Commercial Postproduction in China – Part Three: Talent Crisis | 中国的商业化后期制作格局 - 第三章:人才危机

Why is talent the rarest resource in China?|为什么在中国,人才成为了稀缺资源? … »
[craft + creativity in the Chinese advertising industry] [行知合一,广告中国]
Why is talent the rarest resource in China?|为什么在中国,人才成为了稀缺资源? … »
Whilst Advertising Association Chief Executive Tim Lefroy’s quip that it was the AA that had orchestrated Xi Jinping’s current UK tour may have been stretching things, the Shanghai London Advertising Forum 2015 did indeed represent another significant step forward for … »
明天,为期两天“2015上海-伦敦广告论坛”即将开幕,来自伦敦的业内领先的制作和后期制作公司,以及来自中国顶尖代理商的各位首席创意官汇聚一 堂,共同出席各类演讲、学习、交流活动。SHP+联系了四位来自伦敦和上海方面的演讲者,和他们聊了聊即将呈现给大家的精彩内容。 Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Shanghai London Advertising Forum 2015, two days of presentations, learning and networking featuring representatives of London’s leading production and postproduction companies and CCOs of China’s top creative agencies. SHP+ caught up with … »
This month marks a major event on China’s advertising industry calendar, as a delegation representing London’s leading production companies brought by the Advertising Producers Association will come to Shanghai for the Shanghai London Advertising Forum 2015. The two-day event, on … »
Work created in China was first in focus on Day three, with TBWA Greater China President Nils Andersson reminding us that in amongst all the talk of digital and technology, the simplest ideas beginning with a mere pencil are often … »
SHP+ are heading to Singapore this week for Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity, the most significant conference of creativity and communication on the continent. The three day bonanza is a collaboration between media group Haymarket, operators of ad mag Campaign … »