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SHP+’s Hightlights of Day 1 in Cannes Lion


Greeting from Cannes!

It’s not easy putting together just short snippets to share our experience in #CannesLions2015 – there is so little time and so much going on at the festival. But here are some quick picks of the day :



The Waits is Worth It 最值得的等待


Cannes Lions Festival’s first days sees delegates flooding the landmark Palais de Festival, converted for the week into a playground for creativity. In the queue for registration creatives from all over the world are standing in the Mediterranean sunshine patiently awaiting their badges for access to exhibitions, ceremonies, workshops and other networking events.  This year there are around 12,000 delegates from 94 countries with 250 delegates in total from China.



Talks of the Day: The Human Face Behind The Device


China was well represented on the first day of the festival with SY Lau,Senior Executive Vice President of Tencent and President of its Online Media Group (OMG) giving the first talk of the day in the Grand Audi auditorium. Dubbed “Media Person of the Year,” Lau spoke about his perspective on how technology is affecting human development, including a video of how Tencent’s technology breaks into the daily life patterns of Chinese minorities. To conclude, Lau gave there tips for succeeding in the China market:

• Think math men not mad men – when approaching the China market, be imaginative.
• Think of exploration not exploitation – have the spirit of an entrepreneur.
• Have a global-citizen mindset – be cooperative instead of competitive.

The talk saw a large presence of Chinese delegates. Lao Bo, the founder of Adquan, commented that the talk was “one of the best by a Chinese delegate in Cannes Lion history.”

中国在头一天有重要的亮相。腾讯高级执行副总裁及在线媒体集团(OMG)的总裁刘胜义的演讲被安排在主场馆Grand Audi厅的最后一场。这位刚获得“年度媒体人物”的讲题为“设备背后的脸孔”,他讲述了科技是如何应该在人类发展上扮演一个美好的角色,他还展示了一段腾讯科技改变中国少数民族生活的视频。最后,刘胜义以总结了在中国市场取得成功的三个提示:

• 对于有创造力的人,应该善用既有的科学和逻辑,而不是异想天开。
• 对于冒险的企业家,应该更多地去探索和研究。而不是急于开发和利用,去获取更多的利润回报。
• 对于全球公民,应该是合作而不是竞争。



 The Can That Connects 连结代表的免费酒吧


The enticing view of the Cannes Connect Bar, always the best place to meet and greet at a sundown session and where everyone flocked to the sea of white tents to get their free cans of beer and mingle. This particular bar is sponsored by Heineken, who was just awarded the “Creative Marketer of the Year. ”  Even the beer here fits the environment, having a bespoke can with “Thirsty for creativity” printed right on it.

戛纳广告节每天在所有演讲结束后都安排了“戛纳连接酒吧”,其实就是在会场外搭起一大片的白帐篷,为代表们(主要是老外代表)“下课”后斟个小酒,相互认识的社交场合。露天酒吧由喜力包办。喜力今年被广告节被为“最佳市场商家”,为了”回馈“大会的厚爱,喜力为广告节定制了一款纪念版的啤酒罐,以解“创意之渴” (”Thirsty for Creativity’),还被印在免费的啤酒罐上供代表们的牛饮。


Stay tuned for more highlights! 我们将尽快为你送上更多料子。

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