Nike中国日前开展了《后浪》的广告宣传,随之推出的还有一部Just Do It风格的宣传短片。
Nike China has launched its The Next Wave campaign with a remarkable film celebrating the iconic Just Do It spirit.
Shot in a sequence of action-packed long shots using no visual effects, the 90-second film is a street carnival of sporting endeavor by athletes ranging from national heroes to everyday enthusiasts.
Created by W+K Shanghai, stylistically the film breaks away from the much-copied, moody and emotional Nike films of recent times. The campaign title ‘The Next Wave’ refers not to a dramatic revival of the Talking Heads, rather to a rising generation of young athletes in China.
对于中国来说,Nike的口号Just Do It并不陌生。如同它1988年首次在北美登场时一样,如今但是这三个字在中国能够唤起大量年轻人的共鸣。在这部短片里,我们再次看到了那种纯粹的运动精神,那种不为成绩或名气,而仅仅是因为喜爱运动,为运动而运动的精神。
镜头从一个踢着球的小男孩开始,穿过一群女篮球运动员,穿插着一闪而过的刘翔,坐在咖啡店里的李娜,来到一群香港码头上下翻飞的跑酷运动员,随着台北街头的BMX小轮车选手穿过大街小巷,最终回到了小男孩身上。在汹涌的运动人群穿过天津海河沿岸,镜头里只剩下了踢着球的小男孩,以及那句著名的口号:Just Do it
Nike’s famous slogan feels as relevant and resonant in modern China as it probably did when it debuted in the US in 1988. Here we are told that sport is not about the glory, fame or impressing anyone, it is about the simple joy of getting out and doing it.
A football-juggling boy kicks off a precision street procession of defiant female ballers striding past an Olympian hurdling bike racks as parkour runners hop and flip through a melee of thwacking golf balls, slapping pucks, and BMXers tearing down alleyways. To close the film, the camera pans out over an army of runners and assorted athletes swarming the promenade of Tianjin’s Haihe River, before we return to the boy and those famous three words.
《后浪》无论从何种层面上来说都是一部了不起的宣传片,对于本片的制片公司,著名的玩味上海和导演Martin Krejci来说尤其如此。
《后浪》中所展示出的画面感以及完美的一镜到底无疑归功于导演Martin Krejci的指导与策划。Martin导演在编写拍摄纲要时就已着手设计演员走位与镜头移动了,玩味上海的总经理罗业文告诉我们,“Krejci在实地勘察前就已经在脑海里有了一整套拍摄方案,镜头如何移动、演员如何,这些景象对他来说都已经是胸有成竹的。他的思路非常清晰和准确。”
The film is a remarkable achievement on many levels, not least for production powerhouse Stink Films Shanghai and director Martin Krejci.
Stink Films Shanghai Managing Director Desmond Loh explains that the impeccable execution was thanks in no small part to the early and exacting planning of director Krejci, “He had it all in his mind; exactly what he wanted to do and how he wanted to choreograph every single stunt before we even went to the location. He was very specific, very precise and very clear.”
Equally crucial, says Loh, was Krejci’s clarity and skill in conveying his vision, given that this kind of one take film isn’t something that can be easily storyboarded.
W+K上海的创意总监Shaun Sundholm这样描述拍摄现场的混乱景象:“运动员们需要一遍一遍地重复拍摄,才能达到最后的影片效果。篮球、足球、网球在片场飞来飞去,运动员们为了不撞到对方来回奔跑、跳跃,拍摄现场常常处于近乎混乱的状态,但经过大家不断的努力,我们才把各种精彩的瞬间拧成了一股极具感染力的运动巨浪。”
A tight timeline left no rehearsal time meaning everything would need to be coordinated on site across six intense shooting days in Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing and Tianjin.
W+K Shanghai creative director Shaun Sundholm outlines a hectic set, “Every day we had athletes playing side by side with famous athletes, balls flying everywhere, people crashing into each other, it was near chaos at times. But in the end we combined all of their energy into one infectious massive wave of sport.”
With multiple locations to prep and the complexity associated with shooting so much in one take, production faced an intense six days. As Loh says, “Everything was a challenge for this job.”
为了能捕捉片中大量的运动镜头,同时与跑酷的演员们协同,拍摄团队从奥地利请来了摄影忍者(Gimbal Ninja),Florian Hatwagner。Florian以能在手持摄像过程中进行高难度的运动与跑酷动作而著名。在拍摄过程中,摄影忍者与前跨栏世界冠军刘翔一起奔跑跳跃,同跑酷演员在天津港口上蹿下跳。罗业文告诉我们在天津港口进行拍摄时,摄影忍者必须手持摄像机与跑酷演员一起穿越重重障碍最后从一个两层高的台子上跳下来。
The task of capturing the fast paced action was handed to renowned stunt cameraman Florian Hatwagner, also known as the Gimbal Ninja, a Steadicam and Gimbal operator famous for his athleticism behind the camera. Hatwagner hurdled bikes two paces ahead of former world champion Liu Xiang, and ran, unharnessed, through obstacles alongside parkour professionals in the Tianjin harbor, before leaping from a two-storey platform.
The on-set stunt team had only a split second to connect the cameraman to a wire before he jumped. “It was extremely dangerous”, says Loh, “Can you imagine what would happen if the stunt team had missed the hook? The cameraman could have died.”
Alongside superstars like Liu Xiang and tennis champ Li Na are everyday sportspeople like Sun Gengsheng, a 76-year-old marathon runner with 33 full-marathons and 13 half-marathons under his belt across his 56 years of running. Despite multiple appearances in previous Nike China commercials, his doctor advised him not to participate in The Next Wave campaign shoot on health grounds. Embodying perfectly the Just Do It spirit, Sun simply replied, “I’m fine. Don’t listen to the doctor.”
The Next Wave will feature a further six online films, on-the-ground activations and billboards. This exceptional launch film has set the campaign off and running with a tremendous bang.
- 广告公司:W+K上海
- 创意总监:梁品超, Azsa West, Shaun Sundholm
- 广告公司制片人:Fang Yuan
- 制片公司:玩味上海
- 导演:Martin Krejci
- 执行制片人:罗业文,Brenda Tham
- 制片人:Charles Renard, Evie Yeo
- 摄影指导:Dimitri Karakatsanis
- 一号机摄影师/摄影忍着:Florian Hatwagner
- 台北制片支持:Episode Films
- 香港制片支持:Spur Link
- 后期制作:Lost Planet Editorial(洛杉矶)
- Agency: W+K Shanghai
- Creative Director: Terence Leong, Azsa West, Shaun Sundholm
- Agency Producer: Fang Yuan
- Production Company: Stink Films Shanghai
- Director: Martin Krejci
- Executive Producer: Desmond Loh, Brenda Tham
- Producer: Charles Renard, Evie Yeo
- Director of Photography: Dimitri Karakatsanis
- CAM A Operator / Gimbal Ninja: Florian Hatwagner
- Taipei Production Support: Episode Films
- Hong Kong Production Support: Spur Link
- Post Production: Lost Planet Editorial (LA)