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Magical post work by MPC | MPC打造奇幻后期效果


This recently released cinematic spot for Chinese real estate giant Future Land ranks as some of the best post-production work for the China market.  In 90 seconds the viewer is taken through a fantasy world of whales, dragons, and dancing dishware.  The creative was done by recently opened agency Match, which was founded by McCann veteran Tomaz Mok.  Production was executed by Shanghai-based Animal Factory Films and post production was spread across three MPC advertising offices including Shanghai, Bangalore, and London.  Be sure to check out the VFX breakdown as well!

中国房地产巨头新城控股最近上演的广告颇具电影效果,这部片子当属中国市场上后期制作最佳作品之一。观众在九十秒的广告中走进了一个有着鲸鱼、巨龙和飞舞餐具的奇幻世界。广告的创意来自于广告公司Match,这家公司近期由曾在麦肯就职的资深广告人Tomaz Mok创立。制作则由上海公司Animal Factory Films完成,后期由MPC上海、班加罗尔和伦敦三地的广告部门共同打造。另外,别忘了看一看特效分解!




VFX Breakdown | 特效分解



Credits 制片团队

Client | 客户: 新城控股Future Land
Agency | 广告: MATCH
Production House | 制作公司: Animal Factory
Director | 导演: JB Lee
VFX Supervisor | 特效总监: Barry Greaves
CG Supervisor | CG总监: Christian Kalata
Online Team | 在线剪辑: Peter Kim, ChengQiu, Robin Liu, TingTing Su
Nuke Team | Nuke合成: Madhuka Gunasekera, Joseph Tsang, Iman Javaherypour
CG Team | CG团队: Sean Baptist,Ember Chen,Chamishka Gamage, Earn Lee, Alex Kok
Colourist | 调色: Vincent Taylor / Nikola Stefanovic
VFX Producer | 特效: Chingwen Huang


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