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SLAF 2015 Presenters Give Us The Lowdown
2015 SLAF代表揭秘论坛,精彩内容抢鲜知


明天,为期两天“2015上海-伦敦广告论坛”即将开幕,来自伦敦的业内领先的制作和后期制作公司,以及来自中国顶尖代理商的各位首席创意官汇聚一 堂,共同出席各类演讲、学习、交流活动。SHP+联系了四位来自伦敦和上海方面的演讲者,和他们聊了聊即将呈现给大家的精彩内容。

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Shanghai London Advertising Forum 2015, two days of presentations, learning and networking featuring representatives of London’s leading production and postproduction companies and CCOs of China’s top creative agencies.  SHP+ caught up with speakers from both the London and Shanghai side to hear more about what’s in store.


上海代理商 Shanghai – From the Agencies


Graham Fink 樊克明
奥美中国(Ogilvy China)执行创意总监 | ECD, Ogilvy China


Tell us more about your talk, ‘What I have learnt as ECD of China’s biggest agency ‘.

答: 显而易见,在中国我们面临着许多文化差异,我将讲述很多与之相关的案例。我也不得不改变自己的领导风格。在中国,人们对待创意的态度(与欧洲)截然不同, 对此我会发表自己的观点。针对客户流失率大的问题,我将解释其原因。如今中国的行业发展速度已经是伦敦的十倍,我也将给出相应的惊人例子。此外,我会展示 去年我们做过的一些案例。

Obviously there are a lot of cultural differences and I’m going to show some examples of that.  I had to change my leadership style a bit.  The attitude to creativity is very different here and I’ll give my point of view on that too.  There is also a much bigger churn rate.  I’ll explain why.  The speed is ten times faster than London and I’ll give some crazy examples.  I’m also going to show some work we have done in the last year or so.


In what state is the Chinese advertising industry currently?  How has it evolved in your 4+ years here?

答: 与西方相比,中国依旧有很长的路要走,而如今中国已加快了追赶的脚步。客户现在依然较为保守,而我们也有很多重点问题正在研究。大家普遍希望,能够学习如 何做出优秀的作品。我认为,如今行业中倾向于做更为感性的作品,在更为长线的线上运行模式的影响下,这种趋势尤为明显。移动网络的使用正以惊人的速度增 长,这改变了创作的方式。当然,中国面积广大,情况复杂。面对不同发展水平的城市、不同的文化、数百种方言,不可能存在一个简单的方案,可以一刀切地解决 所有的问题。

It’s still a long way behind the West, but catching up fast. Clients can be very literal and there is a great deal of emphasis on research.  There is a general willingness to learn how to do great work.  I think that there’s a swing towards doing more emotional work, especially with longer running formats online.  The use of mobile is growing at a super-fast rate and that changes the way things need to be made.  Of course, China is very big and complicated. With different tier cities, different cultures and hundreds of dialects, there’s no easy ’one size fits all’ solution.


Why did you want to participate in the event?  

答: 这次论坛对每个人来说都是绝佳的平台,大家可以在此分享观点并相互学习。聆听他人在中国市场遇到的问题,同样可以帮助我们共同团结,并促进改变。英国的制 作公司分享观点,展示优秀作品,谈论高产值……这些都能帮助中国的产业进步。中国要想成为重要的创意力量,还有许多问题需要被严肃讨论。

I think it’s a great platform for everyone to share views and from that there will be a lot of learning.  Listening to some of the problems that others face in China can also help bring people together and bring about change.  UK production companies sharing their point of view, showing great work and talking about high production values must help improve the work here.  That is something that needs to be seriously addressed if China is to be a creative force to be reckoned with.


林俊明 Jimmy Lam
麦迪逊邦(中国)集团副主席兼首席创意官 | Vice Chairman & CCO, DDB China Group

Tell us more about your talk, ‘Advertising in China in 2020′. 

