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25Hours Creates the Best Promotion Film with OK GO For A Chinese Funiture


虽然OK GO的四个成员看起来像四个geeky极了的理工男,但其实他们是现今流行乐坛里最懂得经营和最有商业头脑的乐队。这支成军于1998年、在2002发行第一张唱片的乐队,曾多次利用其MV与品牌合作,包括雪佛兰、Google、三星以及本田等,这些联姻就像攀了一些殷实的婆家一样,为实现他们各种疯狂的创意提供了丰富的资源。 OK GO的主唱Damian Kulash曾说过:我们与品牌合作是因为它们比起传统的音乐工业(商片公司)是一个更好的搭挡。



去年他们为本田的自助独轮车合作的MV “I Won’t Let You Down”就把他们与品牌的合作推到了顶峰:声势浩大的阵容和一镜到底组成的人肉万花筒般炫眼的视觉,这个经过精密计算的 MV一下子火遍全球,让不少做创意的把大腿都拍红了:“看!这主意是多牛啊。”

25Hours广告公司合伙人兼执行创意总监陶磊就是其中的一个,他被这种在中国还没有人尝试过的风格和一镜到底的影像风格深深吸引了,竭尽全力要把这个酷点子卖给客户--红星美凯龙。陶磊告诉SHP+:“一开始客户是有很多顾虑的,对于客户而言,OK GO在中国的知名度并不是那么高,花巨资去做这个片子的风险是很大的。” 陶磊花了很大的精力和客户反复的沟通,并预估了片子可以带来的品牌价值和营销活动上的反响,客户最终还是接受了这个挑战,并同意让OK GO来参演此片——虽然当时都还不知道怎么能联系到OK GO。

25Hours之后通过各种渠道找到了OK GO的经纪人并表明了来意,对于从未踏足过中国,但一上来就有机会创造一次相当有趣的广告活动,OK GO与广告公司几乎是一拍即合。广告是为了红星美凯龙在3月28和3月29号两天的大型促销而策划。从最初的诉求就是希望让促销和艺术的表达可以完美融合,陶磊和创意总监张松、美术指导石磊为主的创意团队努力骈寻找其中的平衡点。当脚本交到乐队主唱Damian kulash手上时,号称“点子库”的Damian继续去发想了很多的好点子来给这个脚本加分。

mmexport1427604932802一支成功的广告背后的梦幻组合:本片监制Steam Films的倪辉峰(左),导演和乐队主唱Damian Kulash(中)以及25Hours合伙人兼执行创意总监陶磊(右) 

广告的前期准备就花了一个半月,历经了无数次的越洋电话及网络商讨,Damian终于在春节前与视觉总监Mary Fagot 以及摄影师Luke Geissbuhler前行来到上海。在那十天里,Damian与陶磊一起继续打磨脚本和拍摄方案,看似不可能的一次合作,居然慢慢的成型了。25Hours的客户总监严灵宁称:“这次客户给了我们很大的创作空间,没有客户的力挺,这次根本没有办法完成这样的作品。”

在确定了创意以后,紧接着就是是繁重的搭景工作。Steam Films 是本次广告的制作公司,监制倪辉峰透露说,“由于片子技术含量高,三方人员都必须在一起工作,缺一不可。” Mary和Luke监督着搭景的进程,非常严谨,不容出现一丝差错。所有的搭建前后用了2周时间之多。

彩排和拍摄已经是春节假期以后的事了。乐队在拍摄前一周到达上海进行彩排。接下来两天的拍摄重点就在 “一镜到底+错视觉”的推进。毋庸置疑,片子几乎是完美地演绎了原定的创意。在所有工作人员击掌庆祝之时,倪辉峰感慨地说:“从(双方)一开始的不适应到最后的信任,过程经历了太多。” 这个过程里,你必须要坚守“一定能成功”的信念。片子中最让人眼前一亮的“失重房间”的场景,Damian把这个想法分享给陶磊的时候,大家眼睛都一亮,一致决定要做这个场景。如何解决这超出部分的预算成了很大的难题。倪辉峰说:“25Hours广告公司和制作公司最后达成一致,我们自掏腰包来做这个很酷的场景 。”

为什么要自掏腰包?我们八卦了一下是否因为OK GO出演费太贵的原因,倪辉峰回答说费用还是很“合理的”。“能明显的感觉到拍好这支片是他们(OK GO)主要的任务。我相信他们的正常收费一定是天价,正因为客户和乐队的诚意,我们在费用上找到了一个平衡点。”

当Tim Nordwind用不咸不淡地中文吆喝 着“痒(两)天来了”的时候,我们忽然觉得让外国人来叫”购”真是有趣多了。OK,我们都快期待着“5.1”和“11.11”打折“购”的到来了。



