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SHP+’s Day 5 in Cannes Lions – Tour De Palais, Google Beach, Work Showcase and More
戛纳行第五天——谷哥海滩最好玩 | 创新节开幕


Unfortunately, the taxi drivers in France have decided to strike in protest of Uber.  This poses a problem for the glut of visitors this week.  We managed find our way to the Palais and saw some protesting parked taxis with anti-Uber signs. Considering “Guerrilla Warfare”  happening in other parts of the country (read here) we considered ourselves pretty lucky.



Google’s Fun in the Sun 地中海阳光下的Google海滩

We headed over to the Google Beach on the Boulevard de la Croisette for some enlightenment and fun under the sun.  Over the last few years, Silicon Valley’s giants have been changing the look and feel of Cannes Lions as the marriage between tech and marketing continuously evolve.  This afternoon we were treated to a panel of experts to discuss “Video (R)evolution: How video evolved and changed everything.”

如果你不想再继续呆在黑暗的演讲厅,谷哥海滩绝对是电影宫之外最好露天学堂和乐园。设在美丽的Boulevard de la Croisette, 海滩上色彩鲜艳,就像典型的矽谷年轻企业一样,充满朝气和活力。

We got to experience many fun activities like Design your own thermos, Code your juice, Super slo-mo, Program your postcard, and many other engaging games.  .谷哥精心设计的各种有意思的小游戏,有“自编果汁”、“编码明信片”、自制瓶身和超搞笑的自制超级慢动作视频。




TALKS:Video (R)evolution: How video evolved and changed everything on Google Beach海滩公开讲堂

Youtube will generate 3 trillion video views. That’s about 428 views per person in the world. However, since Youtube is banned in China, the average views per person is actually much higher. Unfortunately, the discussion never ventured into the untapped China market. Some interesting snippets from the group which included AKQA Chief Creative Officer, Rei Inamoto, revolved around content and artificial intelligence. Rei mentions that music has been created by software, and while it hasn’t happened for video, it’s coming. Cary Tilds, Chief Innovation Officer at GroupM predicted, “The future of video is augmented and holographic technologies that allow you to watch it off the device wherever you are.”

谷哥的讲堂是一个色彩缤纷的大舞台,无论是设计还是出席的嘉宾到演讲内容。我们正好赶上了Youtube举办题为“视频革命性发展”的公开讲堂,出席的包括了四大代理商的高层。AKQA的首席创意官Rei Inamoto认为,鉴于音乐已经发展到可以由软件制作,这也是视频内容的发展方向;而Group M的首席创意执行官就预测:“虚拟现实和全息技术将让视频可以真实在任何设置上观看。”


(L to R) Brandon Berger, Chief Digital Officer, Ogilvy / Cary Tilds, Chief Innovation Officer, Group M / Rei Inamoto, Chief Creative Officer, AKQA / Mark Read, Global CEO Wunderman /  Lucas Watson, VP, Solutions & Innovations at Goog

See the Best Works – Cannes Lions Lounge 作品展示厅

And we finally got a chance to spend some time in the Exhibition area.  On display are all the works from the entire festival.  Workshops and master classes are constantly on going.  We stayed much longer than we anticipated as there is just so much to take in.




Innovation Station – 创新节开幕

Day 5 marked the first day of Lions Innovation, a festival within the Festival.  It’s a unique two-day event where data, technology and creativity will intersect.  Circling around, we felt a different type of energy than the days before.  You couldn’t help wonder about the inspirations that will come from this.  It seemed tangible and while we were getting a first look at the type of work being done here, we were already looking forward to tomorrow award ceremony.  We have high hopes for Baidu and their “Kuaisou” entry focusing on food safety.  Good luck to them!

戛纳的创新节在25-26号进行。今天也是第一天。这里的”创新“主要是指广告行业上创意技术和创新的商业方式的运用。 所有的演讲有展示都集中在同一个场馆里,交流的氛围更浓。这里展示的科技可能并不是最领先的,但它们一点是在市场营销运用得最精明、最精确和最有影响力的。中国的“百度筷搜”进入了该类别的入围名单。有望可以夺金。


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