China’s Indifference To International Advertising Awards | 中国对国际广告大奖漠不关心

为什么中国在世界广告舞台上未能占得一席之地?站上世界广告舞台重要吗?|Why is China so underrepresented on the world stage, and does it matter? … »
[craft + creativity in the Chinese advertising industry] [行知合一,广告中国]
为什么中国在世界广告舞台上未能占得一席之地?站上世界广告舞台重要吗?|Why is China so underrepresented on the world stage, and does it matter? … »
Fresh from her role as president of the judging committee for the Cyber Lions at the Cannes Festival this year, Isobar Global CEO Jean Lin recently kicked off the company’s regular series of open-house seminars with a presentation about the … »