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Oculus VR To Showcase Rift in Shanghai
Oculus Rift上海展示会


Oculus, the manufacturers of the Rift and Gear VR headsets, are showcasing both products in Shanghai this Saturday in a rare demo session.

Oculus’ Shanghai office explains,  “If you’re curious about how Oculus works, or eager to learn the technology behind the Rift & Gear VR, or maybe really into how virtual reality went from a decades-long dream to a product.”

The afternoon program includes an introduction from Oculus COO Laird Malamed, talks by Head of Supply Chain Raul Corolla on how Oculus works and Hardware Engineer Sam D’Amico offering his VR insights.  Most enticingly though, is the demo tryout session at the end of the afternoon.

作为Oculus Rift和Gear VR的生产厂商,Oculus公司将于本周六在上海举行一场小范围的展示会。Oculus上海办公室说,”本次展示会将围绕Rift和Gear VR背后的技术,以及Oculus是如何实现虚拟现实这一长达十年的梦想展开”.

公 司首席运营官Larid Malamed将首先在会上做一个简短的介绍,接着供应部门总监Corolla将会带听众了解Oculus Rift是如何运作的,最后硬件工程师Sam D’Amico会为大家带来他对虚拟现实的独家观点。当然,本次展示会的重头戏,也是最令人期待的部分莫过于VR的实机现场演示了。

Until now, The Rift has only been available as a development kit (known as DK1 and DK2) to give developers the opportunity to create content in time for the Rift’s release, scheduled for March 28, 2016.

Oculus VR first proposed the Rift in a Kickstarter campaign, raising $2.5million.  Oculus has stated that their main content focus is gaming, though the headsets will have multiple other applications. Founded in 2012 by Palmer Luckey, Oculus VR was purchased by Facebook for US$2 billion in cash and Facebook stock in March 2014.

The Shanghai event is sure to be popular – registration and booking to try the headsets is essential.

目前为止,Oculus Rift仅仅作为一款研发工具发布(DK1和DK2)。在2016年3月28日正式发售前,该研发工具为软件开发商提供了研发与测试软件产品的平台。

Oculus Rift最早在Kickstarter平台上众筹了250万美元的研发资金。尽管该设备可以在不同领域有所运用,他们声称公司的主要目标仍是游戏领域。Palmer Luckey于2012年成立了Oculus VR公司。紧接着在2014年,Facebook斥资2亿美元以现金和股份的形式收购了该公司。



⁃    Oculus Shanghai Open House 上海Oculus办公室开放参观日
⁃    Saturday, January 23rd 1月23日,周六
⁃    1:30pm to 5:00pm 下午1点半至5点
⁃    Register here 注册地址:

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