答: 我相信大数据并不等于“大创意”。让我们本土创意人士和制作伙伴脱颖而出的,是我们讲故事的能力和热情。作为资深创意人士,我会展示从上世纪80年代至 今,一系列以讲故事为主的优秀电视广告和视频。这些极具代表性的经典之作,对中国的广告创意发展起到了深远的影响,并成为大中华区流行文化的一部分。若不 考虑技术的发展(会有怎样的新技术出现,以服务人类或管理人类),到2020年,讲故事的艺术会成为重要的、毫无争议的、有影响力的市场影响和交流工具之 一。

I believe that Big Data is not equal to Big Ideas.  What makes us creative folks and our production partners folks taller than the rest, is our storytelling skills and passion.  As a seasoned creative, I will go through a collection of great storytelling TV commercial/long format video created and produced from the 1980’s through last year.   They are iconic ads that have had a very strong influence for Chinese advertising and become part of pop culture in Greater China region.  By 2020, disregarding what technology is serving or ruling mankind, the art of storytelling will always be one of the key, indisputable, influential tools of the marketing and communication industry.

In what state is the Chinese advertising industry currently?


The best of creativity here is as good as anywhere in the market, except it is so scarce.  But I believe quantity yields quality.  The more clients who want to do groundbreaking work, the more we will see great work shining on the global stage.


伦敦制作及后期制作公司 London – Production & Postproduction


Claire Davidson
EP, The Sweetshop Asia

Interview with Spencer Dodd,伦敦The Sweetshop公司EP/MD | Spencer Dodd, EP/MD of The Sweetshop, London


问:关于Claire Davidson的演讲“面对预算压力带来的挑战”,可以和我们透露一些吗?

Tell us more about Claire Davidson’s talk, ‘Meeting the challenges of budget pressures’. 


无 论观众是谁,预算压力和时间压力都是普遍存在并且息息相关的。挑战并非总不同,而我们面对的方式也可能各异。我们相信,要更好的解决这个问题,与其做一些 零散的促销宣传,不如将英国广告行业视为一个整体,来更为全面和普遍的了解这一议题。我们将做出一个回顾,探讨从长远角度来看公司需要做些什么,以及我们 如何处理现在面临的问题。

There is an increasing need for us to be production smart and creative with our solutions.  It is a common misconception that high production values and good creative work comes at a price.  It may well be perceived as a barrier to entry into the UK production industry, and a charge that is often leveled at the APA; a myth we are keen to dispel.

Budget and time pressures are universal and relevant, whoever the audience.  The challenges aren’t necessarily different but the way in which we face them may be.  We agreed that rather than a series of sales pitches, the event would be better served by more general and informative topics about the UK industry as a whole; providing an overview of what the member companies have to offer and how we overcome the problems we face.

What are your reasons for joining the APA delegation?

答: 在演讲展示外,我们也聆听他人。事实等待着我们自己发现。我们非常希望能从中国市场学习到一些东西,中国的公司都在寻求什么,他们面临的困难以及他们在同 APA成员合作时遇到的问题,而我们就可以针对这些问题来量身定制解决方案。我们非常希望人们更多地了解The Sweetshop,了解我们可以如何帮助他们,以改进工作流程。

Whilst we are giving a presentation we will also be listening.  This a fact finding mission and we are keen to learn about the Chinese market, what companies there are looking for, the difficulties they face and the problems they might have in working with APA members, so that we can tailor our offering accordingly.  We’re keen for people to know more about The Sweetshop and how we can help them, which will hopefully lead to an improved flow of work from China.


Simon Gosling
Happy Finish公司全球CEO | Global CEO, Happy Finish

What are your reasons for joining the APA delegation?

答: 此次是我跟随APA的第三次海外行。四年前我曾和代表团一起前往孟买,几年前也曾去过硅谷。在这些活动中,我与英国同行及当地本土的公司建立联系,而直到 现在,无论在工作中还是私下里,我们的关系也还在稳步发展。APA善于将具有天赋的人们组织在一起。我也从过去这些旅程中学习和收获了很多。

一年半(18个月)前,Happy Finish公司在上海设立了工作室。我曾在这座非常精彩的城市呆了几个星期,开始明白在中国如何工作。我非常期待能在上海之行中建立新的联系,并了解更多的广告行业在中国和亚太地区的经营状况。

The APA trip to Shanghai will be my third APA overseas trip. I went to Mumbai with them four years ago and Silicon Valley a couple of years ago. Relationships I formed, both with the fellow UK companies I went with, and the people I met from each location still continue to flourish today, both professionally and personally. The APA never fail to gather an exciting group of talented people together. I’ve learned and gained so much from these past trips.

Happy Finish set up a studio in Shanghai 18 months ago. I have spent several weeks in that incredible city since, getting to understand how things work in China. I’m looking forward to forging new relationships on this Shanghai trip and learning more about how advertising operates in China and the APAC region.

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