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Milka Chocolate Brought to Life by MPC | 妙卡巧克力焕然新生


In a new series of spots for Milka, director Eddie Li, creative agency Ogilvy Shanghai and MPC Shanghai came together to design a CG world from scratch and tell three stories of a chocolate character on a path of self-improvement.

在为妙卡(Milka)设计的新一季影片中,影片导演Eddie Li、影片创意机构——上海奥美与MPC 上海一同打造了一个全新的实拍世界,并讲述了三个不同巧克力人物的自我提升的故事。


The result is a colorful character and the playful world he inhabits. Post FX studio MPC Shanghai’s challenge was to breathe life and personality into the character based on an initial design from Ogilvy Shanghai. Showing the character’s personality in less than 30 seconds without any dialogue meant flexing even more technical skills from the animation team.


MPC also contributed heavy concept and design work to create a more magical experience for the viewer. Designing full CG environments is always a unique challenge, and requires heavy conception and design experience.  Every frame was carefully constructed with an eye on narrative, composition and camera movement.



The viewer gets to know the chocolate character’s personality through his desire to improve after being inspired by his favorite celebrity, Zhang YiXing. In each video, the Milka chocolate combines himself with different Oreo flavors to be the best chocolate he can be, whether on the beach, in the gym, or a wintery wonderland.



“The most rewarding part for me in the project was seeing Milka’s character and environment coming together during the compositing stage,” says director Eddie Li. “We were super happy to see how great a job MPC did in creating such a beautiful and fun environment. The animation was superb and really helped to build Milka’s character and adding comedy to it. Each episode has its own unique challenges and I think MPC team did a great job in bringing each of the story alive. The team was super dedicated and it was so much fun working with them. ”

导演Eddie Li说道:“对我来说,整个项目最有价值的部分就是在影片合成阶段看到秒卡巧克力的动画人物与场景融为一体的时候。” 他还说:“MPC搭建了一个美丽而又有趣的场景,他们做得非常棒,我们非常满意。动画制作在帮助角色完美地塑造了人物性格的同时也为人物增添了几分喜剧色彩。每一个章节都有它不同的挑战,我认为MPC团队把每一个故事都变得鲜活起来,他们完成得非常出色。整个团队非常用心和专业,与这样的团队一起工作是一件充满乐趣的事情。”

Credits 制片团队

Creative Agency | 创意机构 : Ogilvy Shanghai 上海奥美
Creative Director | 创意总监 : Zaren Zhu
Production Company | 制作公司:Gravity Zero
Director | 导演 : Eddie Li
EP: Tim Chan
Producer: Park Wong
DP: Fang Ping Yi
Music: Lao Wei
Editor: Hans Wang/ Eddie Li
Post production: MPC
VFX Superviso | 特效指导:Earn Lee
Colorists | 调色师: Nikola Stefanovic, Nikola Mrdalj, Chow Chung
Post producer | 后期制片:: Rachel Zhao


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