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ADFEST 2018 Animation created by MPC Shanghai


本周,ADFEST推出了由MPC上海和柏林的Tracks&Fields创作的短片动画主题电影。该动画将在本月21日至24日在泰国芭堤雅举行的ADFEST 2018展会上亮相。

亚太广告节主视觉动画于本周揭晓,该视频由MPC上海携手Tracks&Fields柏林共同打造。2018年亚太广告节将于3月21日 – 24日在泰国芭提雅举办,期间将会播放该放映视频。

Kem Suraphongchai, Festival Director, said “We wanted to give MPC and Tracks & Fields the challenge of bringing the theme of ADFEST 2018, ‘Transform’, to life in a 45-second animation. MPC took inspiration from the brand identity for ADFEST 2018, which is designed by Kinetic Singapore. It is bold, vibrant, and constantly in flux, and MPC’s motion graphics build on Kinetic’s brand platform seamlessly.  Next, MPC co-operated closely with the team at Tracks & Fields for a couple of months, developing and tweaking their designs to suit the soundtrack, which is suitably futuristic and frenetic.”

亚太广告节总监Kem Suraphongchai表示,“我们把挑战抛给MPC上海和Tracks&Fields柏林,要通过45秒的动画视频展现2018年亚太广告节的主题”’transformation’(变型).MPC的灵感来自今年MPC团队跟Tracks&Fields(MPC)团队跟Tracks&Fields(MPC团队跟Tracks&Fields)广告节的Kinetic Singapore品牌形象,它由新加坡广告公司Kinetic设计完成,大胆响亮又充满流动感,MPC的动态图形设计跟Kinetic设计的品牌形象衔接的天衣无缝。团队紧密合作,不断优化设计,以契合充满未来感又狂热的背景音乐“。

ADFEST总裁Jimmy Lam表示:“我们不能感谢MPC Shanghai和Tracks&Fields的才华横溢的团队花了很多时间来创作今年的动画,感觉活泼而有机 – 这是我们2018年主题的完美表现。”


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