广告公司美术指导:石磊   王冰艳
客户执行:黄燕   李达
导演:Damian Kulash(美国)
制作公司: Steam Films
视觉总监:Mary Fagot(美国)
Damian Kulash(美国)
Andrew Ross(美国)
Daniel Konopka(美国)
Timothy Nordwind(美国)
摄影指导:Luke Geissbuhler(美国)
美术指导:Julius Mak(马来西亚)
副导演:Joon Chen(中国台湾)

The four members of OK GO really just look like normal, geeky men, but actually they are one of the most business-minded bands out there. Founded in 1998, they released their first album in 2002 and since then have collaborated with multiple brands, including Chevrolet, Google, Samsung and Honda. These brand collaborations give OK GO a strong resource to achieve all kinds of crazy ideas. Singer and front man Damian Kulash once said: “Basically, honestly, the reason we work with brands at all is that they’re better partners for us than the traditional music industry.”

Last year, for their cooperation with Honda the band used their new music video “I Won’t Let You Down” to promote the brand’s cool electric wheel called the Uni-Cub. This particular collaboration really heightened the band’s career: a massive cast, dazzling human kaleidoscope of visuals and precise choreography created a unique idea that everyone loved.

This weightless room was paid to be made from the Agency 25Hours’s own pockets

Among the admirers is Lei Tao, managing partner and executive creative director of a local Chinese ad agency, 25Hours, who was attracted by the one-shot style rarely used in Chinese ads. Since seeing the Uni-Cub ad/music video, he aimed to sell a similar idea to his client Macalline. Lei Tao told SHP +; “The customer had a lot of concerns at the beginning because not many people know OK GO here. It was quite risky to spend a huge amount of money on this kind of film.” But Lei Tao didn’t give up, and eventually the client accepted the challenge and agreed to have a go with OK GO, though they weren’t even sure where to find the band!

After trying various channels, 25Hours eventually reached OK GO’s agent. The band had never been to China before, and collaborating with local brands and doing an ad using their hit song was a great introduction to China.

The campaign aimed to promote Macalline’s big sale day from 28th-29th March, and the creative brief focused on a combination of sales information and artistic devices. Lei Tao worked with the creative director Zhang Song, and art director Shi Lei tried to find a balance of these two key factors; but it was only when the storyboard was handed to OK GO front man Damien Kulash – clearly an “ideas bank” – that the whole story shaped up.

The production preparation took about a month and a half. After numerous long-distance con-calls and emails exchanges, Damian finally flew to Shanghai just before the CNY holiday with visual director Mary Fagot and DOP Luke Geissbuhler. In the next 10 days, Damian and Lei Tao worked side by side to polish the script and shooting board. The seemingly unlikely collaboration was in motion..

After they finalised the creative idea, the incredible set was built; producer Ni Hui Feng of Steam Films, the production house on this project revealed; “It’s a very technical film, every side (the agency, the band and the production) had to get involved, no one can miss anything.” Mary and Luke helped supervise the set building, which took about 2 weeks to complete.

OK GO是可能是现今流行乐坛最有商业头脑的乐队之一。OK GO is one of the most business-minded bands out there.

After the CNY Holiday, the whole OK GO band flew over to Shanghai about a week before the shoot to do rehearsals. The film itself was shot in two full days, and there are some “visual illusion” tricks applied which meant that no mistakes could be allowed. But after the intensive rehearsals, the shoot went smoothly. At the end of the film one can see the talents high fiving each other; Feng recalled this moment saying “It really was not an easy piece. From the beginning we were working to adapt to each other and trust each other – we’ve been through a lot! In this kind of process, you need to have the faith that it will succeed.” For example, one of the most eye-catching scenes is the ‘weightless room;’ when Damian shared this idea to Lei Tao, he was very impressed. They decided to do it, even though it was beyond the budget, which was a huge challenge. Finally, Feng said, “25Hours decided to pay from our own pockets to make sure we could have this scene.”

This brings us to the question of whether OK GO had very high fees…. Feng explained that their treatment was quite reasonable, “I can feel that they truly want to do a good film with us. I believe that international band of this level could charge a crazy price, but because of this band’s sincerity we were able to find a good balance on the costs.”

The whole film is quite reminiscent of the band’s own ‘I Won’t Let You Down” music video. But when Tim Normand shouts the the Chinese line (with his funny accept!) of “The two days are coming!” We are convinced, and we are buying it – at least the groundbreaking ad!


附:倪辉峰对OK GO各位成员的印象 (Feng on the members of the band)

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Damian Kulash: 极期聪明,敬业精神让人敬佩,非常的平易近人,脑子里有一堆的好想法。Very smart. I am impressed by his professionalism. A very easy-going guy with cool ideas.

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Timothy Nordwind: 搞怪达人,非常风趣和幽默。A very funny and interesting guy. 

Andy Ross: 酷酷的,没什么架子。Cool guy, very easy-going. 

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Dan Konopka: 四人之中最安静的一位。在音乐上很有才华,片子的音乐就是他remix的。The most quiet one. Talented man on music. He did the mix of this film. 

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