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KARMA Invites You to Keep Running | KARMA邀你Keep Running


How do you jump, dance, battle and train your way through a run? Workout app Keep Running wants to motivate you to get up and run by creating imaginary worlds through your earbuds, like a pixelated video game, a sci-fi battle or a city where jazz bands play alongside you. That’s what creative agency KARMA, in collaboration with production studios ShootingGalleryAsia (SGA) and Craft Creations, set out to capture in their new campaign for Keep Running.

跑步途中,如何跳跃、舞蹈、battle 和训练?健身App Keep Running通过耳机,打造了一个想象中的缤纷世界激励你开跑,既有像素风的游戏场景,又有科幻风的大战场面,甚至可以拥有一个爵士乐队一路跟随你的脚步。这正是创意公司KARMA,携手制作工作室ShootingGalleryAsia (SGA) Craft Creations,一同为Keep Running打造的新Campaign。


The brand film follows a user through Keep Running’s many products and stories, including an imaginary personal trainer or a mecha robot story, in which post-production tricks turn the user into a robot superhero. Through some entertaining and dynamic exposition, the app’s multiple functions are showcased — a true challenge for any creative agency.

影片跟随一个用户体验Keep Running的各种产品和情景故事,包括想象中的私人教练或者机甲战士场景,后期制作的亮点在于将用户变身为高燃的超级英雄。 通过搞笑和夸张的呈现方式,展现了app的多功能性—这对于任何一个创意公司而言,都是真正的挑战。


KARMA explains, “The target audience for this were people who haven’t built a habit around running. Our earliest challenge, in terms of creative, was to find a way to get these non-runners interested in running with Keep and its products. We tried the app ourselves, and found that Keep’s products really keep runners entertained. As long as as we could show how fun this kind of running fun is, it would be enough to interest non-runners to get up and run.”

KARMA表示:“我们的目标受众是那些还没有建立跑步习惯的人群。在创意层面,最开始的挑战在于如何让非跑者爱好者使用Keep 的产品,激发他们对跑步的兴趣。于是我们自己试用了这款APP, 我们发现这款产品将乐趣融入到了跑步过程中。 只要我们能呈现出这种跑步的乐趣,自然能够让没有跑步习惯的人开始动起来,并爱上跑步。”


The ad was shot in Shanghai over the course of two days, with some scenes around Dishui Lake in the city outskirts to avoid traffic and pollution. “Our crew had to work really hard to plan around this shoot, but now that we can see the final result, I hope the crew can forgive us for such demanding arrangements,” said SGA’s executive producer, Star Hu. “Craft Creations (in charge of post-production) was also an important factor in the success of this project. They only had two weeks to finish, but their work really elevated the visuals of the film to the next level, resulting in a very high-quality final product.”

广告历时两天在上海取景拍摄,为了避免交通堵塞和污染,部分场景在位于城市郊区的滴水湖拍摄。“工作团队必须非常辛苦地准备这场拍摄,但是看到影片出街的效果,相信大家都会原谅我们的如此安排。”SGA的执行制作人Star Hu说道“Craft制作团队(负责后期制作)对于本次项目的成功同样功不可没。他们只有两周的时间,但是他们真的把影片的视觉提高到了一个高度,成就了一份如此高质量的短片。”


The team on set with the spot’s neon “jazz car”

Each stage of the protagonist’s journey is executed in a different film style. Visuals and music vary a lot from scene to scene, something that is usually perceived as a risky move in advertising.


“Our film’s director, Li Jingbo, is a very good local director,” Star Hu elaborated. “We chose him for his outstanding skills on many different shooting styles – from car commercials to blockbusters, he’s always in control. Although we’re a Singaporean company, we would never pass up an opportunity to work with local directors, who are experiencing rapid growth and increase in quality.”

“影片的导演李静波是一位非常优秀的本土导演。”Star Hu表示,“之所以选择静波导演,因为他是本土导演中出类拔萃的。不管是汽车类广告的拍摄,还是后期视觉搭配的掌握,静波导演都能非常好的驾驭。SGA虽然是一家新加坡背景的公司,但绝不会放弃和优秀本土导演合作的机会,并且大家可以感受到这两年本土导演的成长是非常迅速并且也是高质量的”。



Regarding the eclecticism of the film at times, KARMA says this is a result of a careful design process. “We wanted to have a ‘showman’s attitude’ to re-interpret the fun behind running, in which we could present product functions that are still integrated into the film’s tone. We used different visual elements on each scene, such as illustrations, pixel art or 3D shapes, to enhance the mood.  At the same time, music also adds a lot to the film, as each track matches its visuals, serving as an ingenious interpretation of the plot, and keeping the audience hooked.”



To reach the target audience of non-runners, the project can be seen around cities in two versions — a 15-second cutdown shown on public transportation, movie theaters, and as a pre-roll ad, and its complete 3-minute version, promoted over WeChat Moments and KOL marketing.


Credits 制片团队

创意公司: KARMA

出品人 | Producer: Neo Wang

制作人 | Producer: 赵茜, Greta Ma, Fred Hu

创意总监 | Creative Director: Kama

制作公司: ShootingGalleryAsia

导演 | Director: 李静波

监制 Producer: Star Hu

后期制作: Craft Creations

特效总监 | Special Effects Director: 怪頭, 锦儒 | Weitou, Jinru

三维总监 | 3D Director: 王浩龙 | Wang Haolong

作曲 | Composer: 周晋晋 | Zhou Jinjin

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