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Music and Sound Series | 音乐之声系列: Big Knows


兄弟与创办人 | Brothers and Big Knows founder Arthur and Charles Monnet


Not everybody gets to make a living doing what they love.  Two French-American brothers who started Big Knows, a Shanghai based music production house, are among the lucky few.  Charles and Arthur Monnet spent a good portion of their youth in Shanghai, so when they were deciding where to base their music company, China was a natural choice.  The two officially set up shop just over a year ago but both have previous experience in the ad industry in China and LA.

不是每一个人都能以自己的爱好为生。但是,法裔美国兄弟二人Charles Monnet和Arthur Monnet却是幸运的,他们在上海创立了自己的音乐制作工作室Big Knows,把爱好变成了事业。他们小时候曾经在上海生活过很长一段时间,所以在考虑公司落脚点的时候,自然而然就想到了中国。一年多前,兄弟二人正式创立了音乐工作室,而在此之前,他们在中国和洛杉矶从事广告行业。

工作室 | Big Knows studio


The brothers share business responsibilities along with a local Chinese producer.  Charles takes care of most of the composition and Arthur is responsible for the business side. The team has kept busy since they opened their doors.  According to Charles, “We have had some very heavy months.”  But he adds, “we pride ourselves in being a small company, remaining true to our identity and style”.


“JD 京东 11.11”
Client | 客户:; Agency | 广告公司: 180 China; Production | 制片: Stink; Director |导演: Alexand Liane; Music | 音制: Big Knows

For a small team they have still taken on some considerably big projects.  They have composed music for a CCTV New Years’ spot with creative by McCann and production by WAH Productions, Mercedes S class, and their work for one of T-Mall’s Double 11 campaigns in 2017 which received a lot recognition.  “I try to make the most of each project, taking each one as a new challenge and just have fun with it” Charles, who is a self proclaimed jack-of-all-trades when it comes to music, shared.  He is a classically trained pianist who fled the pressure-filled lifestyle of professional musicians to find a happy medium in music production, where he can experiment with music in a more creative and a less stressful environment.

团队虽小,但是做的项目可不小。其中的配乐作品就包括,CCTV新年贺岁广告配乐,这部广告的创意来自麦肯广告,制作由WAH Productions完成,另外还有奔驰s级广告,以及备受认可的2017天猫双十一广告。“我努力利用每一个项目的机会,每一次都当做全新的挑战去面对,乐在其中”,Charles如是说,他称自己在音乐方面是一个万事通。他曾学习古典钢琴,但是后来离开了时刻生活在高压之下的钢琴师职业,在音乐制作中寻找一个更为轻松愉悦的新媒介,这让他可以把创意融入音乐,压力也没那么大。

Client | 客户: Tmall; Agency | 广告公司: Fred&Farid; Production | 制片: Stink; Director |导演: NIETO; Music | 音制: Big Knows

While things are looking up for the small team, expansion is not their immediate goal. “If we do grow” Charles says, “we hope to remain modest and sincere”. This is easy to say but the Monnet brothers can perhaps prove their genuine nature simply with the company’s name, Big Knows; a play on words, combining ‘knowledge’ and ‘nose’, as well as the literal meaning of their last name, Monnet, in French ‘my nose’. Charles joked about big noses running in his family, adding “I’ve often been told mine is big”. When they learned it is also a term Chinese call foreigners, there was no going back, the name simply stuck.

工作室业务向好,但是他们并不想立刻扩大团队。“即使扩大规模,我们也还是希望能够谦虚真诚”。话说起来容易做起来难,但是看看兄弟二人给公司气的名字Big Knows,足见他们本性很真诚,这个名字就是Big Knows,按照英文发音,字面意思就是大鼻子,也意味着“知识”和“鼻子”的结合,兄弟二人姓氏Monnet在法语里的意思就是“我的鼻子”,所以他们就直接找到了英文中的同音异性词,这样就有了公司的名字。Charles时常开玩笑说他们家人鼻子都很大,还说,“总有人说我鼻子很大”。后来听说中国人管外国人叫“大鼻子”,他们觉得公司的名字就非“Big Knows”这个双关语不可了。

 Client | 客户: Envision; Agency | 广告公司: BBH; Production | 制片: Eagle Media; Director |导演: Brent Bonacorso; Music | 音制: Big Knows

Besides commercial music production, they have produced music for apps and events.  The team is even looking into potentially tackling feature film work and collaborations with Chinese and foreign artists and composers.  “Things have evolved a lot in China in the past 10 years,” Charles believes, “the references we get now are a lot more challenging and interesting and we’re very excited to see the Chinese musical scene and artists developing”.  A big nose may be a good thing after all in China.


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