Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry. Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to
Ronald Tau 窦誉笙
Art director/designer 艺术指导及平面设计师
Founder of Meat Studio
A professional member of the New York Type Director’s Club (NYTDC), Ronald’s work has been featured in numerous international design festivals, exhibitions, awards, and annuals, including Visuelt (Oslo, Norway), Typojanchi (Seoul, South Korea), Tokyo Type Director’s Club (Tokyo, Japan), CULTURESCAPES: Globale Type (Basel, Switzerland), Asia-Pacific Design (China), etc. Ronald has spoken at many design institutions, such as CAFA and UCCA in Beijing, York University in Toronto, Canada.
Ronald 窦誉笙,艺术指导及平面设计师,专注于文化、生活方式和时尚领域。Ronald 生于香港,成长于加拿大,毕业于YSDN(多伦多约克大学),现定居北京。有不同生活背景的 Ronald 热衷于多元文化的创造性语境,设计作品关注年轻人和青年文化,将小众审美应用于大众市场,充满实验性和趣味性,有丰富的商业与艺术结合经验。
Ronald 职业生涯起步于奥美广告,后于北京本土工作室佐维视觉,以艺术总监的职位带领团队多年,期间一直担任国内当红独立设计师刘清扬所创立的时尚品牌 Chictopia 艺术总监,至今已有 6 年时间(24季),于2015年创立并经营独立设计工作室 Meat Studio。
Ronald 是纽约字体指导俱乐部 (TDC)会员。作品多次被收录在国际设计节、展览、设计奖项中,包括Visuelt(挪威奥斯陆),Typojanchi(韩国首尔),Tokyo Type Director’s Club(日本东京),CULTURESCAPES:Globale Type(巴塞尔 ,瑞士),亚太设计(中国)等。同时受邀在多个设计学校或机构发表演讲,如北京的 CAFA(中央美术学院)和 UCCA(尤伦斯当代艺术中心),现任 BACA (伦敦艺术大学北京预科学校)视觉传达导师。
Chinese Protest Recipes— Book design
1. Coolest place you’ve travelled to: 旅行去过的最有意思的地方是哪里?
A food market just outside of downtown Merida, Mexico. The colors, the noise, the hustle of locals, and the complete absence of tourists.
2. Favorite sound 最喜欢什么声音?
Rain. A great mix of energy and calm. Highs and lows.
Myth Monkey Beer— Visual Identity Design, Packaging Design
3. Best TV series out right now? 现在最好的电视剧是哪一部?
Raised by Wolves. Big fan of Ridley Scott and enjoy sci fi media in general. It’s the perfect mix of entertainment and unease. I often find the coldest things to be the most romantic. I love imagery that makes me shriek a bit inside. Also love androids in general.
4. Favorite Chinese saying? 最喜欢的一句中国谚语是?
欲速则不达. Roughly translates to “If you want fast, you won’t get there.” So brutal but so true.
Chinese Protest Recipes— Book design
5. What’s your favorite movie in the past five years?近五年来,你最喜欢的电影是哪一部?
“Paterson” by Jim Jarmusch. It’s about poetry and everyday life. Art that seems like it does and says nothing, often touches me the most.
Peiping Machine— Visual Identity Design, Packaging Design
北平机器 ——视觉识别系统设计,包装设计
Pangmei Noodles— Visual Identity design, Spacial graphics
KEAAMI— Visual Identity design
Read and Rest Hotel— Visual Identity design, spacial graphics