Commercial Postproduction in China – Part Three: Talent Crisis | 中国的商业化后期制作格局 - 第三章:人才危机

Why is talent the rarest resource in China?|为什么在中国,人才成为了稀缺资源? … »
[craft + creativity in the Chinese advertising industry] [行知合一,广告中国]
Why is talent the rarest resource in China?|为什么在中国,人才成为了稀缺资源? … »
Introduction 简介 With healthy budgets and creativity among brands and agencies on the rise, the Chinese commercial environment is ripe with opportunity and increasing numbers of postproduction studios are entering the market to capitalize. However, those companies should be … »
Introduction 简介 With healthy budgets and creativity among brands and agencies on the rise, the Chinese commercial environment is ripe with opportunity and increasing numbers of postproduction studios are entering the market to capitalize. However, those companies should be aware … »