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13 Days’ ‘Fast and Furious’ of W


13天的时间,在广告公司可能仅够立个案,在制作公司里,可能仅仅够开两次制作筹备会。但是,W广告公司却以这样不可思议的速度孵化出淘宝“新势力周”的整个广告战役。 “从campaign 的立项、策划、创意到拍摄,我们13天内完成了一整套概念输出和执行落地。”W公司创始人兼创意总监李三水透露。

W公司是这次campaign的广告公司和制作公司。成立不到一年的W很神秘:没有官网、没有地址、没有作品集、相关的报道也寥寥无几。如果你还记得 “V 代表了Vendetta”(《V字仇杀队》),那么“W 又代表什么?”。其实最早只是公司创始人李三水英文名“Water”的缩写,仅此而已。当然,还有模糊的说法是,W的部分现役伙伴是前W+K的员工,不过此W与彼W的关联性就几乎不存在了。


李三水称这次campaign“是与客户淘宝高度信任和高度磨合的产物”。以#放胆去#为主题的活动主要以两套平面海报和一条TVC对外沟通 。TVC是“态度宣言” 式的类纪录片手法。自去年开始,国内许多品牌在广告里频频使用这种风格,希望能与90后的年轻人展开对话,一时之间,满屏都是年轻的姿态和声音。#放胆去#的广告片以“纽扣”为道具,串起了城市年轻人的生活碎片。李三水解释“纽扣”这个概念是源于:“首先它代表了服装与时尚。其次普通的纽扣却因佩戴者不同而散发不同的意义,落到‘普通’的改变,可以改变‘普通’”。虽然手法已经不算新颖,但是在“纽扣”这个道具的运用上、以及以它展开的一系列的视觉表现都给片子带来了许多可圈可点之处。特别是在如此短促的制作时间内可以交出一部相当成熟的作品,也能看到总导演徐峰的功力。

徐峰是国内擅长拍摄纪录片的导演之一,他最出名的广告作品有飞利浦类纪录片式的公益广告 《读书篇》和《喝水篇》。据三水透露:“徐峰统筹了整个拍摄,他把任务了分给了北京、西安和内蒙古的团队,他主负责上海的拍摄。四地同时开镜取材。” 堆积如山的素材和时间的压力难不到剪辑师出身的徐峰。#放胆去#呈现出来的节奏有张力、色彩有感染、画面有故事,它的声音代表了不少淘宝年轻消费者的理想与激情。



制作:钱吉 钱晔
后期:李贺 徐峰

In 13 days, what you can do in an advertising campaign? In most cases, probably just confirm the project and have the first few PPM meetings… But W advertising agency, based in Shanghai, successfully pulled together the whole of Taobao’s new campaign “New Forces Week” in just under two weeks. Water Lee, founder and creative director of W told SHP+ that “from creating the campaign to project planning to the making of the TVC, we completed a full set of creative and executed it in just 13 days.”

W is both the campaign’s advertising agency and production company. Founded less than a year ago, W remains mysterious to the industry: they have no official website, no address shown, no portfolio and very few media reports about them and their works. And what does the mysterious W stand for? Maybe it harkens back to the V for Vendetta? But no, W, “stands for Water, nothing more.” Water answered briefly – as an ex W+Ker, though, we wonder if perhaps the W stands for a little bit more.


As Water claims, there is no way this campaign could possibly be created without “a very trusting relationship and highly efficient working style with the Taobao client.” On the theme of #GoBold# there are two sets of posters and a TVC. The TVC adopts the popular quasi-documentary style if the ‘young attitude’ films, which are trying to speak with the 90s “kids” in an edgy and expressive way. Though the style of #Go Bold# is nothing new now, the use of key objects and a prop “button” thread the vignettes of young peoples lives together. Water explained the concept of the “button” – “First, it is an essential object on clothing and in fashion. The seemingly commonplace thing has different meanings on different people, and it brings changes, even when the changes are small.” Centered around the symbolic “button,” the film brings in a series of beautiful imagery that makes sense together. Given such a short production time, director Xu Feng must be given some serious credit for such mature visuals.


Xu Feng is one of the most famous documentary directors in China. His best known commercial works are the PSA films for Philips, “Reading” and “Drinking,” which documented the lives of children in China’s rural areas. According to Water, after taking on this project, Xu Feng quickly assigned the footage shoots to his teams in Beijing, Xi’an, and Inner Mongolia while he took charge of the Shanghai shoot. The shoots then could roll out simultaneously in four cities. Xu also edited the project, and his years of experience were essential when dealing with so much footage – he and his team quickly pulled together the film. The rhythm of the spot builds tension with strong and infectious colours and beautiful storytelling imagery. It certainly gives a voice to the many Taobao consumers out there.

It was 13 days of great team work and passion at a high speed, but Water is not particularly proud of the huge rush; “Rush work like this puts a tremendous strain on the all around ability of the artists and resources, we shouldn’t show off these kinds of works for being so fast, it will decrease the value of our industry to the client. We hope to have a reasonable timeline to polish works, and not allow malpractice like this to happen again. I believe it’s our way of Going Bold.”

We look forward to new works from the young W, made under their creative director’s strong belief.

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