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Latest Ad for Mercedes GLA SUV Raises the Bar for Commercials in China
奔驰GLA SUV联手Eagle Media带来了最美好的童年时光


Times really are a-changin’ for the ad industry in China. As consumers’ taste evolves, so is the level of quality big brands aim to offer to the local market – starting from the commercials made to showcase their products. The latest spot for Mercedes GLA SUV is a case in point.

The minute long film checks all the boxes of an international production: top director (Lionel Mougin), top crew, stunning locations and a good share of truly amazing skills and talent – from the photography and cinematography to the music and overall storyline. It’s a sign that the country’s sector is slowly but steadily maturing, and eagerly leaving any cheap, cliché device behind.

The kids are having fun in the shoot. 儿童演员们在拍摄当中玩得相当欢乐。

Leading the narrative thread of the commercial is a heart-warming connection between the liberating fearlessness of childhood and the daring, infectiously thrilling experiences the SUV’s dynamic and progressive styling (and lots of extreme sports) can help recreate for its adult owners.

“The intention was to create a soft contrast between ‘childhood memories’ and adult life,” says EP of Eagle Media Edmond Tao. “The film shows a high level of strong emotions triggered by the energy, freshness and enthusiasm of the moments and characters we portrayed. Everybody can recognise themselves in it and remember the feelings of freedom and spontaneity that comes with youth.”


French director Lionel Mougin (left) is highly involved in every element of the film. 法国导演Lionel Mougin(左)在现场事事都有参与。

“The commercial is an ode to the life force that animates and drives men to always move forward,” he says.

Indeed, the parallels made throughout the film are glimpses of lifestyle vignettes that feel sincere, moving and aspirational – a perfect example of what a good spot can be.

Shot in five days and post-produced in eight with a staff of some 80 people, the ad is also a demonstration in the potential of China’s own locations for shootings of this kind. No stock footage was used for the film; instead, production house Eagle Media opted for some seriously breath-taking settings across the country: Xinjiang for the mountain and desert sequences, Guangzhou for the extreme sports scenes. Again, this is proof that China, too, can offer a diversity of landscapes and weather just as any other country, and all within a short flight distance from the metropolises where post-productions take place.

If there ever were a commercial that just raised the bar for the future of the industry in the PRC, this would be it.  A 10 out 10.

Making-of and the film 制作花絮及广告片

Client 品牌: Mercedes-Benz GLA
Agency 代理商: BBDO
Production company 制作公司: Eagle Media
Post production 后期制作 : Digital District Shanghai
Director 导演: Lionel Mougin
1st AD 副导: Anthony Yao
DOP 摄影: Ekkehart Pollack
Executive producer 制片人: Edmond Tao, Raymond Lau
Line producer: Quoi
Editor 编辑: Gopal Puntos



The extreme sports are performed by professional extreme sport athletes 极限运动都是由专业的极限运动员完成


时间是成长最好的见证 – 例如它见证了像奔驰这样的品牌在中国市场的立足和成长;它见证了一整个行业——中国影视广告业,从无到有、从枯燥的叫卖到现在的百花齐放。

但成长未必代表进步。在奔驰最新的电视广告《天生无畏》里 ,叙述的就是成长带来的压力和束缚。而全新的奔驰GLA SUV就是要把车的能量与动力演化成为自由与无畏,就像儿时我们都喜欢玩冒险的游戏。

这支长达一分钟的片子在叙事方式上还是采用了时下流行的生活片断的拼帖手法,“(但)我们塑造的人物和瞬间都充满能量和新鲜感。我们希望每个人都看到自己童年的影子,可以回忆起童年时自由无忧的滋味和年青时的冲动。” 制作公司Eagle Media(鹰美广告制作)的监制Edmond Tao解释说。

随着儿时欢乐的画面一帧帧地掠过,伴随着Green Day那首耳熟能详的《September Ends》慢慢叠起的高潮,内心很容易被牵引,情感被释放。这种感染力无疑是成为一支优秀广告的最关键,而《天生无畏》做到了。

除了以“情”取胜的创意,Eagle Media的制作水平也是国际级的:除了有法国导演Lionel Mougin坐阵外,片子里的各个环节,如对儿童演员和极限运动员的表演、不同地貌和景致的广角摄影以及后期调色等等都执行出色。同样的题材,片子已经摆脱了生搬硬套的创意和混乱无序的制作,在拍摄和后期的层面上也有了真正的提高,它是中国影视广告全面地走向成熟的代表之作。


All the stunning locations are located in China. 片中美丽的景地都在中国境内取景。



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