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SHP+’s Day 6 in Cannes Lions – Al Gore & Innovation Lions
戛纳行第六天——阿尔·戈尔 | 创新奖


Al Gore 阿尔·戈尔

We’ve been looking forward to this all week.  Today we had the pleasure to sit in on a Cannes Debate with Sir Martin Sorrell, Founder/CEO of WPP and former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore.  Al Gore is a man of many passions but at the heart of today’s discussion was Gore’s dedication to the problem of global warming.

He pointed out currently China produces more pollution than the United States and European Union combined, but that China should get more credit for what they have done with renewable sources such as solar and wind power.  The coal usage dropped at the beginning of this year and while it is true that pollution rates are high in China, the improvements are substantial and should be commended.

Mr. Gore is not concerned about not winning the struggle against global warming.  He proclaims, “We are winning and we will win but we need to win faster.”  Needless to say, an hour with Mr. Gore left us inspired, captivated and motivated.


WPP集团的创建人Martin Sorrell和CEO与美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔的对话是本次广告节上最让期待的节目之一。全场两千多个座位坐无虚席 。在离任副总统的职位后,阿尔·戈尔摇身成为活跃的环保分子,特别为解决全球化变暖问题一直努力不懈。在这次气氛热炽的讨论当中,他特别地谈到了中国在全球环保的状况。他说:“中国目前制造的污染很可能比美国及欧洲加起来还严重,这就促使了中国积极发展再生能源,像太阳能和风力等方面,中国在方面的技术贡献不少。”

阿尔·戈尔还提到去年中柴静轰动全国的环保社会短片《穹苍之下》,主持人Martin Sorrell问戈尔是否认为此片是获得了‘’官方“的赞助? (题外话,说到这里时,戈尔实在忍不住吐槽主持人Scorrell的发问方式: “我喜欢你这样跳来跳去的发问,你真的太会跳了……你的脑子也太灵活了吧。”) 戈尔说《穹苍之下》可以采访到这么多的政府人士,一定是得到政府的某种默许,它也是在某种程度被禁……但是在4天时间内有2亿次的下载量,可见中国人对环保问题更为关心。”


Innovation Lions 创新狮子奖

The evening awards included the Innovation Lions where only eight awards were given.  Baidu received one for their Baidu Kuaison “Smart Chopsticks.”  What began as a joke with claims that chopsticks could measure food safety, actually became a reality.  Founder of Baidu, Robin Li, decided to make these fictitious chopsticks to answer true consumer demand.  Xin Yu Fan and Guan Chun Wang received the award on behalf of Baidu.
创新奖只设有八个单奖。百度凭智能的产品“筷搜”拿下了一个金奖。本来这是百度去年愚人节推出的一个半玩笑式的概念——用筷子测出食物的安全,用数据分析事物安全再传送到手机上。现时想法已经被发展成产品。目前为止,筷子主要可以测出食用油品质、pH 值、測水果品种、产地、热量与维生素以及测温度。


Innovation Lions Grand Prix 创新狮子奖至尊大奖

The star of the night belonged to the Innovation Grand Prix winner, “3 Words to Address the World.”  Also called “what3words,” the idea behind it is to use 3 words to give everyone a simple device to remember global addresses.  Using GPS coordinates, unique combinations of words are assigned to 3 meter x 3 meter blocks resulting in a global grid of 57 trillion.  75% of the world is inadequately addressed, leaving many people basically invisible.  The most basic services are unattainable like receiving help, getting deliveries, reporting crime, etc.

在整个创新的获奖作品中,我们认为最有创意的是WHAT3WORDS伦敦创作的‘3 WORDS TO ADDRESS THE WORLD’,简称“what3words”,它让地球所有的地方都可以通过三个特定字的组合来命名。通过GPS的定位,三个字的地名的范围是在3x3米,而整个地球被分割成 57 万亿个正方形。现时世界上75%的地址都没有规范或详细地标记,导致了生活在这些范围里的人是隐型于地图上的,带来的生活上的种种不便,包括得不到及时的救护。当然也是靠着GPS都找不到路的路痴的福音。可惜当晚并不没有详细地介绍命名的实例。该片也获得创新类的”至尊大奖”。

Some Other Noteworthy Innovation winners:

Panasonic’s ACH2O takes the condensation from air conditioners and purifies the water.  Tap water in many countries is not potable.  With this technology, daily production of 7 liters of potable water is achievable.  This is the needed amount of water for 1 person for 3 days.


“Life Saving Dot” by Talwar Bindi fights iodine deficiency in rural India.  Using bindis, a specially engineered iodine patch that is indistinguishable from the ubiquitous colored bindis, the daily recommended amount of iodine is slowly released over the course the day.

印度妇女缺碘情況严重,当地非营利組织Talwar Bindi联合新加坡Grey共同制作出含有碘液的”眉心点“,使她们可以通过观察眉心点的颜色来追踪她们身体的含碘情况。传统与现代结合,让印度女性们可以既漂亮又健康。

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