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Green United Music To Launch New Shanghai Studio With All-Star Show
庆祝上海新工作室落成,Green United Music举办全明星阵容表演


French music production house Green United Music (GUM) will launch their brand new, state-of the art Shanghai studio in style.

On October 15th, following a private party at the new facility, GUM is throwing open the doors of venue On Stage, for an explosive night of music, featuring debut Shanghai DJ performances from French star Woodkid, The Shoes, KCPK and Anja Sugar, all flown in especially from Europe.

Woodkid-03French star Woodkid will DJ at the GUM after party on October 15th 法国音乐人Woodkid会在15日的GUM after party现场DJ

GUM’s 150 sq./m new facility, nestled in the attractive red brick Taikang Terrace complex, offers full composition, music supervision, sound design, VO recording, sound identity and movie scores composition capability.

FullSizeRenderThe sound suite at GUM’s new Taikang Terrace studio GUM新studio的音房

GUM 2Final unpacking before the big opening on October 15th 在15日开幕之前的最后准备

The company is relocating following a successful first year in China. Since establishing their third worldwide location in Shanghai in mid-2014, GUM has worked on projects for major commercial clients, including Ford, Nike, BMW, CCTV, Lancôme, Union Pay, Huawei, Lexus and Adidas.

GUM created the sound for this BMW spot in 2015 GUM做的BMW2015广告音乐

GUM was co-founded in Paris in 2007 by Frederic Monvoisin (Village Vert & Catalogue) and Fabrice Dumont (Grammy Awards nominee with Télépopmusik). Their international client roster includes names like Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Air France, Peugeot, Renault, Ford, L’Oreal and McDonald’s. They established their second office in London in 2015. The company works with over 400 composers worldwide, and owns an extensive music catalogue with over 4000 high quality tracks covering all genres.

The Shanghai opening marks just the beginning in a broader plan for China, with intentions to open up a Beijing office next year and move into the booming feature film market, adding to the movie score composition work already being done in the Paris studio.

CEO GUM Asia, Thomas Faucheur, reflected back on a positive first year and expressed his enthusiasm for the company’s progress in China: “This year has been amazing; a new market, a new culture, and a new office. Intertwining all those different aspects make me feel that there is great potential for GUM here. Our international position enables us to bring ideas, talent and, I hope, many more opportunities.”

Alongside production, GUM is also a thriving record label, representing a diverse group of artists focused on emerging talent, including electro rock act The Shoes, Northern Soul inspired three-piece Rocky, rock-folk-pop duo Herman Dune and Montreal singer Black Atlass.

The showpiece name on their roster though, is French neo-folk singer-songwriter Yoann Lemoine, better known by his stage name Woodkid. Since breaking onto the scene three year ago, he has toured extensively, building a devoted fan base, releasing his first full album in 2014 to much critical acclaim. The multi-talented artist is also a music video director, directing videos for international stars like Katy Perry (Teenage Dream), Taylor Swift (Back to December) and Lana Del Rey (Born to Die), as well as all of his own music videos.

Woodkid’s Run Boy Run | Woodkid 音乐录影带 ‘Run Boy Run’

To experience a taste of the eclectic musical flavors that GUM is bringing to Shanghai, make sure you are at On Stage from 10.30pm on October 15th. With no cover charge, a star-studded line-up and the super-crisp On Stage sound system, it’s a show you don’t want to miss.

Woodkid at On StageGUM’s after party on October 15th promises to be a special night of music GUM在15日的after party会很与众不同

法国音乐制作室Green United Music(简称GUM)驻上海的全新艺术工作室近日即将落成。

10月15日,在新工作室开幕的私人派对之后,GUM将在On Stage引爆音乐之夜, WoodKid、The Shoes、KCPK、Anja Sugar都会从欧洲首次飞来上海现场DJ。

GUM的新工作室占地150平方米,坐落在风景迷人的泰康路,位于红砖筑成的创意空间Taikang Terrace内。工作室提供作曲、音乐监督、声音设计、旁白录音、建立有辨识度的声音、电影配乐等一系列服务。

IMG_1762Thomas Faucheur, GUM Asia CEO next to the new sound desk 

GUM工作室在进驻中国的第二年决定搬家 。自从GUM2014年中旬在上海建立了全球第三个办事处以来,主要商业客户包括福特(Ford)、耐克(Nike)、宝马(BMW)、中央电视台(CCTV)、兰蔻(Lancôme)、银联、华为、雷克萨斯(Lexus)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)。

GUM created the sound for this Nike spot in their first year in Shanghai GUM在成立上海工作室的第一年给NIKE做的音乐

2007年,GUM由两名创始人Frederic Monvoisin (Village Vert & Catalogue) 和Fabrice Dumont (以Télépopmusik成员身份入围格莱美奖)在巴黎创立。他们的客户包括迪奥(Dior)、伊夫圣洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)、法国航空(Air France)、标致汽车(Peugeot)、雷诺(Renault)、福特(Ford)、欧莱雅(L’Oreal)和麦当劳(McDonald’s)等重量级企业。2015年,第二间办事处在伦敦建立。工作室与全球400余名作曲家合作,拥有超过4000首高质量的歌曲,涵盖了各种音乐类型。




GUM亚洲的首席执行官(CEO)Thomas Faucheur 回顾了这一年多来取得的成就,并表达了他对进军中国市场的热情:“这是很棒的一年:新的市场、新的文化、新的办公地。所有这些盘根交错,让我感到GUM在这片土地上拥有无限潜力。我们的国际定位让我们拥有杰出的创意、人才以及更多的机会。”

除了音乐制作外,GUM同样是一个发展迅速并专注于挖掘新人的唱片公司,旗下有电子摇滚乐队The Shoes、北方灵魂乐领军人Rocky、摇滚-民谣-流行二人组Herman Dune和蒙特利尔歌手Black Atlass音乐人。

法国新民谣创作音乐人Yoann Lemoine是GUM旗下最闪耀的明星。他的艺名Woodkid更为人熟知。Woodkid自出道以来,3年里巡演密集,拥有大量忠实乐迷。2014年,他发行了自己的首张专辑,获得了广泛赞誉。Woodkid在各个领域都颇有天赋。他同时也是一位MV导演,不仅包办自己的MV拍摄,也操刀制作了众多明星的MV,包括Katy Perry 的《Teenage Dream》, Taylor Swift 的《Back to December》,以及 Lana Del Rey 的《Born to Die》。

Woodkid-1Woodkid in concert

要想亲身体验GUM带来的无限音乐趣味,请一定不要错过10月15日晚在On Stage的演出。星光熠熠的阵容,结合On Stage完美的音响效果,精彩不容错过。



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