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Streetfighting with Digital Domain China


戴尔联手VML广告公司,导演李海龙,德融制作以及Digital Domain China为旗下新一代游戏本打造了一部令人热血沸腾的广告短片。

短片由风靡全球十余载的格斗游戏街霸Street Fighter独家授权,在片中街霸迷们能够看到多个街霸独有角色的身影,从短片主角春丽与隆,到从镜头中一闪而过的反派维加,尤其是春丽与隆之间让人血脉贲张的打斗场景,足以让游戏粉丝们为之欢呼。当机器开始启动的时候,人物也鲜活起来。

Dell partnered with advertising agency VML, production house Draft & Real, director Li Hailong and post house Digital Domain China to create a bruising new film to promote Dell’s latest gaming laptop.  The film centres on a fight between characters  Chun-Li, Ryu from the famous video game Street Fighter. When the laptop opens, the characters come alive.


Though director Li Hailong has worked with Dell many times before on commercials for other gaming hardware, he admitted this one was a little different, “I was surprised by the brief. Dell normally goes with live action and celebrities in their commercials. This is the first time the brand tried full CG.”


从人物到背景都是由Digital Domian China纯CG打造,这对后期团队提出了挑战。全片的每一个细节都是从建模开始全新设计制作的。为此,制作团队特地请来了著名的雕塑家和3D艺术家贾晓鸥和他的团队完成了片头令人惊艳的门的设计。

The background modeling, character animation and effects were created by Digital Domain China.  The team modeled every asset, inviting 3D artist and sculptor Jia Xiaoou to design and sculpt the impressive gate at the beginning of the film. 


Digital Domain China分别利用动作与脸部捕捉技术为这支广告注入了格斗之魂。为了能够找到与人物贴合的演员,李海龙前后找了四五拨演员,最终才找到在面部表情表演方面非常专业非常有能力的演员。监制说:“他们赋予了这两个角色生命力。他们对我们来说是幕后的英雄。”

Digital Domain China intended to use motion and facial capture technology for the characters, meaning casting the actors was crucial. “They breathe life into Chun-Li and Ryu”, says Draft & Real EP Bi Ran, “They are the backstage heroes of the film”.


DDPO的特效总监Jim Radford说:“动作捕捉出来的结果和最终成片有着巨大差别。有的动作我们需要重复很多次,然后在上面手动调整动画,指导效果看起来很好。”

VFX supervisor Jim Radford says there was more to the process than simply capturing their movement though, explaining , “There was a difference between what the stunt guys could actually capture and what we wanted in the final film, so some action needed to be retimed or overlaid with hand animation to really get the character performance looking great.”


  • 广告公司:VML
  • 创意总监:王硕 王雪
  • 制片:王儒
  • 制作公司:德融制作
  • 导演:李海龙
  • 监制:毕然
  • 制片:段未
  • 后期制作:Digital Domain China
  • 执行制片:马丽
  • 特效总监: Jim Radford
  • 三维主管:王浩龙
  • 动画指导:Brian Dowrick
  • 合成指导: Sai Krishna Rimmalapudi
  •     辑: Kuda Lam 林永邦
  •     色:Nikola Stefanovic


  • Agency: VML
  • Creative Director: Wang Shuo, Wang Xue
  • Agency Producer: Wang Ru
  • Production Company: Draft & Real
  • Director: Li Hailong
  • Executive Producer: Bi Ran
  • Producer: Duan Wei
  • Post Production:Digital Domain China
  • Executive Producer: Ma Li
  • VFX Supervisor: Jim Radford
  • 3D Leader: Wang Haolong
  • Animation Director: Brian Dowrick
  • Comp Supervisor: Sai Krishna Rimmalapudi
  • Editor: Kuda Lam
  • Colortist: Nikola Stefanovic

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