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Contentious Cannes


品牌在乎公益吗?|Do Brands Really Care?

TOMS的创始人Blake Mycoskie在戛纳最后一晚捧起了狮心奖奖杯,代表着评审们对他“一对一”——每售出一双鞋就捐赠给贫困地区孩子一双鞋——的项目表示认可。Mycoskie回忆起一段与他父亲的对话——那时他刚刚开始自己为贫困地区孩子提供衣物的计划——不禁哽咽。

TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie picked up the LionHeart award on the final night in Cannes, recognising his noble ‘one-for-one’ mission to donate one pair of shoes to a deprived child for every pair sold.  The entrepreneur choked up as he recounted the conversation with his father that marked the beginning of his mission to help clothe the world’s poorest children.

One for OneTOMS《一对一》项目|TOMES’ One For One project


一周前I Sea这款软件刚被爆出丑闻事件,揭露了这个行业品牌在公益方面的龌龊与机会主义的乱象。而Mycoskie此番获奖无疑重新为品牌与公益之间的关联重新带来了希望。

The LionHeart award, and others like it such as Glass: The Lion for Change and the Grand Prix for Good, reflect the growing number of brands and agencies applying their resources and creativity toward projects that benefit society and humanity.

After the grubby I Sea controversy that broke earlier in the week, a scandal that exposed the most cynical and opportunistic aspects to “cause-vertising”, Mycoskie’s award was a welcome reaffirmation that linking brands to causes can come from a place of sincerity.

DSC_8200TOMS创始人Blake Mycoskie与戛纳创意节主席Terry Savage在狮心颁奖现场|Blake Mycoskie, founder, TOMS and Terry Savage, Chairman, Cannes Lions, on the Cannes stage

I Sea是一款由新加坡Grey广告公司旗下慈善部门研发的一款app软件。该公司对外宣传I Sea这款软件允许用户在地图上标出海上失踪难民的位置并同时联系有关部门进行援救。I Sea在获得了2016年戛纳营销与激活铜狮子奖后就被曝出该软件无法使用,因此直接被从苹果商店中下架。

In case you missed it, I Sea is an app developed by Grey Singapore’s Grey for Good department that purported to allow users to pinpoint the location of refugees lost at sea and alert the rescue authorities.  Only once the campaign had won Bronze Lion in Promo & Activation did it emerge that the app did not work, leading it to be pulled from the AppStore. 

I Sea苹果软件商店I Sea软件下载页。目前该页已经被删除|The Apple App Store listing for I Sea. The listing has been deleted.

事件曝光后,Grey广告公司被指为利用人道主义危机为自己公司牟利。该公司则宣称它们从未承认I Sea软件已经通过测试阶段并可以投入实际运用。这条信息明显并未传达给戛纳的评审们,而同时戛纳主席Terry Savage建议评委会重新审视I Sea的获奖情况,并在可能的情况下剥夺已经授予该公司的铜奖。

Grey has been accused of trying to benefit from the humanitarian crisis, though the company claim it never suggested the tech was beyond the testing phase.  Clearly that message was not made clear to the Cannes jury, leading Chairman Terry Savage to this week suggest the committee will review the possibility of revoking the award.

营销与激活铜狮奖获得者I Sea如今正面临被剥夺该奖项的可能|I Sea, winner of Bronze Lion in Promo & Activation. The award is now under review.

戛纳是否已经迷失?|Has Cannes Lost Its Way?

在周六典礼的开场讲话中,戛纳创意节CEO Philip Thomas指出戛纳创意节最大的价值在于当人们团结一致时所能发挥出的巨大能量——两天前英国脱欧决议无疑为他的这番结论做了一个很好的注脚。

In his opening address at Saturday’s awards, Cannes Lions CEO Philip Thomas posited that the greatest value in Cannes Lions lies in the positive outcomes that occur when people come together – a pointed remark after the UK’s decision to extricate itself from the EU two days earlier.

<>Group ABC Seminar as part of Cannes Lions 59th International Festival of Creativity on at Palais des Festivals on June 21, 2012 in Cannes, France.

