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Lily Li promoted to GM of MPC Shanghai | Lily Li 普升MPC上海总经理


Steven Marolho and Lily Li 

After moving to China in 2009, MPC General Manager Steven Marolho will officially be stepping down and taking a new role at MPC’s LA office as an executive producer.  He will be extremely missed within the Shanghai production and post production community.  His contributions to MPC and the advertising community in China at large were immense.

2009年,Steven Marolho来到中国,现他将不再担任MPC上海总经理一职,调职到MPC洛杉矶工作室担任监制。上海制作团队和后期团队将无比想念他。他为MPC和中国广告行业所作出的贡献非同凡响。

As he moves across the Pacific he is confident that MPC Shanghai is in good hands under Lily Li, “I was very fortunate to have had such a wonderful partner in Lily at MPC and I wish her all the very best in leading the studio into its next stages”.



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Lily Li promoted to GM of MPC Shanghai | Lily Li晋升MPC上海总经理


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