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Shanghai Anim 2016 Calling for Entries


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Shanghai Anim 2016 is an international festival celebrating global student animation creativity, comprising selected 2014, 2015 and 2016 graduate films from animation schools in China, France and many other countries worldwide.  Films will be screened in various venues around Shanghai in late Summer.

**Shanghai Anim is a local incarnation of the worldwide student animation festival, Panam Anim**

2016上海学生动画电影节是一场学生动画作品的盛会。它聚集了来自中国、法国以及全球各地的2014届, 2015届与2016届的动画专业学生与作品。这些作品将会于今年夏末在上海多个场地展出。

**上海国际学生动漫电影节是由Panam Anim在上海举办的学生动漫节**

Call For Entries

Shanghai Anim 2016 is currently accepting submissions.

Guidelines for submission:

  • Entries must be student films (BA, MA or beyond all accepted)
  • Entries should be films completed in 2014, 2015 or 2016
  • Schools, colleges, universities, training institutions from any country are accepted
  • Submission is free
  • Send your submission by QQ or WeTransfer to
  • Include your name, name of film, school, graduation year and contact information




  • 作品必须是学生作品(本科,研究生或者以上)
  • 作品必须完成于2014年,2015年与2016年
  • 全球各院校与培训机构皆可参加
  • 无报名费
  • 请将作品由QQ或者WeTransfer发至
  • 请在申请时附上你的名字,作品名称,所在学校,毕业时间与联系方式


2016年6月, 上海,具体地址未定  |  June 2016, Shanghai (various venues)


  • Collate and celebrate the best worldwide and domestic student films
  • Inspire and encourage animation development at the student level in China
  • Expose the community to Chinese and worldwide student animation
  • Connect Chinese students and student work with local and international industry and practitioners


Shanghai Anim 2016 seeks to bring the community together under an umbrella of young creativity.  Attendees and participants will include students from animation, animation-related and non-related disciplines, professionals from the animation and wider creative industries, and families.

Participating Schools 2016:

Additions are ongoing. Schools wishing to participate should contact

  • China Academy Art, Hangzhou (China)
  • Communication University of China, Beijing (China)
  • Jilin Animation Institute, Changchun (China)
  • Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
  • Supinfocom, Arles (France)
  • Gobelins, Paris (France)
  • Emile-Cohl, Lyon (France)
  • Esma, Montpellier (France)
  • Artfx, Montpellier (France)
  • George Melies, Orly (France)
  • ISART Digital, Paris (France)
  • MOPA, Arles (France)
  • The Animation Workshop, Viborg (Denmark)

Why participate?

  • Expose your work to professionals from across the animation, game and wider creative industries.
  • Make new industry connections and strengthen existing ones.
  • Gain international and local media attention, both within China and worldwide.

Sponsors & Partners

If you are interested in sponsoring Shanghai Anim 2016, please contact


  • 聚焦:中国与全球最顶尖的学生作品
  • 激发:中国学生动画创意
  • 展示:中国与全球学生动画作品
  • 交流:建立中国与国际学生的沟通桥梁





  • 中国美术学院,杭州(中国)
  • 中国传媒大学,北京(中国)
  • 香港知专设计学院,香港(中国香港)
  • Supinfocom高等数字传播动画学院,阿尔勒(法国)
  • Gobelins动画学院,巴黎(法国)
  • Emile-Cohl动漫多媒体学院,里昂(法国)
  • ESMA 高等职业艺术学院,蒙彼利埃(法国)
  • ARTFX动画学院,蒙彼利埃(法国)
  • George Melies动画学院,奥利(法国)
  • ISART数字动画学院,巴黎(法国)
  • MOPA动画和计算机图形学院,阿尔勒(法国)
  • The Animation Workshop学院,维堡(丹麦)


  • 通过本次动画节提升学校与学生知名度
  • 建立新的业内联系,加强原有沟通联系
  • 引起国际与国内媒体关注




Heritage 历届海报


COVER_1 Panamanim2012_cover PANAMANIM_Shanghai_2013_cover

What is Panam Anim?

Panam Anim is a festival celebrating outstanding student animation worldwide, started in Paris in 2011 by Pascal Chinarro. Panam Anim’s aim is to become a central hub of creativity for the best animation schools worldwide, to promote the animation talent of tomorrow.

Each year, a selection of graduation films from international and domestic animation schools is screened to professional and amateur audiences. The festival has taken place every year in Paris since 2011, and in Shanghai in 2013 and 2014. Three new editions of Panam Anim will be launched in 2016, in Bangkok, Saigon and Barcelona.  Click here to learn more about previous Panam Anim festivals (English only).

Check out the trailer and highlights from 2013 below.


2011 年动画导演Pascal Cinarro在巴黎举办了第一届Panama Anim,旨在促进全世界杰出的学生动画作品交流。Panama Anim已经成为了世界范围内顶尖动画学院的聚集地,发掘动画界的潜力新人的聚会。每年毕业生的作品将被挑选出来呈现在专业评审与普通观众面前。本动画节 自2011年起在巴黎举办,2013年与2014年又在上海成功举办了上海学生动画节。2016年,电影节将在曼谷,西贡和巴塞罗那同时举办。点击此处了解历届动画节相关信息(英语)。



Panam Anim Shanghai 2013 & 2014

Organisers 组织者


SHP+ 是一份网络杂志,旨在为读者带来中国广告界最新资讯与业内视角。报道范围覆盖中国与海外各 项广告盛事。SHP+矢志不渝的追求广告制作的创意与品质,并力图将这些作品背后的广告人和故事带给读者。SHP+同时为在华影视制作公司和后期公司在提 供公关服务和社交媒体运营.
SHP+ is an online magazine providing insights into the advertising industry in China and covering the Chinese presence at global creative events. SHP+ passionately believes in the importance of craft and creativity in filmmaking, and strives to bring awareness to the unsung craftspeople behind the campaigns. The company also provides PR services for production and post houses in China.




Since it’s foundation in 2013, CAGN (China Animation & Game Network) has sought to improve communication, encourage creativity and facilitate projects in the Chinese animation and gaming industries through organising live creative networking events, offering consultancy services and enabling individual connections.

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