Philip Thomas,戛纳创意节CEO|Philip Thomas, CEO, Cannes Lions

Thomas的讲话使人联想到IPG Mediabrands的全球首席策略官兼创意官,优势麦肯前CEO,同时也是今年戛纳创意节的评审Mat Baxter在LinkedIn上发表的一篇名为《让创意回归戛纳》的文章中,他认为戛纳创意节已经迷失了其方向,沦为了午餐与派对的舞台,来宾们“将大把的公司差旅费花费在酒水和派对上——而这种派对和派对上的人群你在美国每天都能见到。”

Thomas’ remark called to mind an article posted on LinkedIn by Mat Baxter, Global Chief Strategy & Creative Officer at IPG Mediabrands, former CEO of media agency Universal McCann, and judge at this year’s Lions titled ‘Bringing The Creativity Back At Cannes Lions’ in which he suggested the festival had ‘lost its way’, taking aim at the scores of lunches and parties at which guests “will spend enormous sums of their employers’ T&E budgets drinking and partying with people they could drink and party with here in the U.S. any day of the week.”

Mat-BaxterMat Baxter,IPG Mediabrands全球首席策略官兼创意官,优势麦肯前CEO|Mat Baxter, Global Chief Strategy & Creative Officer, IPG Mediabrands; former CEO, media agency Universal McCann


It is true that the week is heavily weighted toward socialising over presentations in the Palais.  Estimates are that some 50,000 to 70,000 industry professionals descend on the city to meet and mingle without any festival accreditation, a number that dwarfs the roughly 15,000 official delegates.  Baxter’s verdict is harsh though.  It may be possible to meet clients in the US, but what about potential partners from Chile, South Africa or China?  Companies must feel that the sums spent are worthwhile given that the number of visitors increases each year.



Baxter also criticised the prevalence of celebrities on the festival program. “It used to be about celebrating the best thinking in the industry – inspiring people to return to their home market and do even better work”, he writes.  Now Cannes is a celebrity-fest where a pop star or someone with a high media profile…dribbles on about the things they do in their professional or personal lives…I doubt anyone in my company will learn…anything useful that would translate to their daily work.”

358368B900000578-3652374-image-a-102_1466514527966Will Smith在2916戛纳创意节|Will Smith at Cannes Lions 2016

这些明星只不过是整个行业中的冰山一角,水面底下还隐藏着无数的行业领军人与最杰出的创意人才。随着品牌内容日益取代传统的干扰营销策略,或许像 Harvey Weinstein, Oliver Stone和Alejandro G. Iñárritu(以上都是电影人)对于影视广告能够提出自己更加独特和洞察的观点。

A little harsh, given that the stars are just the tip of a very deep iceberg that included industry leaders and the best creative minds in the world.   And as branded content grows in importance over interruptive advertising, maybe there is something value to the insights of Harvey Weinstein, Oliver Stone or Alejandro G. Iñárritu that understand what creating genuinely entertaining films entails.

中国小年昙花一现|China’s Slim Year Just a Blip


On the final night of awards, China based agencies picked up two prizes, both Bronzes in Film Craft, the first time China has ever taken home medals in the category. 

美上海作品:华为《与鲨共舞》;获得影视制作铜狮奖(摄影类别)|Shark Dancer for Huawei. Ogilvy & Mather Shanghai; Bronze Lion for Film Craft (cinematography)


Overall, Cannes Lions 2016 was a mixed affair for China, with fewer delegates in attendance and fewer prizes won.  At the Adquan meeting on Thursday, a gathering of the core of the small but passionate China delegation, we discussed the reasons for the shortfall with the judges. 

佛海佛瑞上海作品:回忆实验室《当下即回忆》;获得影视制作铜狮奖(摄影类别)|Treasure Today for Memorieslab.  Fred & Farid Shanghai; Bronze Lion for Film Craft (cinematography)


Over the next 12 months we can expect to see a strengthening of ties between China and Cannes, with rumours of a Cannes show in Shanghai later in 2016, and China-specific exhibition elements planned for 2017.  Let’s hope the Young Lions Gold winners this year are an omen of good things to come next time around.

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