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Van Gogh’s Bedroom Wins Gold Lions


Airbnb联合创始人Brian Chesky向创意人士征集独特的创意点子:即把一个标志性的空间改造成可以住一晚的房间,或者是把一间房间改造成一个标志性的空间。

Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky has invited pitches for a unique creative brief: to transform an iconic space into a room for the night, or a room into an iconic space. 

B03-029 01336 VAN GOGH BNB戛纳国际创意节直销类金奖得主 – 李奥贝纳芝加哥为芝加哥艺术博物馆打造的梵高“卧室”展|Van Gogh Bedroom by Leo Burnett Chicago for The Art Institute Of Chicago.  The campaign won a Gold Cannes Lions in Promo & Activation

在戛纳国际创意节上,Chesky向全球创意人士发出邀请,参与Airbnb“Night At奇屋一夜”征集活动。这个想法要追溯到直销类金奖得主芝加哥艺术博物馆所打造的梵高“卧室”展,李奥贝纳芝加哥将梵高的知名画作“卧室”还原重现,将这间房间在Airbnb上注册,让人们住上一晚。

Speaking at Cannes Lions, Chesky invited creative professionals worldwide to participate in the company’s Night At campaign.  The call comes off the back off the Gold Lion-winning ‘Van Gogh bnb’ campaign for the Art Institute Of Chicago, in which Leo Burnett Chicago recreated Van Gogh’s bedroom based on his famous painting, and offered it up as a real room for rent on 

van_gogh_chicago_airbnb019Gordan Montgomery,芝加哥美术馆市场公关部副总裁,以及Mikal Pittman,李奥贝纳芝加哥资深副总裁兼创意总监,在芝加哥Airbnb梵高的卧室中|Gordon Montgomery, VP-marketing and public affairs, Art Institute of Chicago, and Mikal Pittman, senior VP and creative director, Leo Burnett, in the Van Gogh Airbnb bedroom in Chicago

此前,巴黎水族馆的鲨鱼缸,还有纽约曼哈顿的忍者神龟:变种时代的藏身之处都曾上演了“Night At奇屋一夜”活动。


Other rooms created with the campaign so far have included a bed in a shark tank at the Paris Aquarium and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Lair in Manhattan, New York.

We’re turning [Airbnb] into a platform”, says Chesky. “We would love to open it up to any creative person who wants to take it in whichever direction they want to go.”

Airbnb“Night At奇屋一夜”|Airbnb’s Nighat at campaign

“项目启动了,没人关注你,那就再来一次”|“If you launch and no-one notices, just launch again”


Today, Airbnb is worth an estimated $25bn US.  On the day of Chesky’s Cannes Lions talk, approximately 1.3m people worldwide spent the night in a room rented through the platform, including more than 5000 in Cannes alone.

Aquarium de Paris hosts the first ever underwater bedroom on Airbnb Must link:巴黎水族馆水下卧室|Aquarium de Paris hosts the first ever underwater bedroom on Airbnb


The path to success wasn’t smooth.  When Chesky moved to San Francisco in 2008, he immediately found rent unaffordable, so he and his housemates decided to make some money by accommodating three guests on airbeds during the International Design Conference.  Believing they had struck on a golden idea, the trio built a website inviting people worldwide to offer up airbeds in their spare rooms.  The site launched, but no one used it.  In fact, over the course of the next two years the team launched Airbnb four times. “If you launch and no-one notices, just launch again”, jokes Chesky. 

286686Brain Chesky,Airbnb联合创始人与CEO|Brain Chesky, CEO and CO-founder of Airbnb


With an economy in crisis and stacks of maxed out credit cards, Chesky recalls what he describes as his ‘rock bottom moment’ when, after deciding to sell cereal at the Democratic Convention, he found himself folding and gluing thousands of flat-packed cereal boxes, wondering if Mark Zuckerberg had ever sunk so low.  Things improved from 2010, when gradual investment and creeping uptake of the concept allowed Airbnb to become ‘the worst idea that ever worked’. 

“旅游”,对于游客来说他们永远是外乡人|‘Tourism’ is things people do…that locals would never do

Airbnb之所以受到大众喜爱,是因为它提供了住酒店之外的另一种可能性 – 便宜又有人情味的选择。其独特之处并不是在住宿方面的改变,而是建立起了人与人之间的联系。住在别人家里的想法其实也并不是Airbnb发明的,它只不过是挖掘了“分享型经济”,挖掘了人与人之间潜在的信任。“我们相信人性本善”,Chesky解释说。

Airbnb’s popularity has come from offering a cheaper and, crucially, more personal alternative to hotels.  Its core invention isn’t the spaces it lists, but rather in building relationships between people.  Airbnb didn’t invent the idea staying in other people’s homes, it simply tapped into the ‘sharing economy’ and people’s latent trust.  “We believe that people are fundamentally good”, explains the co-founder.

Airbnb早期广告“人性本善?”[An early Airbnb commercials, ‘Is Mankind?’]


It was vital that every user was given an identity, “If you ask someone if they’d like to host a stranger, they would say no”, says Chesky, “But if you ask them if they want to host this person, this is their story, suddenly you remove the stranger from the equation.”

airbnb-livethereAirbnb “Live There”平面广告|Airbnb’s Live There campaign


People spend between $2 and $4 trillion on travel worldwide every year, yet tourism is one of the industries facing the most challenges.  People enter into travel purchase decision with often very little information.  “Tourism” says Chesky, “is things people do when they travel to a city that locals would never do.  We believe that wherever you go around the world, you shouldn’t be an outsider, you should be made to feel like you belong in a community”.

Airbnb最近一支广告“Don’t Go There, Live There”Airbnb’s most recent campaign ‘Don’t Go There, Live There’


The company’s vision for more immersive travel ties in with a growing desire in China for independent, non-packaged trips, a theme explored by Ogilvy China’s Land Diving film for Agoda earlier this year.  Chesky’s comments also echo the thinking of a number of Chinese apps that provide a platform for KoL recommendations for adventurous DIY trips, “Young people now are not so much showing off about what they own, but rather the experience they are having.  We are increasingly living in an experienced based economy.  It’s really about the memories and moments that people want to have together.”

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