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Monkeys – Jilted By Evolution, Snubbed By Advertisers


In Chinese mythology, the monkey is said to be smart, witty and self-assured.   They may command an entire year of the zodiac but, when it comes to commercial employment, they deserve to feel anything but smug.  Their resume makes for pitiful reading.

Sure, the Monkey King gets his dues, but what of the humble macaque, or the meek mandrill?  The truth is, against their primate cousins, these sad specimens languish low on the evolutionary scale.   Humans, Great and Lesser Apes alike shake their heads at these primitive disappointments.

You’ve heard the old saying, ‘if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys’.  Well, such is their low regard for monkeys that ad biz creatives like to reverse it to, ‘if you pay monkeys’ (ie. if you employ a proboscis or a black howler), you get peanuts’ (the campaign will probably fail).  But where scarlet-bottomed baboons still fester in the advertising swamplands, their ape brethren have ascended on the shoulders of their creative courtiers and been proclaimed kings of the commercial jungle.

SHP+ brings you five examples demonstrating the dominance of great apes over their simian kin.





‘The Tipps’
PG Tips
1956 – 2002
Davidson Pearce Berry & Spottiswoode / BMP DDB

English tea brand PG Tips anthropomorphised chimps from 1956 to 2002 in the longest-running TV campaign in British history.   The use of talking animals proved an immediate success, propelling PG Tips to become the number one tea brand on the market within two years of the first ad.  The chimps, sometimes voiced by celebrities such as comedy icon Peter Sellers, dressed as builders, plumbers and removal men for varied skits before a steady family unit known as ‘The Tipps’ was introduced in the early 90s.  Despite a brief hiatus in the 70s following complaints by animal rights organisations, the ads soon returned and resumed their position as a much-loved mainstay of British culture.

‘The Tipps’
PG Tips茶叶
1956年 – 2002年
Davidson Pearce Berry & Spottiswoode / BMP 恒美广告公司

1956年-2002年,腐国茶叶品牌PG Tips脑洞大开,上演了英国电视广告历史上播放时间最长的广告 – 赋予人性的黑猩猩。事实证明,会说话的猩猩一经推出就不同凡响,力助PG Tips一炮而红,霸占了腐国茶类市场的头把交椅。PG Tips还请来名人给黑猩猩配音,比如喜剧明星彼得·塞勒斯,有时候黑猩猩还会打扮成建筑工人、水管工、搬运工,上演各种各样的滑稽短剧,直到90年代初,猩猩的形象才固定下来 – “The Tipps”家庭。虽然在70年代,这样的广告遭到一些动物权益组织的抗议,而终止了一小段时间,但是很快它就又回到了人们的视野中,重新占领了它在腐国文化中备受喜爱的地位。

Fallon London

Fallon’s masterstroke to dress a man in a high-tech gorilla suit for an epic Phil Collins drum turn quickly became a viral sensation, scooping multiple awards including the coveted Film Grand Prix Lion at Cannes Lions 2008, reviving the fortunes of the ailing chocolate brand in the process.  As Gorilla actor Garon Michael (Congo, Instinct, Planet of the Apes) thrashed inside the suit, which took three months to build, two technicians controlled the 27 remote-controlled animatronic facial features.  Michael’s vision inside was limited to a small screen, reducing drum-hitting precision.  Broken drumsticks, complex choreography and subtle head movements meant 35 takes were required to finally nail the 90-second scene.


Fallon广告公司让一个人穿上了高科技的大猩猩的服装,上演了菲尔·柯林斯打鼓的场面,这一明智之举很快引起轰动,并且荣膺多个奖项,其中就包括最令人梦寐以求的2008年戛纳广告节钛狮全场大奖,这也让原本境况不佳的吉百利巧克力品牌得以复苏。广告中扮演大猩猩的演员Garon Michael(参演电影包括《刚果惊魂》、《本能反应》、《决战猩球》)扭来扭去才穿上花了三个月才打造成的大猩猩服装,两名技术人员远程控制27个面部动作特征。穿着服装的Michael的视野不得不局限在一个小屏幕上,这大大阻碍了他打鼓的精确性。拍摄时鼓槌敲碎了,加上编舞复杂、头部动作变化细微,所有这些因素都导致了这个90秒的广告经过35次拍摄才成功。

Maya The Orangutan
SSE Southern Electric
Adam & Eve/DDB

The Mill spent an intense 10 months rigging, animating and rendering a full CG orangutan.  Their stunning work led some to believe Maya was real, and earned the studio three VES awards.  However, despite the beautiful execution, audiences were baffled as to why SSE Southern Electric would send an orangutan, CG or otherwise, from the Borneo jungle to wander glumly around a city centre.  Despite the company’s explanation that the concept was “about looking at energy through fresh eyes,” bloggers remained confused, with one journalist condemning the idea as a ‘culpably crass example of cheap lazy advertising thinking, that exploits innate human biophilia and connection with nature in the most cynical way possible.’

Adam & Eve/恒美广告公司

全CG制作的猩猩耗费了制作人员10个月的时间 – 紧锣密鼓的绑定、调动画、渲染。这么惊人的作品让很多人以为这是一只真的猩猩,这部作品也让工作室摘得三项视觉特效协会的大奖。但是,虽然广告制作精美,观众还是忍不住疑惑,为什么南苏格兰电力公司要让一只来自婆罗洲丛林的猩猩(CG也好,真猩猩也罢)在市中心游荡,看起来还闷闷不乐的样子。虽然他们解释说这的概念所要表达的是“通过新鲜的视角寻找电力,”但是一些网民仍然疑惑不解,有一位记者对这个概念批判道,“这简直蠢透了,利用人类热爱生命的本能与自然连接起来,这是最令人愤世嫉俗的方式。”

sad-orangutan-advertizement2The print campaign, featuring surreal images of the giant, sad ape looming over landscapes, provoked a slew of mockery online

Gorilla hair
BBDO Dusseldorf, Germany

From a gloomy orangutan compelled by wanderlust to a sadistic gorilla with a penchant for abduction – Wella’s 1998 spot sees a simian psychopath subjecting his slumbering kidnap victim to a night of violent abuse, eventually throwing him hundreds of feet off a bridge.  The man awakens the next day to messy hair.  May this black humor spot strike fear into all monkey pretenders to the ape throne.


从四处游走沮丧的猩猩,再到那只有虐待狂人贩子猩猩 – 1998年威娜公司的广告上演了一只深井冰的猩猩,它绑架熟睡中的受害者折磨了一个晚上,并且施加暴力,最后还把他从几百尺高的桥上摔下去。这个人次日醒来之后,发现自己长满了乱蓬蓬的猩猩毛发。希望这则广告所采取的黑色幽默,可以给那些试图把所有的猴子都装成猿类的人带来一些震慑。

Ford Ranger Opencab
J. Walter Thompson Bangkok

Drawing its grainy aesthetic from early Kaiju movies, this Thai spot from JWT Bangkok breaks free of the tired super-polished car ad blueprint.  King Kong’s son picks up a Ford Ranger and repeatedly slams his new toy against a rock, until Dad interrupts telling him to eat his mountain of bananas.  Postproduced by Oriental Post, this daring, comic spot won gold at the 2005 Cannes Lions, proving that advertising cars offers equal creative possibilities, including gorilla use, to any other product.    

福特Ranger opencab皮卡广告


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