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Mizone spot boosts your day | 脉动广告:全新的一天让你脉动向前


This recently released comical ad for Mizone drops its main character from an office to the middle of the earth.  “On the creative level” Director Marc Wilkins said this was the most challenging part, “to create something which never happened before in the history of mankind. How does a man fall through the center of the earth because he feels so heavy?  There are no examples of this sort of thing from reality, so we had to make it up.”

脉动最新发布了一个搞怪风格广告,片中男主角从办公室一跃飞到了地球中心。导演Marc Wilkins表示,最大的挑战是“创意层面”,“要创造出一个人类历史上前所未有的画面。一个人怎么能因为感觉身体很沉重然后就掉到了地球的中心?现实中不可能发生这样的情况,所以我们得发挥创意。”


DoP Eugene Gubrenko and Director Marc Wilkins shooting on the beach in Thailand | 摄影师 Eugene Gubrenko and 导演Marc Wilkins 在泰国海边现场


On set in Ukraine | 乌克兰现场


In total this first spot, which is part of a larger Mizone campaign, took one day of shooting in Phuket, Thailand for the beach scenes and two days in studio in Kiev, Ukraine, with local service production company Radioaktive.  Director, Marc Wilkins, who is also based in Kiev, shared he was happy to shoot in Thailand even for a day, as he able to direct in his beach shorts when it was one of the coldest month in Europe.

这是脉动系列广告之一,团队在泰国普吉岛沙滩拍摄了一天,后又前往乌克兰基辅跟本土制作服务公司Radioaktive合作,在工作室内拍摄了两天。Marc Wilkins导演来自基辅,他表示,虽然在泰国只有一天的拍摄时间,他却乐在其中,因为能够远离欧洲寒冷的天气,来到泰国沙滩,穿上短裤,执导拍摄。


The production led by Filmate tried to capture as much as possible through VFX on set before sending to post and so the talent actually had to fall five meters, passing through two ceilings in one action shot.  Needless to say, this particular shot captured in Thailand with the local production company Super Fine, required a strong wire team.  “Everyone was always on the edge of their seat’, in a very good way, to achieve the best result” Marc shared.

制作由Filmate工作室主导完成,在后期制作前,团队尽可能通过视觉特效多捕捉一些镜头,演员从五米高处落下,一下子要穿透两层屋顶。在泰国拍摄的这个特技镜头是跟当地制作公司Super Fine合作一起完成的,毋庸置疑,这样的镜头肯定需要强大的特技团队的支持。“大家都坐立不安,努力想要做出最好的效果”,Marc如是说。




The two female producers leading the production from Filmate in Shanghai commenting on the production process said, “we had to bring two season’s wardrobe, lots of props and the product bottles as well. So we two girls in the end carried five big suitcases from Shanghai to Thailand and finally to Ukraine”. Who’s say women aren’t strong!



Credits 制片团队

Client | 客户 : Mizone
Agency | 广告公司 : Y&R
Production | 制作公司 : Filmate
Directors | 导演 : Marc Wilkins
DoP | 摄影师 : Eugene Gubrenko
Executive Producer | 监制 : Priscilla He
Editor | 编辑·: Alexander Chorny
Post Production | Cinnamon(Kieve)
Music & Sound Mix | 音乐&混音 : De Falcon(Germany)
Productionv (Thailand) | 制作公司 (泰国) : Super Fine
Production (Ukraine) | 制作公司 (乌克兰) : Radioaktivefilm

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