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SHP+’s Highlights of Day 2 in Cannes Lion – The Party is Getting Started



Even more delegates arrived on the 2nd day of the festival this year and the Palais was extremely busy where everyone was queuing for talks. “Antichrist Superstar” Marilyn Manson drew a particularly large crowd…

Talk of the Day: An “Awakening” Chat With Marilyn Manson 与科学怪人的清晨对话

A cup of coffee and a sit down with Marilyn Manson…that should give our morning a jolt. WPP Group agency Grey invited Marilyn Manson to the Grand Audi stage for an almost “Truth or Dare” style open dialogue with Tor Myhren, worldwide chief creative officer at Grey.

Manson’s wit gave the audience a good laugh as he quipped that his maturity comes from realising he only needs money to “buy catfood for my cat” and that “nothing good happens after 4.30am.”

Wearing very little makeup, Manson seems to have said goodbye to his successful iconic self-branded image. In response to Myhren’s request for advice to help the creative industry evolve similarly strong brands, Manson was quick to offer his Vietnam-veteran father’s seminal tips to him as a young child; “If you pour lemon juice over a woman and she cries out, don’t have sex with her (I’ll leave that with you) – and when you start a new job, fire someone immediately. It’s all about making people feel afraid.”

清早(当然是相对创意人的时间来说)来一杯咖啡,坐下来听一下玛丽莲曼森先生的高谈阔论,相信没有什么比这个更提神的早晨了。 WPP旗下的精信广告(Grey)请来了“反基督巨星”玛丽莲·曼森来到Grand Audi与Grey的全球首席创意官Tor Myhrenvv进行了一个几近“真心大冒险”式的对话。

我们要怎么点评这次的对话呢?就像我们46岁的主角所说的:“我已经变成熟了” – 原因很简单:“我现在的生活打心眼里地说,只需要买猫粮的钱。我也开始相信凌晨4点以后再也没什么值得去的地方。“曼森‘成熟’和机智引得慕名而来的满场观众带来阵阵的笑声。




An Intimate Gathering of Chinese Creatives in Cannes中国创意小聚戛纳

On a quiet outdoor hotel terrace a five-minute walk from the action, a group of influential professionals held a roundtable discussion. With a feeling like that of a gathering of old friends, this intimate meeting consisted of over twenty people from agencies, brands and media, including Jimmy Lam, Vice Chairman & Chief Creative Officer at DDB Group China; Kitty Lun, Chairman/CEO, Norman Tan, North Asia Chief Creative Officer & China Chairman and Ray Hong, marketing director from just to name a few.

The man responsible for bringing everyone together was Lao Bo, Founder/CEO of – one of China’s largest advertising news sources. Lao gracefully set the scene and nurtured a spirited discussion stemming from two main topics: What were everyone’s thoughts on Cannes and how did they see China’s involvement in Cannes?

In the middle of the heated discussion, a very special guest,Terry Savage, the Chairman of Cannes Lions, found time to join this session and shared some of his own insights on how Chinese work can be better represented at Cannes. His suggestions are very simple:

Give it confidence
“As of right now, I don’t believe they [Chinese creatives] think they can do it and I think they need to be empowered more and made to believe that they can be on stage at the Palais. Let us build their confidence so they believe they can win.”

Improve the way of submitting an entry
Better understand how to enter work into Cannes. Teach the proper way to enter Cannes Lions. “You lose before you start when you don’t enter well.”

Know your strengths
“Focus on where you are strong,” pointing out mobile’s prevalence in China. “Why aren’t you winning Mobile Lions?”

He ends with a simple statistic. The shortlist for Innovation Lions is 34 entries and 3 of those came from China. It is a very exciting sign of the future “as roughly 10 percent (Innovation Lions) will have emanated from China.”

For more details of this inspiring discussion, please follow SHP+’s post-Cannes summary. 

A group photo of the Chinese delegates present. 由广告门牵头的”戛纳论道“的探讨会,气氛亲切融洽。

Terry Savage (L) gives his valuable advices to Chinese delegates.. Jimmy Lam (R) volunteers to be an interpreter 神秘嘉宾、广告节的主席Terry Savage拨冗出席,分享了不少中国作品入围戛纳奖的建议。Jimmy Lam做了临时翻译。

Kitty Lun (R) is happy to share her years of experience of judging in Cannes with all young creatives. 亲切的陈伦洁莹与同桌的年青的创意分享了多年做戛纳评审的心得。

在离电影宫不远处的一个酒店露台里,齐聚了一批有影响力的中国广告创意、品牌市场营销以及媒体,虽然这次的聚会有个高大上的名称:戛纳论道(The Cannes Forum 2015),但到场人士几乎都相互认识,所以与其说这次是论坛,倒不如说这是一次有关戛纳之行的讨论会更为合适。出席的人里面当中包括做了多年戛纳评委的DDB中国的副总裁兼首席创意执行官Jimmy Lam、睿狮中国的董事及首席执行官陈伦洁莹和新浪的市场总监洪睿等。


在讨论进行得正酣之时闯进了一位神秘嘉宾。每个人见到他进来时,几乎是肃然起立。他就是广告节的主席Terry Savage, 在百忙中抽空参加讨论的他主要分享了他对中国作品入围广告节的一些建议。他的3点建议十分简单:


提高中国作品呈现给评委的方式,如何正确参赛至关重要: “如果你的展示不给力,你已经输在起跑点了。”

“专注于你的强项”,他提及中国移动终端的高覆盖率。 “为什么你们至今还没拿到‘移动狮子’的奖?”

他用一个简单的统计做了总结。今年入围”创新狮子“的34件作品里有3件是来自中国的。Terry认为这是一个让人兴奋的“数据”:“中国的作品(创新狮子)占到了10%之多呢!” 看来今年的戛纳果然不失为一个“数据年”。

Let’s Get the Party Started 派对,一起来谈谈友情,跳跳舞!


We ended the day at the Opening Gala where delegates headed along the Croisette to the famous Carlton Beach. The dancing and partying energized the shorelines while chefs prepared delicacies on the beach. The night had plenty of other unexpected happenings. One Smashed DJ and a sea of party goers danced until two in the morning, which of course is nothing out of the ordinary here. Afterwards, flocks of people flooded the Gutter Bar, the iconic after party bar in Cannes. The liveliness of the Gutter Bar is the true key point indicator (KPI) of how well the industry as a whole is doing. It’s only Monday and the place was packed. Goodnight Day 2 – there was never a dull moment.

忙碌的一天在夜晚才正式开始,在头四个大奖的颁奖礼之后,代表们一窝蜂地涌去了海滨大道上著名的卡尔顿海滩参加广告节的开幕大趴。海滩上人头攒涌,强劲的DJ音乐伴随着人群兴奋的舞动,到处还弥漫着大厨现场烹制的美食香气,真是生机勃勃的夜晚。越到夜深,就见到越来越多的意外:比如一个喝醉的DJ自踹DJ台,但已经喝得很high的人群也没多在意,继续随着他的音乐路……如往年一样,开幕趴一直持续到凌晨两点多。意犹未尽的人们继续移师到当地一个著名的after party的酒吧,Gutter。据闻,这家酒吧的热闹程度是每年广告节参加人数的一个真正的关键指标(KPI)。而今年情况是怎么样?酒吧是在凌晨三点还被挤得水泄不通。好吧,看来今年的广告节办得真不错,起码我们第二天的每一刻都非常精彩。





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