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First Gold Masks China’s Lions Shortfall


周三获奖者|Wednesday Winners


Today’s awards yielded China’s first Gold Lion of 2016, again for Havas Worldwide Shanghai for its SMS Last Words campaign, this time in the Media category, adding to the Design Bronze it picked up yesterday.   

最后的短信|SMS Last Words


Usher亚瑟小子在今年戛纳上|Usher at Cannes Lion

Disappointingly, there were no Chinese winners in any of the Creative Data, Cyber, Innovation or Mobile categories revealed today.  It’s something of a glaring underachievement considering both the highly evolved mobile and data sector, something of which we have been reminded in almost every China panel and presentation so far, and the nation’s drive to be a world innovation leader.  The reasons for the failure could be attributed to one or a combination of factors: lack of submissions brought about by indifference, budgetary concerns or not knowing how or where to enter the work; campaigns that are effective but lack a great ‘idea’, or an inability to explain the wider cultural context or tell the story of the campaign.  Prior to Cannes, SHP+ drew on insights from China’s most festival savvy figures to analyse the issue.

13517566_10155250059233539_8300017414789183177_oIggy Pop在今年戛纳上|Iggy Pop at Cannes Lion

P.I.G派对|Partying with P.I.G

本届戛纳至今为止唯一的一场“中国派对”来自上海与洛杉矶的影视制作公司P.I.G。在一座俯视地中海的豪华4层别墅中,P.I.G携手Ta Prod和Tantor为超过2000名来宾提供了一场美食与娱乐的盛宴。良辰美景,我们废话就不多说了,直接看图吧:

550696187P.I.G派对|P.I.G Party

The only ‘China party’ of the festival so far saw 2000 hedonists feast and frolick in the hills overlooking a glorious Mediterranean vista, as Shanghai and LA-based production company P.I.G, in partnership with Ta Prod and Tantor, threw its annual shindig in a lavish four-storey villa befitting an MTV-cribs special. Namedropping would be more work than this writer is willing to do on this Wednesday evening, so we’ll let the pictures tell the story.


P.I.G派对|P.I.G Party

Cannes2 Cannes_CH未来的意见领袖屁哥试图融入创意人中|Loudmouth KoL wannabe PIGMAN struggled to assimilate with the creative crowd.


作为周三狂欢的总结,戛纳的派对之王Massive Music与刚在上海新开了工作室的摩课士一起,在戛纳电影宫的屋顶举办了他们2016年的年度庆典。他们拿出了一贯的搞怪精神,在派对现场安装了一个扫描仪,用来显示(在女士身上)隐藏的小鸡鸡,同时将他们的脸塞到罐头里。

734753395 copyMassive Music派对|Massive Music Party

To cap off a debauched Wednesday, Cannes party kings Massive Music collaborated with Media Monks, fresh from officially opening their new Shanghai studio, for their 2016 event on the Palais Des Festivals Rooftop.  Alongside the usual tomfoolery, the experimental theme included an installation that scanned guest’s bodies to reveal hidden penises (on women) and cram their faces into jars. 

380219325Massive Music派对|Massive Music Party

更多|Coming up…

周四,久居中国的Nils Andersson将于早上11点与听众分享他在中国的最新见闻和中国的变化。午饭过后,中国广告媒体广告们将组织一场创意人与媒体人代表的圆桌讨论,讨论话题将围绕内容与创意展开。届时几大巨头如推特,奥美,FCB和李奥贝纳也将列席参加。

Looking ahead to Thursday, long-serving China-hand Nils Andersson brings the latest iteration of his ever-evolving sino story to the Delegate Zone at 11am.  After lunch Chinese advertising media platform Adquan has organised a roundtable discussion for Chinese creative and media delegates to talk content and creativity with a stellar assembly of western top brass from the likes of Twitter, Ogilvy & Mather, FCB and Leo Burnett.


  • 日期:6月23日,13:30
  • 地点:45, La Croisette-BP263-06401 Cannes

Adquan Roundtable Discussion

  • Date: June 23rd, 13:30
  • Location: 45, La Croisette-BP263-06401 Cannes




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