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CGG Shanghai’s New Lamando Ad Takes Surreal to A New Level


If the first Volkswagen Lamando ad by CCG Shanghai surprised us with a boisterous display of fast cars, fashion and technology the second instalment is an even more surreal whirlwind of visual effects and strong symbolism.

Shot by the same German director, Specter Berlin, and with the same Chinese production team Mili Films, the  1.10-minute-long spot stars Singaporean singer and actor JJ Lin, a huge celebrity in Asia’s pop scene,  driving a Lamando out of a gigantic cylindrical cube and into a wilderness of ice, forests and wolves.  In a rapid, head-spinning driving sequence, he shows off the car’s power, and ends up facing the famished beasts in a standoff worthy of some serious cinematic credit.


The shoot took place in two parts – first in Shanghai and later in Berlin, where the Mili Films crew worked with professionally trained wolf dogs.  “Three people almost died on set,” says Executive Producer, Andrew Gregg . “Ok, not really,  but there were some particularly tense moments,” he recounts. “Some of the wolves were done in 3D by the amazing team behind Storz&Escherich, but most of them were real.”

Thankfully, the wild dogs were the only extreme aspect of the spot.  After taking into consideration the risks involved, the ice lake that features prominently throughout was done in CG, “so the only discussion we ended up having was about how deep the ice cracks could be,” jokes Andrew.

What’s in store for the next chapter? More symbolism with crazy CGI apparently. “The third spot  is basically part two of the second film. JJ has to go through a series of challenges in a new surreal work.”

The commercial is currently under production and should be released in March .  From what we’ve seen so far, we’re pretty sure it won’t disappoint.


Agency: CCG Shanghai – 上海CCG传播
Agency creative: John Wu – 创意总监 吴岳翰
Agency producer: Trista Sheng – 制片 盛碧君
Production house: Mili Films
Director: Specter Berlin
Executive Producer: Andrew Gregg
Post: Storz&Escherich
DOP: Armin Franzen
Art Director: Lin Bei
Styling: Joyce Chang


凌渡去年九月推出的广告片以超现实的场景和未来派的前卫时尚惊艳全场。 今年初,第二支电视广告沿用了同一个制作班底,以同一种未来科幻式的风格来了更冲击的视觉效果和更多强烈的象征符号。

凌渡的代理公司CCG选择继续与制作公司米立和德国导演史派克特 × 柏林合作,不过此次的片子请来了一位名人出演,他就是红遍亚洲的歌手林俊杰(JJ)。JJ原来健康阳光的形象在片子里摇身一变,成了一身酷炫范儿。他驱动凌渡,破冰而行,在冰雪荒原上穿越森林和狼群。汽车与狼群的追逐场景震撼且逼真,是全片的高潮,不单展示了车的驱动力和各种功能特色,也是整个制作上的精粹。

片里的虚幻场景让人很难分辨取景点。执行制片人安德鲁·格雷格透露说,上海和柏林是前期和后期的两个拍摄地。而在柏林,工作人员要与专业训练过的狼狗“工作”。 “有三个工作人员几乎在现场被狼狗咬死了” 安德鲁说:“好吧,我开玩笑的。不过现场确实出现过一些特别紧张的时刻,”他回忆: “部分的狼是由后期公司Storz&Escherich用3D完成的,但片里大多部的狼还是真实的狼狗。”

庆幸的是,狼狗是现场唯一疯狂的元素。起码铺天覆地的冰湖和冰川都是安全的。在考虑到真冰湖面的风险后, 冰的元素都以CG完成:“所以我们唯一需要讨论的是应该把冰裂缝挖得多深。”安德鲁开玩笑的说。

据介绍,凌渡这个系列广告是三步曲,在第一、第二部里我们已经看到各种炫酷的画片,我们可以期待第三部有什么更精彩的看头呢?当然是更多疯狂CGI: “第三部是本片的续曲。 JJ要在另一个新的超现实世界接受挑战。” 安德鲁透露了一下剧情。


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