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Meet Creative People | 遇见创意人士 Luis Arturo Tapia


Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry.  Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to


Luis Arturo Tapia


Luis Arturo Tapia is a director/cinematographer, and helmsman of boutique production house Daedalum Films, opened in Shanghai in 2006. Born in Mexico and raised in Texas, he has been based in Shanghai for 17 years.

Luis Arturo Tapia(路易斯·阿图罗·塔皮亚)是一名导演/电影摄影师,也是精致影片工作室戴达伦影画的掌舵人,2006年成立于上海。他出生于墨西哥,成长于德克萨斯州,但在上海已经工作了17年了。

Luis cut his teeth making documentaries like his feature From Wrexham to Wuhan, a chronicle of four British bands on pioneering music tours across China, and his exploration of crowdsourced vigilantism in Human Flesh Search Engine. Luis spent half a year traveling the globe filming a documentary about pop icon Faye Wong.Lately, Luis has focused on narrative projects. Last summer he released This Will End Badly, a really dark comedy! And his independent web series ORO just launched.

Luis从纪录片拍摄中积累经验,他的作品《从雷克瑟姆到武汉》,记录了在中国进行先驱音乐巡演的四支英国乐队,也记录了他对人肉搜索引擎中来自群众的网络暴力的探索。Luis花了半年时间在全球旅拍,为流行音乐偶像王菲摄制了一部纪录片。近来,Luis开始关注叙述型作品。去年夏天他发行了This Will End Badly(结局会很糟),一部颇有暗黑意味的喜剧。他的独立网络系列ORO也刚刚推出。

some BTS from Faye Wong

Luis’ client work is defined by his cinematic documentary style. Since directing Alibaba’s IPO video, he has gone on to direct dozens of stories for Alibaba. He’s also done recent work around the world for clients including Citroen, Disney, Dove, Ferrari, National Geographic, NBA, NFL, Pacific Insurance, Taobao, and Tmall.

Luis为客户提供的服务取决于他的电影纪录片的风格。自从执导阿里巴巴的IPO(首次公开发行)视频后,他后续为阿里巴巴执导了一系列故事片。他近来也在世界各地为客户提供服务,包括雪铁龙,迪士尼,德芙,法拉利,《国家地理》 ,NBA(全美篮球协会),NFL(国家橄榄球联合会),太平洋保险,淘宝和天猫。

1. What’s your favorite movie in the past five years? 近五年来的电影中,你最喜欢哪一部?

The film that made the biggest impact on me in the last few years was Sorry To Bother You. It’s almost indescribable and I won’t spoil it for anyone, but I highly recommend checking out this absurdist comedy about a call center employee who goes on a wild career trajectory. The script is brilliant, it’s beautifully produced and acted, and it’s highly entertaining while also maintaining real depth. It’s the type of film I aspire to. It’s borderline criminal that it didn’t receive an Oscar nomination, in my humble opinion.


2. Coolest place you’ve been sent to work 工作中去过的最有意思的地方是哪里?

I made a documentary years ago following several different British bands on tour to remote places, and one of those was a Scottish group that that performed in Kashgar. The original concert fell apart at the last minute after we’d arrived (that’s another story) but we all ended up organizing a make-up gig in the courtyard of a hostel, free to the public. A crowd of locals and random travelers from around the world gathered for one of the most beautiful, intimate music shows I’ve ever seen.


3. The best way to destress? 对你来说,最好的减压方式是什么?

Swimming. The pool is the only place I can escape the many screens that otherwise bombard me at all times. There’s nothing quite like the meditative quality of focusing on your breathing to the sound of the water.


4. Longest you have been away from home?  最长离家多久?

I was born in Mexico, raised in the USA from the age of 5,and moved to Shanghai straight out of college… 17 years ago!For quite some time now, leaving home means leaving Shanghai!


5. Best TV series out right now? 现在最好的电视剧是哪一部?

My favorite show that’s a bit under the radar is Gomorrah. Fantastic organized crime drama set in Naples. It’s based on an amazing film (one of my top 3 favorite gangster films), which was based on Roberto Saviano’s equally good novel. Season 4 drops March 29th and I can’t wait to get back to it.

我最喜欢的是不太出名的电视剧《蛾摩拉》。一部神奇的剧集,讲述了发生在那不勒斯的集团犯罪故事。该剧改编自一部令人惊异的电影(我最喜欢的三部黑帮片之一),取材自Roberto  Saviano的同样优秀的小说。第四季将会于3月29日上演,我有点等不及了。


We invite each of the creatives we profile to tag another interesting person for the series. Luis suggested Gianpaolo Lupori – DOP based in Shanghai.

我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Luis 推荐的下一个人是:在上海从事摄影师的Gianpaolo Lupori。


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