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Nail That Shot
万事俱备 一镜到底


With CGI becoming the end-all and be-all of special effects it’s interesting to look at different ways to create visual effects. The beauty of the recent Turkish Airlines “Epic Pool Dunk” spot reminds us of how intensive planning can create a spot which can outshine any fancy CGI effect.

As the sponsor for this year’s Euroleague final, Turkish Airline grouped 11 top basketballers in a pool to choreograph a massive slam-dunk for a 30 second commercial. With no cuts and no edits, this epic relay slam-dunk was perfectly achieved in 1 take (after 22 previous takes!, see the making of here). The Sunday Time ‘Icons’ is created to bring forth six iconic cultural figures, from Rodin’s Thinker, Forrest Gump to Daft Punk in one set and in one shot. With seamless transition of costume, prop and settings, the ad ingeniously replicated the 6 icons.

Think the challenge of one-shot commercials as stage plays, there are absolutely no mistakes allowed, both of them takes a painstaking preparation and rehearsal to guarantee all the element, from lighting, setting to performance, are all precise. Once you succeeded, you are guaranteed to enjoy the applauses and cheers instantly. No finishing of computer works can achieve the same satisfaction; this is the charm of producing ‘one-shot’ commercials.

The Sunday Time ‘Icons’.

The Making Of Icons


当强大的CG技术在电视广告制作成为无所不能的工具时 – 它既修饰了人为的过失,也制作出各种眼花缭乱的视觉效果……反观现在不依赖CG而同样出彩的广告就显得弥足珍贵了。 ‘


作为本年欧篮决赛的赞助商,土耳其航空公司的全新广告片齐集了11名欧洲顶尖球员,要求他们协力完成一个超级无敌接力大灌篮。在23次NG后,球员们终于在第24次完成这个“旷世举动”,; 而“偶像”则需要要在同一空间,用同一个镜头,重现罗丹雕塑“思想家”、电影男主角“阿甘”和乐队Daft Punk等具有时代代表性的6个偶像的风貌。在服装道具和布景天衣无缝地过渡当中,广告一气呵成地演绎了6个人物。



See some overnight one-take hit commercials here: 一镜到底广告的精选作品

Promotional spot Unstoppable for the Canadian Paralympics. 加拿大残奥会宣传片“不可阻挡”


Monteith’s One Take


The Man Who Walked Around The World

from Johnnie Walke with one super long shot (and walk)

Johnnie Walker超长一镜到底广告“行走世界的人”。


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