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The World’s Only Advertising Craft Festival Comes To Shanghai – CICLOPE Festival World Tour 2015



CICLOPE Festival takes their world tour to The Waterhouse at South Bund on Thursday, 14th, May as part of an international tour that included Los Angeles, New York, Sao Paulo, Cape Town, Sydney, Auckland and will carry on to Tokyo.

CICLOPE Festival, the world’s only international festival dedicated to the art of execution was held since 2010 in Buenos Aires and in 2013 moved to Berlin, where is it currently based. During the two-day event merging a Conference and an Award Show there are inspiring talks and case studies, enriching seminars and workshops as well as an outstanding showcase and celebration of the very best of the year in different categories such as Direction, 3D Animation, Visual Effects, Interactive Commercials and Original Music, among others – the CICLOPE Awards.

After a sold-out festival in Berlin, CICLOPE Festival is on the road with an international tour across the main markets of the world, showcasing winning works and providing a unique platform for professionals working in broadcast production to learn, be inspired, and network.

Hosted by Gwantsi, Fin Design and Effects and MediaMonks, and locally organized by SHP, CICLOPE Shanghai will be an opportunity to take a glimpse into the future of film craft and creativity.

CICLOPE Shanghai is proud to announce guest speakers Eric Cruz, ECD at AKQA Shanghai, and Stuart White, VFX Supervisor at Fin Design and Effects.

The speakers will share thought provoking case studies in which technology drives ideas to the next level, and will also provide the key to understanding the upcoming challenges which brands will face, as well as showing some work of creatives and producers which display this. Virtual Realtity (VR), Interactive Installations, as well many other new technologies are now available for everyone, and now is time to learn how to use them to deliver ground breaking solutions for clients.

Don’t miss the exciting event on 14 May – stay tuned for more!

For more details of CICLOPE festival, you can visit the official website here.

* Please note that due to a space restriction, the access to the event will be exclusively by invitation.


CICLOPE (名字源于希腊神话里的“独眼巨人”,广告节的标致物也是一个独眼巨人)国际广告节2015世界巡展已经成功地在纽约、布宜诺斯艾利斯、圣保罗、开普敦、悉尼和奥克兰等城市举办,在5月14日,这个独特的广告节将在上海举行一晚的展影,展出2014年的获奖作品。地点为外马路上的水舍酒店

CICLOPE视创意执行与创意概念一样重要,它是全球唯一一个以“创意执行效果” 为重点的评奖广告节。广告节自2010年成立以来一直在布宜诺斯艾利斯举办。在2013年移至柏林。为期两天的广告节包括了会议日程和重头戏的颁奖礼,包括了创意演讲、案例分析、研讨会和工作坊等系列活动,共同见证和庆祝在广告制作各领域包括了导演、三维效果、互动广告和原创音乐等的杰出成果。

上海站获得了本地制作公司观池、澳洲后期公司FIN Design And Effects以及MediaMonks的大力支持,并由影视制作人代理公司SHP合办,上海站的巡展活动主要探讨广告制作和创意的未来。

当晚还将请来两位资深的广告嘉宾演讲,他们分别是AKQA上海公司的创意总监Eric Cruz以及Fin Design and Effects的视觉效果总监Stuart White。他们将分享成功的案例,讲述科技是如何把创意提升至另一层面,同时也提出了品牌、创意人与广告制片在未来会面临的挑战。今天,虚拟现实、互动装置以及其他新科技已经被广泛应用,掌握这些技术并为客户提供全新的解决方案。



* 由于场地有限,本次活动仅限邀请宾客。

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