We Are Greater Than I’

Publicis’ The Voice Donor 2.0 for WeChat

The day concluded with an interactive workshop with The Pop UP Agency’s Abraham Abbi Asefaw, who demonstrated his company’s ideation process to 100 eager delegates.  We participated in a couple of their idea generation techniques, before being split into teams and producing ideas for a brief aimed at attracting more European and US talent to work in Asia.  Unsurprisingly, the simplicity of the process threw many of the delegates, and led to some mixed results.  Asefaw is a likeable guy without a trace of the arrogance or pretension that could easily accompany such a succesfull, alternative approach.  Let’s hope his plans to bring their creative workshops to China come to fruition.

本日的最后环节是由The Pop Up广告公司的亚伯拉罕·阿比·阿瑟方带来的互动研讨会,他为100名望眼欲穿的代表们带来了他的公司的构思流程演示。在一个客户简报中要求广告能吸引更多的欧洲和美国学生去亚洲工作,在分组思考创意之前我们运用了他们提供的一些技巧,果不其然,很多代表都认为这样简化了程序,并引导出了很多不同的结果。

The Pop Up Agency’s Abraham Abbi Asefaw delivers his creative workshop

The day concluded with the most hotly anticipated party of the conference, the Dentsu Aegis sponsored Massive Music bash ‘Neuromance’ at the Fullerton Boat House.  Fueled by an open bar and eclectic tunes provided by the specially imported Dutch DJs, the dance floor was packed until the lights came on, signalling time for everyone to go home to get rested for the last day.


为本日划上句号的是本次活动最受期待的派对,由电通安吉斯赞助Massive Music举办的盛会“Neuromance”在富勒顿船屋举办。酒吧的狂欢畅饮和特邀的荷兰DJ们不拘一格的音调,这一刻跳舞和狂欢的人将此地挤爆,此情此景实在难得一见。

Dentsu Aegis and Massive Music threw Spikes’ biggest party ‘Neuromance’

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