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Tmall’s 618 cross-centuries crab craze|天猫618:穿越千年的螃蟹盛宴


As mid year arrives, another shopping festival approaches, and as always this year Tmall has geared up for June 18th with various commercials that are hard to miss. Initially launched by Jingdong for its anniversary in 2010, the 618 shopping festival is now held across all major e-commerce platform in China becoming the largest mid-year shopping promotion by transaction volume. And this year is no exception. One of Tmall’s spots called “The first man to eat a crab” grabbed out attention by havimng it all— a massive story that deals with different time periods and pays homage to old movies. Not to mention the scale of production it required to bring the story to life— this commercial film undoubtedly stands out. SHP+ had a chance to talk to the DoP Ice about the technicalities of the shoot. But first, let’s throw light on the story itself.


Brand 品牌:TMALL 天猫618

According to Ogilvy, the agency behind the spot, Tmall’s key brief was just one word— “new”. So the agency took that idea and ran with it to interpret the brand’s core idea “Be bold to try new things. There are always new surprises in life”. Creating a campaign that translated into a hilarious, albeit odd at times, epic film. But actually, the ad’s plot draws inspiration from the famous author Lu Xun’s quote; “The first person to eat crab is very much to be admired”. The phrase has since been used in China to describe brave individuals. The spot, brought to life by production house Keypoint, envisions that story to encourage people to try new things.


Brand 品牌:TMALL 天猫618

According to Ogilvy, the agency behind the spot, Tmall’s key brief was just one word— “new”. So the agency took that idea and ran with it to interpret the brand’s core idea “Be bold to try new things. There are always new surprises in life”. Creating a campaign that translated into a hilarious, albeit odd at times, epic film. But actually, the ad’s plot draws inspiration from the famous author Lu Xun’s quote; “The first person to eat crab is very much to be admired”. The phrase has since been used in China to describe brave individuals. The spot, brought to life by production house Keypoint, envisions that story to encourage people to try new things.


We have horses, rain scenes, scenes on the boat and shots on the lake— everything was a challenge. But the big one was the tight timeline”, shares Ice. With 2 grip heads and 3 assistant directors on set, the shooting was a day-and-night operation because there was simply too much to do. The team checked all the locations twice, and filmed near Qiandao lake and Hongdian village, which are two hours apart. The schedule was tight to the point that the part of the main character had to be shot in 2 hours only.


In Ice’s words, this commercial film is slightly more unique, because it’s more like a short story, for which they tried to create a very cinematographic atmosphere. Also, despite being a commercial, first and foremost, the product placement is very organic. “It doesn’t feel like an obvious ‘selling to the audience’ approach” says Ice. He also hopes that the humor used in the ad, although distinctly Chinese, can be understood universally. Therefore, catching the attention of a wider audience through a universal message. Whether this film achieves this is yet to be seen. But what is for certain, is that now days to impress and engage with the audience, brands require increasingly grand ideas to express their messages… and this commercial film, definitely exemplifies this trend.



 CREDITS 制片团队 

Client 客户:TMALL 天猫

Agency 代理商:上海奥美广告

Executive Producer 监制:谭影

Producer 制片:江聂平

Production 制作公司:Keypoint 上海聚点广告制作

Director 导演:齐天佐

DoP 摄影指导:席冰

Gaffer 灯光师:金升扬

Editor 剪辑师: 李衍行

Sound mix 混音: 两万里

Colorist 调色: 唐强



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