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Banned in China: The ads that the authorities don’t want you to see



In light of rumours that a recent, very popular commercial film (the name of which we cannot mention at this point) is under investigation and in danger of being pulled off-air, we decided to look back on other advertising that has been met with the Chinese censors’ disapproval.

Chamber of Fear

恐惧斗室户外广告|Outdoor ad for The Chamber of Fear


Nike’s 2004 The Chamber of Fear, produced by W+K Tokyo, evoked a slapstick 1970s kung-fu movie.  The State Administration for Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) banned the ad, stating, “The advertisement violates China’s regulations…which mandate that all…commercials in China should uphold national dignity and interests and respect the motherland’s culture.”  Though no more detail was provided, it seems likely they took offence to the weak and somewhat cliché Chinese elements.

恐惧斗室户外广告|Outdoor ad for The Chamber of Fear

2003年丰田广告公司推出的一则“霸道,你不得不尊敬“的平面广告也因同样原因被撤下。在广告中,一只代表传统中国形象的石狮正在对一辆丰田普拉多行礼。这一广告引起了许多中国网民的愤怒,在他们看来,中国古典形象对一辆日本车行如此大礼是对于国家形象的侮辱。有关部门随即撤除了本广告, 丰田公司也不得不出面道歉以平息中国网民的怒火。

The nation’s dignity was again under threat in 2003, when a print ad titled ‘Respect the Power’ featured a stone lion, the icon of power in ancient China, saluting a Toyota Prado.  A national symbol offering its respect to a foreign car, not to mention a Japanese one, incited the wrath of Chinese netizens, leading SARFT to wield their merciless axe.  The cheeky folks at Toyota went on to make an official apology.


丰田普拉多杂志广告|magazine ad for Toyota Prado



埃及古庙被中国游客刻上了字|Defaced Egypt temple

Advertisers using Chinese national icons are on dangerous ground.  When the international media criticized a Chinese tourist for carving his name into an ancient Egyptian temple, an embarrassed CCTV released a public service announcement encouraging better behaviour among China’s holidaymakers.  The bizarre film, featuring unruly tourists represented as pandas, backfired.  Despite DDB China’s claims that the most offensive version was only a director’s cut, unimpressed viewers called for the ad to be pulled, with which SARFT duly complied.

央视文明旅游熊猫篇公益广告|CCTV’s Be A Good Panda, Be a Good Tourist PSA


In 2011, concerned with the growing wealth gap, Beijing authorities banned outdoor advertisements that promoted a luxurious or hedonistic lifestyle.  The decree outlawed hitherto ever-present terms like ‘Royal’, ‘Supremacy’ and ‘Luxurious’.  Two years later, SARFT extended the ban to all state radio and TV channels.

Beijing Ads

一位北京市民骑车经过古驰广告|A cyclist rides past a Gucci Group NV advertisement in Beijing


In all their wisdom, SARFT is not renowned for consistency.  In 2012, an iQiyi commercial featuring Taiwanese actress Lin Chi-ling strutting around in various states of undress was banned for being too sexual, yet increasingly erotic ads are allowed to go unchecked across the Chinese internet. 

林志玲被禁播广告|Lin Chi-ling’s banned underwear commercial


中国页游广告|A Chinese online gaming ad


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