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ORIENTAL POST from Bangkok Opens In Shanghai
泰国后期制作公司Oriental Post铿锵落地上海


After celebrating the opening of Fin Design’s Shanghai office a month ago, SHP+ attended yet another truly remarkable party on December 18 – this time for post-production house Oriental Post (OP), to mark the launch of their first Shanghai branch .

Coming originally from Thailand where they were already and important post company, they also have a branch of dedicated facilities in Jakarta, the venture could become a strong player in the China market, and already boasts a remarkable Chinese clientele.


Welcome OP. Guests are celebrating the landing of Oriental Post.

An intimate yet welcoming affair, the event was held at Mi Thai, one of Shanghai’s top Thai spots, in the former French Concession, and saw guests indulging in both free flow drinks and delectable Thai bites courtesy of Oriental Post. In attendance were the upper echelons of the ad production industry, from 24Hours and FilmMate to Carrot Films, Green Spot, PIG and DMG. Chief creatives and agency producers from McCann, Leo Burnett and Ogilvy (to name a few) were also invited to the celebrations, which soon took the form of a one big advertising family event in Shanghai.

Jeffery Chow, the Regional Sales Director of Kantana Group under which Oriental Post is functioning, kicked off the night with an insightful presentation on both Kantana and Oriental Post’s reels and services. While the former does post-production for a wide range of films including feature films, Oriental Post is their main advertising branch.

Managing Director Wikanda Chaiviriyachok said: “Many people tell us China is not going to be an easy place to establish and sustain business, but the market is big and we want to give it a try.” The enthusiasm was shared by Mr Chow, who, comparing Oriental Post (OP) to Post Production Office (PO), joked about the  amalgam and desire to become as successful as the Chinese owner of the same two letters.


Creatives, producers and directors etc. gathered in the elegant Mi Thai restaurant
在这家高级的泰餐Mi Thai里,创意、制片和导演等齐聚

SHP+ also visited OP offices, located right in the middle of Huaihai Zhong Lu not far from PO, FinDesign and Technicolor.

Formerly home to post production company Give Me Five – which recently stopped operations, leaving a few logistics and a cat behind – OP’s facilities include an editing room, grading room, two online suits and a large CG room with lots of little cosy spaces for clients to relax.

Currently, the local team is relatively small: an offline editor and online artist – both inherited from Give Me Five. The CG staff is still to be completed by local hire and Thai artists will be brought in from Bangkok whenever projects require, which actually should happen in January, as a potential project from a Shanghai production is already pending.

Let’s see if the two “lucky” initials will bring OP better luck than what the folks at Give Me Five achieved at House 32, lane 1984, Huaihai Zhong Lu.


Facility in OP’s Shanghai new office

一个月前SHP+刚报道了澳洲后期公司FIN在上海的开业。12月18日,SHP+又受邀出席了另一家国外后期制作公司 – “东方后期制作”(Oriental Post, 又简称为OP)在上海成立分公司的庆祝餐会。本地的广告制作行业因几大国外后期的公司(包括音效后期GUM)的到来而一下子变得非常热闹。

OP隶属于泰国“历时悠久”的动画有限公司甘达纳(Kantana)集团,于1997年在曼谷成立,甘达纳也是后期制作,但是业务范围更为广泛,包括了剧情电影后期。而OP则更注重在广告影片后期。OP今年先开设了雅加达的工作室,年底又进驻上海。据OP 称,在来中国之前就已经与中国的客户合作,这次新公司的成立显然是有备而来。

餐会选在位于安福路的高档泰国餐厅My Thai内。现场到贺的除了制作公司、导演,还有广告公司的首席创意、广告监制等(看下图说话)。美酒佳肴、人才济济,给了广告制作圈子的一次年终小聚的机会。

Jeffery Chow,甘达纳集团的区域销售总监主持了简短的开业介绍,并播放了甘达纳集团以及OP的作品集。热情高涨Jeffery表示希望成为本地制作的新宠,他甚至搬出本地一家知名的制作公司PO来调侃道:希望可以成为像PO那样出名的OP。而当被问及收费时,Jeffery巧妙地回答:“我们肯定不是最贵的,当然也不是最便宜的。”

董事总经理Wikanda Chaiviriyachok(Ying)则对SHP+补充说:“许多人曾经告诉我们,在中国做生意,要建起和维护生意关系很不容易。但是这里市场大,我们还是想试试看”。


OP took over the previous local post production Give Me Five’s office and legacies.
OP的工作室家前身是本地一家后期公司Give Me Five。

就在开幕的第二天,SHP+参观了OP坐落在淮海中路的新办公室。巧的是,它的直接竟争对手PO、Fin Design和Technicolor就在它不远处,难道真的想“要保持与敌人得更近”?OP办公室的前身是本地另一家后期制作Give Me Five, 当然后者已经停业并搬走,只留下了寥寥几件物品,包括了一只萌哒哒的猫。 OP的设施包括一个编辑室和分色室,两个在线编辑和一个大型CG室。这个占据了三层楼的洋房,布置得温馨舒适。

目前,在上海的团队很小, 做线下和线上的那位编辑还是Give Me Five原来的员工。而CG人才还在本地招聘当中。当然,如果项目需求,OP随时可以从曼谷总部调派人手过来。OP明年一月的案子就可能需要总部的技术人员。

看来OP在中国已经万事俱备,现在就让我们翘首以待“O”与“P”的字母组合会否为“东方制作”带来比Give Me Five更好的命运吧。祝你好运!


Peoples @ Opening Dinner Party

(L to R) Director Jiao Yue (焦悦),Mccann’s producer Denny Yu, Director Ben Hu (胡杰令), Gemini from Green Spot Production, 24Hours’s Yao and Lintas’ producer Will Ke raised glasses for a toast.

(L to R) Freelance producer Brian with Kyle Ching, Head of DMG Entertainment and EP Brandon Lowe from Ozcam Production

(L to R) Eric Lai, Head of TV in Ogilvy Shanghai, Producer Denny Yu from Mccann, Maria from rep agency SHP with producer Jessie Huang from P.I.G.

(L to R)  Yao from 24Hours Production, Director Jiao Yue and Producer Will from Lintas had a group discussion over the next project (maybe) …

Managing Director Stone ShRek (L) from 24Hours Production rubs shoulder with Jeffery Chow, the Regional Sales Director of Kantana Groupopenign2

(L to R) Maria from SHP with Goretti Yau from Leo Burnett, Head of Production Winnie Young from Coca Cola China and Louie Wen Hsiu, Senior Group Creative Director of Leo Burnett. 

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