Oppo’s Colorful Holiday World | OPPO的彩色假日世界

Glitter bursts, animation, and winter fun - OPPO’s new ad has it all. Take a glimpse behind the scenes with us. 爆炸闪光的气球、动画、冬季长跑 —— OPPO的新广告片全都让你看够。那么,让我们来看看幕后花絮吧。 … »
[craft + creativity in the Chinese advertising industry] [行知合一,广告中国]
Glitter bursts, animation, and winter fun - OPPO’s new ad has it all. Take a glimpse behind the scenes with us. 爆炸闪光的气球、动画、冬季长跑 —— OPPO的新广告片全都让你看够。那么,让我们来看看幕后花絮吧。 … »