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straight 8 at ADFEST 2018 | 8竞赛在ADFEST 2018


Registration open now for straight 8 at ADFEST | 8竞赛注册已开始


straight 8 has teamed up with the APA to bring the first straight 8 shootout to Adfest in Pattaya, Thailand this coming March 2018.  The entry is limited to 20 companies working in the ad industry in APAC and MENA regions, only competing as companies, for charity.

2018年3月,亚太广告节即将在泰国芭提雅举办,届时,straight 8超8毫米胶片短片竞赛将携手APA,第一次将straight 8竞赛搬上亚太广告节舞台。参赛仅限亚太地区和中东北非地区的广告行业公司,且仅有20个参赛席位,只限以公司的形式参赛,这是一场以慈善为目的的活动。

Just like the regular straight 8, entering companies make a film on one roll of super 8mm cine film, with no second takes, no editing, no post-production.  The sound must be original and is delivered ‘blind’.

跟常规的straight 8竞赛一样,本次的参赛公司依然会拿到一卷超8毫米胶片,拍摄自己的电影,且只有一次拍摄机会,没有任何剪辑和后期。音乐也要是原声的,任何人都不能提前目睹电影的芳容。

Each company will see their straight 8 film for the first time at Adfest 2018, March 22nd.  All films will be shown no matter how, or whether, they come out.  The cinema audience will then vote and the winning companies get to donate the prize money to the charities of their choosing.



Entry is first come first served.  Pre-registration is essential to be eligible to enter. 


Head to  to claim your spot!


About straight 8 | 关于straight 8竞赛

Straight 8 is the global one-super-8-cartridge-no-editing short film competition found in London in 1999.  The challenge is to make a short film on one cartridge of super 8 with no editing, no retakes, no grade, no post production, and submit a separate soundtrack without having seen your film.  See your film for the first time together with the audience – at one of our packed premiers, like the one we hold at Cannes Film Festival premier, if it’s good enough.

Straight 8超8毫米胶片短片竞赛于1999年在伦敦设立。参赛者要用超8毫米胶片短片制作一部短片,不能有任何剪辑、任何重拍、任何调色、任何后期,而且还要递交一个单独的原声音带,制作者事先也不能观看自己的作品。要等要放映时跟观众一起观看,我们会举办一系列首映,观众参与人数众多,如果作品足够优秀,说不定还可以登上戛纳电影节首映礼。

There is now another straight 8 format for ad industry companies to compete for charity.  The rules are similar but different.


Check them out at | 详细信息请参考网站

Explore the site to see some great straight 8 films, find out more about the rules, who enters, how the films are made and where else they’re screened.  Straight 8 is open to anyone anywhere.  If you have a straight 8 in you, we’d love to see it.

登陆网站,查看优秀的超8毫米胶片短片作品,进一步了解参赛规则,参赛者要求,短片的制作,以及作品的放映地点。Straight 8超8毫米胶片短片竞赛向所有人敞开大门。如果你心里也住着一个Straight 8,快来参赛吧,期待你的加入。


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