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Trailer-like ad proves a hit for Chang’an CS7


Watch the latest Chang’an CS75 commercial, and odds are that you’ll think you’re looking at a trailer for an action movie a la James Bond.

Shot in the form of a film preview (like a few other spots have been lately, hailing a new trend in the industry) the video, however, is just an ad – one that gets you hooked, though, and wanting to jump off the couch to go take a ride in the red SUV it advertises.

Engaging and of high visual impact, the ‘film,’ imagined by DMG, co-produced with MiC and post-produced by MPC, really has all the qualities of a Hollywood hit: a sexy male protagonist – an agent? a spy? the audience is left guessing – on a mission to retrieve important information, or save the world from an un-cited threat, his female sidekick helping as he gets down on the action, baddies with menacing smirks and an alluring yet dangerous woman adding some mystique to the entire thing.

It’s an innovative way to market a car, and an interesting insight on the potential commercials hold these days.

Running in full over two minutes – double the time of most ads, though the TV version is only 30 seconds long – the feature was shot in Shanghai over four days with Arriscope Anamorphic lenses specifically used in films so as to give it a more authentic movie aesthetic. 2D and 3D experts from the world-renowned post house MPC were on site to support the production team and director. The spot has plenty of visual effects – and, like a real Hollywood product, the post-production and CGI work was split between MPC’s studios in Los Angeles and Shanghai.

One would think such effort would come with a high budget, but Lee Cheng, producer for DMG and MiC, says that wasn’t the case. “The budget we worked with wasn’t high,” he explains, “which made the shooting of car action scenes particularly challenging. We just strived to create a top quality final product. Post-production support was a priority in this sense, and MPC didn’t disappoint: They had a crucial role in making the commercial happen. Director Alexander Paul did obviously an excellent job.”

Here’s to hoping more companies embrace this new commercial-cum-trailer idea.

2-minutes long version of ad

The Making-of 拍摄花絮

Client: Chang’an Auto
Creative Agency: DMG
Production: DMG, MIC
Producer: Lee Chang
Director: Alexander Paul
DOP: Paul Meyer
Post Credits
Post: MPC
Editor: Matt Osbourne
Colourist: Vincent Taylor
VFX Supervisor: Barry Greaves
CG Supervisor: Andy Steele
Lead Compositor: Erwan Leroy
Colourist: Vincent Taylor
3D Artists: Paulo Gnoni
3D Artists: Earn Lee
3D Artist: Javier Sanz
Producer: Lily Li
EP: Steven Marolho



“影片”的娱乐性要归功于震撼的视觉冲击力。广告的创意来自DMG,MIC为制作公司,后期由全球响当当的视觉公司MPC负责,MPC在影视方面的辉煌作品多如牛毛,大家熟悉的《侏罗纪公园》、《哥斯拉》和《灰姑娘》,不能一一细数。这样的团队搭配,当然可以期待好莱坞级的素质,起码剧本是如出一辙:男主人公是一名性感帅哥, 身份虽然扑朔迷离,但无非是特工或间谍,整个世界等着他去拯救。他身旁一定配备一个漂亮又能打的女搭档协助他完成任务,角色里还需要有满脸坏笑和势汹汹的坏蛋和火辣的危险女人来增加刺激和神秘的色彩。


“桥段不怕老,只要受得了。” 汽车广告走动作大片风,市场的反映还是很热烈的。

广告原版是一个2分钟长版,电视版为30秒。整个片子都在上海拍,仅用了四天时间就完美呈现了超宽电影的风格,其中高配置的硬件是关键的原因,广告拍摄时动用了电影拍摄的那套昂贵的变形宽银幕镜头(Arriscope Anamorphic lenses),而后期的MPC公司早早就派出2D和3D专家们到现场协助制作团队和导演,也保证了视觉的效果。就像所有的好莱坞大片,后期制作和CGI是分别在MPC不同的工作室——洛杉矶和上海完成的。

许多人以为这样的大场面动作片一定要花大预算,但是DMG和MIC的制片人李澄透露,花费并没非想像中那回事。 “我们的预算并没有很高,” 他解释说,“所以汽车动作场面的拍摄就特别有挑战性。我们努力地去保证片子的质量。要做到这一点,后期制作的全程参与是非常重要的。MPC也不负众望,他们成本片成功的关键之一。当然,导演亚历山大·保罗的表现也十分出色。”


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