Together with Thomas Faucheur, BAM wants to bring the London swag and the Parisian ‘je ne sais quoi’ factor to China, offering high-end and exclusive tracks for films and ads—and they’re ready to roll.
BAM联手Thomas Faucheur,想要将伦敦的时尚与巴黎那种“难以琢磨”的迷人气质带来中国,为本土电影和广告制片提供高端且独一无二的优秀音乐曲目——现已万事俱备。
In the world of music libraries, most players keep their businesses hooked in the West while looking for ways to scale up fast with nonselective music catalogs. With offices in Paris, London, Montreal, and Los Angeles, BAM Music is doing things differently: they are now looking East and holding on to their customer-centric, indie core.
Thomas Faucheur Starts New Platform for China
As a part of an ambitious plan to grow in Asia, BAM has already set foot in China. With the help of music industry veteran Thomas Faucheur, their official China rep., they have secured exciting partnerships and contracts in the market during a soft launch period. Now, with their recently released and fully translated platform, they’re ready to take in new creative projects.
目前,BAM已经来到中国,开启了开拓亚洲市场、扎根亚洲的宏伟计划。在音乐行业资深前辈、BAM在中国的官方代表Thomas Faucheur的帮助下,BAM在试运行期间,就已经在中国市场结识了可靠的合作伙伴,签下了多份激动人心的商业合同。如今,随着BAM的平台汉化完成正式开放,他们已经做好了十足的准备去迎接新的创意机遇。
SHP+ had a video chat with Faucheur in Milan, BAM’s CEO Pierre-Michel Levallois in Paris, and the head of BAM UK Hannah King in London to know more about the ethos behind their business and what they’re bringing into China.
近日,SHP+视频联线了身居米兰的Faucheur,现在巴黎的BAM首席执行官Pierre-Michel Levallois,以及居住在伦敦的BAM英国总监Hannah King进行了采访,更加深入地了解了BAM背后的商业精神,以及他们将带给中国的礼物。
Born in Paris in 2017, BAM is the new kid on the block, a relatively small firm with a strategy that aims to fill in the gaps left by the major players in the industry. Small but energetic, they want to go global while keeping faithful to what makes them tick. When he took over operations soon after the company was created, Levallois had one thought on his mind: reinventing library music in the 2020s.
BAM Paris Team
Hannah King,the head of BAM UK
Levallois started his music career as the founder of Solid Records, working closely with French touch artists like Etienne de Crecy, Alec Gopher, Air, and Cassius, and keeping a close relationship with the team behind multidisciplinary creative studio H5 in Paris. Then, he worked for Universal Production Music, known as the largest music library in the world. While at Universal, he realized that the problem with the big players is that they lack true user-centric thinking, which results in users getting frustrated trying to find the music they need.
Levallois以Solid Records创始人的身份开启了自己的音乐生涯,当时他与法国触控艺术家们常有密切的合作,例如Etienne de Crecy、Alec Gopher、Air和Cassius,并与巴黎多学科创意工作室H5的团队保持着密切的合作关系。之后,他任职于全球最大的音乐库——环球唱片公司。而正是环球的工作经历,让他意识到大公司的问题在于他们缺乏真正以用户为中心的思考方式,这就导致用户在寻找自己需要的音乐时倍感沮丧。
One of BAM’s main pillars is to have an optimal and fresh music library, regardless of numbers and figures.
To source the best talent in music, BAM adopts a model evocative of how record labels work: cooperative and risk-taking. “All of us curating the catalogs work closely with the artists who are currently DJing, gigging, playing live, and getting record deals. We’re also very interested in working with up and coming, unsigned artists, not just in the UK and France, but globally,” says King, who has extensive experience in music publishing, production, and supervision.
The midnight club
In London, the BAM team works from Strongroom Studios, a recording studio complex in the trendsetting district of Shoreditch, the birthplace of bands like Leftfield, Orbital, and Prodigy. In Paris, the team shares the space with another company in the music sector, and in Montreal, their office sits in the artsy and hip district of Mile End.
