News > & New York Times VR Collaboration Wins Grand Prix



Virtual Reality production company won the Grand Prix on Friday for Visual Storytelling and Branded Entertainment for ‘The Displaced’, their groundbreaking collaboration with the New York Times.

Vrse.worksVrse.works在颁奖典礼上。左一:Brian Carmody,Vrse.works合伙人;左五:Patrick Milling Smith,Vrse.works联合创始人兼主席;左六: Chris Milk,Vrse.works导演兼创意总监| at the ceremony. First from left: Brian Carmody, partner,; Fifth from left: Patrick Milling Smith, co-founder and president,; Sixth from left: Chris Milk, director and creative director,

目前的难民危机中超过6000万人不得不远离自己的家乡,其中一半人口是小孩。这样大规模的难民是自第二次世界大战以来最严重的一次。Vrse.works的创造者Imraan Ismail和纽约时报记者Ben Solomon为了用VR电影记录3个小孩的不同生活,他们的旅程跨越苏丹南部,乌克兰以及叙利亚。

The current refugee crisis is the worst the world has seen since World War II, with children making up around half of the 60 million displaced individuals. creator Imraan Ismail and New York Times journalist Ben Solomon traveled to South Sudan, Ukraine, and Syria to document the lives of three children in 360° film.

《背井离乡》于2015年11月在纽约时报NYTVR的app上首次公映。一周后,该时报随他们的周日刊向订阅者送出了超过100万份的Google Cardboard可穿戴设备。当观众们下载NYTVR的app并用Google Cardboard来观看《背井离乡》时,他们会随着VR的镜头来到这场难民危机的中心,切身实地的体会到当地难民所面临的艰难条件与挣扎——戴上VR设备来经历难民危机的体验远远超过读一篇相关报道,或者在普通屏幕上看到这场危机的感受。


The Displaced premiered in November 2015 at the launch of the New York Times’ NYTVR app.  A week later, the newspaper gave over 1 million Google Cardboard headsets to subscribers as free gifts with their Sunday edition.  Downloading the NYTVR app and watching The Displaced through the headset transported viewers into the heart of the crisis, creating a means of experiencing a level of empathy and human connection that would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve through reading or watching on a flat screen.



The project blazed a trail for a new form of journalism and helped propel VR into the mainstream, providing in many cases people’s first taste of the medium.  The Displaced was shared widely with the hashtag “#NYTVR”, with NYTVR quickly becoming the New York Times most downloaded app.


对于拿下全场大奖,Vrse.works联合创始人兼主席Patrick Milling Smith说:“通过新媒介如VR,纽约时报的影响力大大增加。人们完全沉浸在了一个通过VR所创造出来的世界中,能够真实感受这三个孩子的人生。”

Responding to the Grand Prix win, Patrick Milling Smith, co-founder and president of, says, “Using a new medium like Virtual Reality, the New York Times was able to amplify the reach of their Magazine editorial, immersing people into a spherical 360 world of these three children.”

Eddie Moretti, chief creative officer, Vice. Chris Milk. Andrew Keller, global creative director, Facebook Creative Shop speaking at Samsung VR showcase on Monday左起:Eddie Moretti,Vice杂志首席创意官;Chris Milk,《背井离乡》导演;Andarew Keller,Facebook创意商店全球创意总监;出席周一三星VR展示的讲话|L to R: Eddie Moretti, chief creative officer, Vice. Chris Milk, director of The Displaced. Andrew Keller, global creative director, Facebook Creative Shop speaking at Samsung VR showcase on Monday


“Having already successfully expanded into the digital landscape, the Grey Lady (nickname for New York Times) has maintained its command at the forefront of how we consume news by embracing VR and experiential storytelling.  This is 21st century marketing at its best.”

Vrse.works纪录片《阴云密布锡德拉湾》(配以VR设备观影效果最佳)| documentary Clouds Over Sidra ( Best with VR headsets)

Vrse.wroks于2014年由影视制作公司Smuggler的几位创始人Patrick Milling Smith,Brain Carmody和导演Chris Milk联合创办。在2014年年末纽约市抗议警察暴力的游行上, 首次运用了他们的360° 环视技术来报道该游行。随后在纪录片《阴云密布锡德拉湾》中,他们又用同样的技术来展示叙利亚的难民营。这部片子被Milk带到了圣丹斯电影节和TED讲演展示,为该公司带来了无数的好评和对他们工作的鼓励。《背井离乡》代表着公司创立以来数个重大项目中的巅峰之作。Vrse.works与纽约时报的合作开始于去年4月份的《行走纽约》一片。该片纪录了艺术家JR在纽约市内为移民创作的一副大型壁画的过程。2015戛纳创意节上Vrse.works就凭借其《阴云密布锡德拉湾》成功入围品牌内容奖。 was started in 2014 by production company Smuggler founders Patrick Milling Smith and Brian Carmody, and director Chris Milk.  The Displaced is the pinnacle of a series of landmark projects since the company’s formation, beginning with their 360° news coverage of the police brutality protests in New York in late 2014, followed by the documentary Clouds Over Sidra, shot in a Syrian Refugee camp, which Milk showcased at Sundance and in a TED talk, winning him and his company worldwide recognition in the process.  The company collaborated with the New York Times in April of last year in Walking New York, documenting artist JR as he created a massive mural depicting an immigrant in New York City. The company was shortlisted for a Branded Content Lions for Clouds Over Sidra at Cannes 2015. 


VR on show at Lions Innovation2人们在今年戛纳创意节上体验VR设备|People expierencing VR headsets at Cannes Lion 2016


Unsurprisingly VR is a hot topic at Cannes this yeat, with multiple presentations, booths and showcases throughout the week.’ Grand Prix is well-deserved recognition for a company pushing forward the mediums of filmmaking, journalism and virtual reality and, crucially, harnessing them as a force for good.

Ola Björling, global director of VR, MEdia MonksOla Björling,摩课士全球VR总监|Ola Björling, global director of VR, Media Monks


The Entertainment Lions is a new category for Cannes 2016, acknowledging outstanding creativity that turns content into culture and helps brands find a new way to communicate with consumers.


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