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SONY: Capturing the Weightless Grace


If you are a fan of the latest American blockbuster Gravity, Sony’s new TV commercial for camera A7 & A7R could easily impress you with the similar breathtaking space view and dreamy floating motions . The tempo and the music of the film are well-arranged. The spot graced in a tranquil floating slow-motion then dramatically switch to a dynamic free falling jumping action on a precise jumping choregraphs. Space is a beautiful and enjoyable piece of commercials in any length of its versions.

The whole production and location were set in Australia. Performers are all sky-dive world record holders. They were flew to a maximum height of a 15,000 feet and started jumping in all crazy angles, but meanwhile they needed to fly invertedly close to the photographer. In two shooting days, the divers have had 9 jumps in total, which each jump is about 1 minute free fall. In this 1 minutes, they tried to accomplish 2 to 3 shows. In another word, the commercial was edited in this 9 minutes footage. The Australian director Jeff Gaunt said, to add the feeling of weightlessness and achieve all floating gestures up in the air, it was shot in 4K resolution in a speed of 120 frame per second.



The Making-Of Video


CLIENT: Sony (China) Limited
AGENCY: M&C Saatchi
DIRECTOR: Jeff Gaunt
VFX PRODUCER: Flavia Riley


如果你是大片《地心引力》的影迷,相信索尼最新的A7 & A7R微单广告绝对能吸引你眼球。场景有着令人窒息的美态,广告片子的节奏和音乐编排地恰到好处。优雅的漂浮慢动作作为开场,紧接着是一系列精确又刺激的高空自由落体旋转和跳跃。无论精华版或完整版,这是一部优美而欣赏度很高的电视广告。

整个制作和拍摄取景均在澳洲。 出演的都是高超技术的跳伞世界纪录保持者, 他们在15,000尺的高空跳落的过程中展现出各种疯狂的角度,但与此同时,他们必须与摄影导演一起往中间聚拢飞行。2天拍摄时间里安排9次跳伞,每一次跳伞只有一分钟左右的自由落体时间,换句话说,一共只有9分钟去完成这条电视广告拍摄。而每一分钟里就需要尝试拍摄2到3 段不同的素材。澳大利亚导演Jeff Gaunt说, 为了增添失重的飘浮感,拍摄使用4K设备,并将拍摄进度设置在每秒120帧而营造各种浮游太空的优雅姿态。

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