WeChat is fast becoming an essential component of doing business in China, though many companies still don’t understand how to harness the app’s full capabilities. A dedicated WeChat conference next month aims to demystify the platform and inspire better use of the WeChat ecosystem.
即将于9月1日与2日召开的上海CHat大会由微信的市场推广公司China Channel和WalktheChat主办,大会将由精通微信平台的专家、企业主和意见领袖所做的演讲、研讨会以及新品演示组成。
Chat Shanghai is a 2-day conference on September 1st and 2nd hosted by WeChat marketing agencies China Channel and WalktheChat, featuring presentations, workshops and demos by WeChat experts, entrepreneurs and KoL that have successfully utitilised the platform.
CHat大会将会是一次全英文大会,这也标示着微信对于那些来华外资企业及国际友人的重视程度。“在CHat上,你能够听到那些来自微信产业内部的专业人士所发出的声音,这些声音不同于我们接触到的那些雾里看花的西方媒体。这一点很棒。”Andrew Schorr,Grata创始人兼CEO说。Grata在帮助他们的客户在微信上进行市场调研与销售。
Held in English, CHat is targeting the international community and western companies looking to do business in China. “CHat is great because you get to hear from so many WeChat industry insiders who tend to have a more nuanced understanding of the industry than the idle speculation we see in much of the western media,” says Andrew Schorr, founder and CEO of Grata, a company helping businesses run customer service and sales on WeChat.
今年CHat的演讲者|Presenters at CHat
The event is aimed at both well-established businesses looking to drive traffic and new startups looking to enter the market. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn the essentials of using WeChat to grow business in an educational, informative and empowering atmosphere, as well with opportunities for networking. If all that isn’t enough, there will also be food, drinks and massages available on-site.