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糖室Sweetshop为沙宣和Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai制作题材前卫的短片


SHANGHAI Entitled ‘Do As You’re Told’ Sweetshop Shanghai is behind an edgy new film for Vidal Sassoon and Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai that celebrates young Chinese trend setters and shows a path to self-expression.

「使命必达」著称的上海糖室广告为此次沙宣和Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai制作一部新颖短片,歌颂中国年轻人引领潮流及自我展现的路程。

Shot in 2 days at 11 different locations with 9 main talents, the fast-paced, modern film showcases a wide range of styles and haircuts, while showing Chinese youth and multiculturality in a gritty and dynamic Shanghai setting. Edgy, young, trend setting, and ambitious young people show off the broad reach of the Vidal Sassoon brand.

该片由Maxime Quoilin执导。影片的节奏明快且主题新颖,同时展现各种不同的风格与发型;并以充满挑战与活力的上海为背景,展露出中国的年轻力量与多元文化。前卫、青春、能带动潮流又野心勃勃的年轻人完全显现沙宣品牌的广泛影响力。

Directed by Maxime Quoilin ( represented by Good Company) and shot by Shanghai /Tokyo based cinematographer Gianpaolo Lupori, the confident and striking visuals of the film challenges various traditional advice such as “men should wear suits”, “for men, career comes first”, “find someone who loves you” and “get married and have babies early”.


Maxime said, “I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to shoot all around Shanghai in such interesting settings with such interesting people, where we were able to create this disruptive film about human empowerment. Shanghai has so much to offer, providing us with the perfect backdrop and a fearless cast for VS to tell this poignant story that challenges conventions.”

导演 Maxime说:「我非常开心能有这个机会,在这么有意思的场景与这么多有意思的人,到上海各个地方拍摄,并创作出如此极具张力影片以表达人类无限的学习创造能力。上海是个资源富裕的地方,给了我们如此完美的拍摄背景以及勇于尝试的演员,让沙宣品牌能讲述这个渲染人心并挑战传统的故事。」




Client 客户P&G, Vidal Sassoon China

Agency 广告公司Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai

ECD 执行创意总监: Jazzy Chan

Group Creative Director, Head of Art 集团创意总监 , 艺术总监Theresa Linares

Lead Content Producer 内容制作人: Winnie Chow

Production Companies 制作公司: Sweetshop & Good Company

Director 导演: Maxime Quoilin

DOP: Gianpaolo Lupori

Production Designer: Nikki Lee

Managing Director监制: Ryan Heiferman (Good Company) & Laura Geagea (Sweetshop)

Producer 制片: Sverre Gundhus (Good Company) & Catherine Law & April Lee (Sweetshop)

Post Production Company 后期公司: Good Company & MPC Shanghai

Music Composition 音乐制作Joris Titawano


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