在伦敦,BAM团队在Strongroom Studios进行日常工作,这是一家综合录音室,位于以时尚与先锋闻名于世的Shoreditch区,这里也是Leftfield、Orbital和Prodigy等乐队的发源地。在巴黎,BAM的团队与另一家音乐公司共享办公场所,在蒙特利尔,BAM的办公室位于代表艺术与时尚的Mile End区。
Based on the trends they observe in the market and with data retrieved from their platform, BAM collaborates with several labels to commission exclusive music tailored to the needs of their clients. Their catalog offers from the freshest indie sounds to more functional tracks optimized for television, radio, and advertising.
A customer-centric mindset is also central to BAM’s enterprise. The equation is pretty simple: a seamless and easy search process on the platform allied with expert support from their team whenever needed.
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As King explains, BAM is ready to provide expert help beyond what competitors offer. “We read scripts, watch clips, analyze project briefs, and work with anything, including the vaguest and more unusual concepts, to interpret what a client is looking for and what they really need for their project.”
BAM’s model has proven successful. In the commercial realm, they’ve provided tracks for Chanel, Dior, Aston Martin, and Samsung, amongst other premium brands. They’ve also provided music for Top Gear, a high-profile motor show, and David Attenborough’s docuseries, both BBC productions.
BAM的商业模式无疑是成功的。在广告领域,他们为香奈儿、迪奥、阿斯顿·马丁和三星等高端品牌提供过音乐曲目。他们还为顶流汽车秀《疯狂汽车秀》(Top Gear)和大卫·爱登堡爵士(David Attenborough)的纪录片提供过音乐,都是BBC制作出品。
BAM is in full-speed international scale-up mode. Their team has been keeping a close eye on business opportunities in Asia for quite some time, excited by the creativity they observe from afar.
Pierre Michel LEVALLOIS, CEO BAM Music
Jingyi FAN, China Project Manager BAM Music
Thomas FAUCHEUR, Head of BAM Music China
Choosing China as the market to set off their operations was a straightforward decision.
BAM is entering the Chinese market through the advertising sector. During a soft launch period, they worked on a spot for Adidas Neo with a funky tune that sets the tone and pace for the entire commercial. Still, considering the size of the market and all the possibilities China offers, they have their eyes on other sectors, too.
而广告领域是BAM进入中国市场的大门。在试发行期间,他们为Adidas Neo制作了一部广告,用时髦的曲调为整部影片敲定了基调与节奏。不过,考虑到市场规模和中国的各种机遇,他们也将目光投向了其他行业。
Beekeeper TV Programs with BAM Music : Dream of winter2, Stage Boom, Super Sketch Show
He oversaw the complete optimization of BAM Music and its platform for the Chinese market. Their newly launched website is fully operational in the country and translated to Mandarin. Their offering considers the nuances of price sensitivity in China and includes purchasing options in the local currency through Alipay and WeChat.
Faucheur负责监管BAM 音乐及其面向中国市场主要平台的全面优化。目前BAM新推出的网站平台已经完成了汉化,正式在国内全面运行。平台甚至还考虑了中国市场在定价与购买方面的细微差别,客户可通过支付宝与微信支付人民币。
Chinese users can browse seamlessly through the platform and buy music without hassle. If they need extra support, Faucheur is their go-to expert.
Because of copyright issues, it takes time for BAM to have the same catalog across their locations, but they’re constantly working on eliminating the gap from one place to another. They have already signed with over ten labels to offer tracks in China and are currently discussing the expansion with three more. Their starting catalog already offers approximately 30k exclusive tracks—which is nothing short of amazing.
Browse and Get in Touch
BAM official website CN version and ENG version
BAM Music on Youku.
更多BAM Music作品在优酷。
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