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The Beginnings of a Shanghai Producers Association?



Three senior advertising producers in Shanghai have formed a WeChat group strictly dedicated to producers based in the city, with the aim to one day create a producer’s association.


The group started at the beginning of September, grew rapidly, and has now levelled out at around 300 members.  It consists of producers of all kinds, but is currently dominated by those from agencies and production companies.  The organisers hope that producers from events and activations will also be become involved as the group grows.

TBP是这个小组的全称。该小组由业内知名制片人发起:上海Stink执行制片人罗业文,W+K上海整合制作总监Angie Wong,以及BBOD上海执行制片人俞舟泓。

Titled TBP, an abbreviation with no official extended name, the group was founded by well-known figures in the community: Desmond Loh, EP and MD of Stink Shanghai, Angie Wong, Director of Integrated Production of Wieden+Kennedy Shanghai, and Grace Yu, EP of BBDO Shanghai.

wechatimg2左起:Angie Wong,罗业文与俞舟泓 | L to R: Angie Wong, Desmond Loh and Grace Yu


To keep numbers from spiraling out of control, membership is currently limited to producers based in Shanghai.  The introductory message states that the aim is to network and “help each other to grow as producers” and that posts should include, “No marketing, no gimmicks, no politics and no bull shit.”

在与发起者们交流之后,我们了解到TBP仍然出于萌芽期。然而他们急于改变现状的决心拾眼可见。俞舟泓说:“放眼未来,是时候给制片人做点什么了。”Angie Wong认为:“这个市场变化的太快了,然而人们真的对这个现状感到开心嘛?”

In talking with Loh, Wong and Yu, it is clear that TBP is still in the embryonic stage. There is however a palpable determination to bring about change.   “It’s time to do something for producers, to look at the future for producers here,” says Yu. “This place is evolving so rapidly. Are people really happy with the way things are being done now?” says Wong.


The hope is that a cohesive group will be in a stronger position to tackle the issues than individuals. As an example, Yu cites the success of the union for Chinese voice-over artists in standardising costs and protecting its members.

对于TBP来说,当下急需的是扩大这个组织在行业内的知名度,以引起人们的关注。Angie Wong说:“我们应该正视整个问题。是时候唤起人们的注意了。”

The first step will be to spread awareness and start conversations.  “We need to start to look at it properly”, says Wong, “It’s time for re-education and creating awareness.”


TBP can play an important role in educating the current and future crop of producers. As the group ramps up, that will initially mean spreading news of events and learning opportunities, whilst in the longer term, there are hopes to run workshops and master classes.

这也引出了TBP的另一项重心:信息交流与发掘新人。对于像俞舟泓和Angie Wong这样的广告公司制片人来说,能够找到熟悉数字(抑货推广)制片领域的自由制片人和制作公司尤为重要。不过对于将广告公司(甲方)与制片公司(乙方)制片人混在同一个组织中是否有利于促进交流以及合作,这一点仍有待观望。

The other key aims revolve around sharing information, networking and identifying new production talent.  For agency producers like Yu and Wong, that particularly applies to freelancers or production houses that can handle more digital, experiential or activations work. It remains to be seen whether mixing client and customer, in the form of agency and production house producers, will create the desired open and collaborative forum.

TBP的第二步就是制订一个规范化的体系。对于这样一个高度混杂的组织来说无疑是一项重大挑战。组织者们希望能够有更多不同的人加入到这个组织中,至少是能够代表不同行业的角色。Angie Wong邀请所有感兴趣的人联系他们:“如果你对于(制片)这项事业有热情,希望行业能够发展,或者制片人们能够进步,我们欢迎你加入我们。”

The next step is to establish a standardized set of objectives, which will be a challenge with so many different types of producer in the group.  Organisers hope to add to their ranks with more committee members, perhaps representatives of the disparate roles within TBP.  Wong invites anyone interested to get in touch, “If you have the passion to want to make things better, to help producers grow, then come and be part of the group. Be proactive and reach out.”

wechatimg1TBP在11月4日的首次聚会 | TBP’s first gathering on Nov. 4th


For TBP to stand out among the noise of myriad WeChat groups, live meetings will be essential. The group held its first gathering on November 4th, attracting 110 producers.  The organizers intend to follow up with more, bigger meetups to discuss ideas, agendas and allow potential leaders to emerge.



The group’s introductory message in full:

“Hi, producers based in Shanghai! Welcome to TBP! Please help to add in your fellow producers from content, production, print, post, digital, events, experiential or activations etc. Here are some rules of thumb: There will be strictly no marketing. You’d have to be a producer based in Shanghai. No politics. No bullshit. We are here to help each other grow. Speak whichever language you are comfortable with, be it Mandarin or English. Our aim one day, is to help create a Producers Association. Our objective is to help create a conducive and functional environment for members to develop in. This will be achieved via various channels of networking. Let’s keep us growing strong and proud.”


  • 罗业文:Desmondlhb
  • 俞舟泓:Grace_Yuzhouhong
  • Angie Wong:angiewong26

For those interested in joining the producers’ WeChat group, at the moment membership is only available by invitation. Contact the organisers via WeChat to get invited: 

  • Desmond Loh: Desmondlhb
  • Grace Yu: Grace_Yuzhouhong
  • Angie Wong: angiewong26

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