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“My Expectation is High” ——Kitty Lun Gives A Flash Preview of Cannes


With over 30 years of advertising experience, Kitty Lun is one of the most awarded and respected advertising professionals in Greater China. Kitty started her career as copywriter and rose through the creative ranks before joining LOWE China as Chariman/CEO in 2006.

Kitty is a lot of things besides a Chairman/CEO, she has chaired and judged at award shows in Greater China, Singapore, Indonesia, Korea, New York, Russia and Canada as well as lecturing at universities on advertising and is also closely involved with the academic community in training advertising professionals. She served on several community boards for the Hong Kong Government, and also earned the honour of “Mother of Public Service Advertising” in Hong Kong in the 1990s for her active involvement in the cause.


Q:How have you seen the Chinese agencies/work doing in Cannes in the past few years?
Tremendous improvement in the quality of ideas and winning ability.  The take off was really in 2008.  It is not a coincidence that in the Beijing Olympic Year, China won its first gold at Cannes.  The winning entry was for an Olympics campaign but also it is the year when China, through the Olympics, shows the world a new power emerging.  From then on, China won the grand prix and more golds.  And we see the maturity of a creative community when ideas are king.

Q:Do you think China’s creativity is well represented in Cannes and is competitive enough to win big prizes?
China is not yet the creative powerhouse.  We are just beginning to make our mark in the global creative map.  But it will be inevitable in the future, with a consumer market of 1.3 billion people and the increasing spending power, China advertising has no choice but be creative in order to win the competition to the consumers’ wallet.  So, it is not a race to win big competition but a race to win consumers.  The result will be the same.  The most creative expression of the best insight will win.

Q: Is your agency/ team submitting any work this year ? What type of work and to which categories if so? Has your agency/team won any Lions in the past?
Yes. Buicks’ “Human Traffic Signs” (One of SHP+ favourite spots of 2014, see our report here) for Creative Effectiveness.  We have won gold at outdoor last year.   We have also won various lions with OMO, Rexona, Electrolux, BIAAG, Clarks in previous years.

Q: What are you expecting regarding Chinese presence in Cannes this year in terms of work level and presence in general?
High. SY Lau of Tencent is named Media Person of the Year.  There are more than 10 judges on the panels.  I do not know about the total number of entries but am sure there are a lot.

Q:What is the best part of the festival for you? What’s your advice for the first timer to Cannes Lions?
The speeches and presentations because within a short period, the world’s best creatives will be sharing a piece of their minds.  Nothing can beat this.  And may good ones are happening at the same time.  So festival goers have to plan well and decide on what they would like to participate.  A thorough look at the speaker line-up as soon as (or even before) arrival will be useful.


纵横中港台广告界30多年,Kitty Lun(陈伦洁莹)在华人广告圈早已经是备受尊重的创意人。从刚开始工作的文案职位晋升到创意行列,从2006年加入Lowe(睿狮)中国公司成为董事及首席执行官至今,坐看中国广告业和市场的风起云涌,Kitty对许多现状有着深入而透彻的见解。


Q: 你认为中国的作品过去几年在戛纳的表现如何?
(作品)在创意素质和得奖能力上有了巨大的提升。中国广告真正的起飞是在2008年。同年也是北京奥运年的举行,中国在戛纳也勇夺了第一枚“金牌”,两者的同时发生并不是巧合。当时的获奖作品也是为奥运会策划的一个campaign。同时中国通过奥运会也向世界展示了其新生势力。从此之后,中国赢得了至尊大奖(The Grand Prix)和更多的金奖。而且我们看到一个以创意至上的、更成熟的创意社区。

Q: 你认为戛纳上的中国作品是最有代表性吗?你觉得它们否有足够的竞争力?

Human Traffic Sign swept awards for Lowe in numerous ad fests last year. 去年横扫各项广告奖的《事关人命 遵守交规》广告

Q:  Lowe在以往的戛纳里有获过奖吗?
有的。《事关人命 遵守交规》获得了去年的最佳创意效果奖(此片同时也是“SHP+2014最喜爱的影视广告”之一)。也获得得去年“户外奖“的金奖。以往我们为OMO, Rexona, Electrolux, BIAAG, Clarks做的作品也拿过戛纳的奖项。

Q: 对于今年中国在戛纳展送作品的质量有什么期待?

Q: 戛纳广告节最吸引你的地方是什么?你给第一次参加的人有些什么的建议?

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