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Alibaba Pictures has launched the teaser trailer, “What is Peppa 啥是佩奇?”, as part of the promotion for the upcoming “Peppa Pig Celebrates Chinese New Year” movie, co-produced with Entertainment One. The story follows a grandfather, Yu Bao, on his quest to find out what this mystical creature is that his grandson asked for as a gift for Chinese New Year.

阿里巴巴影业近日发布了一部名为《啥是佩奇》的电影先导片。这是为了即将上映的影片《小猪佩奇过大年》而推出的前期造势影片。这部贺岁档影片由阿里巴巴影业和Entertainment One共同出品。先导片讲述了李玉宝为了给宝贝孙子准备春节礼物而寻找一种神奇生物的故事。

Living in a remote village and using a flip phone with no internet, the grandfather tries discove what Pei Qi (Peppa Pig) is. Comically, he mistakes her for a blogger and a hair conditioner, only to finally learn from his friend who used to be a babysitter that Peppa is actually a cartoon. Showing his incredible resourcefulness, the grandfather creates a one-of-a-kind “Peppa” toy made out of a traditional metal fire blower.

李玉宝住在偏远的农村,用着没有办法上网的翻盖手机,但却一心想探寻什么是佩奇(Peppa Pig)。他一开始滑稽地把一个网络主播和一种护发素误认为了是佩奇,后来才从一个以前做过保姆的朋友的口中得知原来佩奇是一个卡通人物。足智多谋的他,仿照传统的鼓风机的样子自己动手制作了一个独一无二的大玩具。

The movie comes at the perfect time for the Chinese New Year and the “Year of the Pig”, the 12th animal in the Chinese zodiac. The pig-craze continues as the hashtag #啥是佩奇# went viral on Weibo, reaching 1.4 billion views, meaning that every person in China had seen the film at least once! However, this is not the first time Peppa went viral, as she has been a cultural meme icon for some time among the Chinese young adults, and on Weibo and Douyjin. Peppa has quickly become a very lucrative business in China, where the licensing revenue from the Chinese market increased up to 700%. Interestingly enough, the metal Pepa from the trailer can already be bought on TaoBao for a price verying from 9.8 RMB all the way up to 999 RMB.


When promoting the movie, Alibaba Picture’s president Wei Zhang stated that this cartoon represents family values, something with which Chinese audiences can strongly associate themselves. The director of the trailer (and the movie) Zhang Dapeng wrote on his Weibo page that the trailer is “not dark, but a little humorous, absurd and heartwarming”. Indeed the trailer perfectly depicts the urbanization and digitalization of China, and charmingly shows the huge gap between two generations. The director also shared some background information on how the video was made; saying that it was filmed in Hubei province in a small village,  and the actors in the trailer are all real people, wearing their own clothes and  in their own homes.


As China is becoming a new force in the movie industry, filmmakers are working hard to appeal to the Chinese market. Remember Dolce&Gabanna’s PR fiasco, or Mercedes’ Dalai Lama quote on Instagram? Brands are becoming more wary of the different issues they might experience while doing business in China and the impact of public opinion through social media. The success of ‘Who is Peppa?’ is an example of smart advertising hitting close to home in the Chinese market and resulting an advertising triumph.

目前已成为全球电影行业第二大市场的中国,在行业内越来越受到重视。电影公司纷纷竭尽所能地吸引中国市场。在吸取杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabanna)公关滑铁卢和梅赛德斯·奔驰(Mercedes Benz)在社交媒体Instagram上发布关于达赖喇嘛推文的经验教训后,各大品牌在中国开展业务时,对于可能遇到的各种问题以及对于能够引起巨大社会舆论反响的社交媒体变得越来约警觉。《啥是佩奇》 俨然是目前最具智慧的成功商业案例。影片巧妙地将自身主题与中国人重视家庭的观念结合在一起,因而收获了巨大的成功。


Credits 制片团队

出品方 | Production House:阿里影业、eOne
制片人 | Producer :鲁岩
导演 | Director:张大鹏
剪辑师 | Editor : 董北
摄影师 | DOP : 朴松日
美术指导 | Art Director : 黄博
美术 | Art : 张一涵 常宽
造型指导 | Stylist : 孙莹
录音师 | Sound Engineer : 张诗雪
特效 | Post Production : 乔琳

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